CrossFit Nassau COVID-19 exposure policy
In the event that someone from the gym tests positive for COVID-19, management will immediately do the following:
- Contact all members and coaches who were in class with the COVID-19 positive person and notify them of their exposure.
Prior to returning to the gym, individuals (both members and coaches) who came in contact with a COVID-19 positive person must perform one of the following actions based on the level of exposure:
- Individuals with COVID-19 symptoms and/or tested positive for COVID-19 are prohibited from attending class until they have recovered and received permission from their doctor.
- Individuals with no COVID-19 symptoms who were in class with the COVID-19 positive individual and were in close contact (6’ or closer) for more than 15 minutes may not attend class until they have quarantined for two weeks AND received a negative test result.
- Individuals with no COVID-19 symptoms who were in class with the COVID-19 positive individual and were NOT in close contact (6’ or further) for more than 15 minutes may not attend class until they have quarantined for two weeks OR received a negative test result.
* Above policies are based on the Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention “Public Health Guidance for Community-Related Exposure”. COVID-19 tests should be performed 5 days after exposure or later to ensure accuracy.
- Any member who has COVID-19 symptoms or was exposed to COVID-19 positive persons outside of the gym will also be asked to stay at home. Furthermore, a test is recommended.
- After contacting members who have been exposed to COVID-19, management will immediately place the memberships of affected members on hold.
- Management will give a free, two week virtual membership to affected members. Members who are self quarantining are welcome to join the online CrossFit and Yoga classes assuming they are healthy and able to do so.
- If any member is not in a position to pay for a test, please contact the gym. We are committed to the health of our community and we will do our best to assist in the costs of testing if needed.
- All members who were not in contact with the COVID-19 positive individual are welcome to continue to attend class. However, please know that there is a possibility that our regular class schedule may be disrupted.
As stated above, coaches must follow the same guidelines for testing and quarantine based on level of exposure. In the case of multiple coaches exposed to COVID-19 positive persons, there is a chance that we have to cancel or reschedule classes. Disruptions such as these have become more commonplace in our lives however, we know how frustrating these incidents are. We’re grateful for your support and patience.