Monday 1.13
Name game: What is your favorite kind of nut?
Warm up: for 5 minutes, rounds of 20 single or double unders, 8 kip swings, 8 PVC pass throughs, 8 good mornings
WOD: 10 rounds for time *25 minute cap
40 double unders
8 hang power clean & jerks 95/65
8 toes to bar
How to scale: Modify to beat the cap, meaning a pace faster than 2:30 per round.
Double unders: Spend up to a minute per round on attempts/single-single-double or sub 80 single unders.
Hang C&Js: Reduce the load such that you can do these unbroken.
Toes to bar: Do knees to elbow, chest, or hips such that you can do 8 reps unbroken.
Accessory (optional/if you finish early): 3-5 sets
10 barbell bent over rows
10 horizontal/challenging ring rows @ 3111 tempo
Objective: Like last week, we’re starting off with a longer workout; also like last week, times significantly lower than the cap are definitely attainable. The goal is to break up each skill as little as possible. As you warm up, practice both cycling your clean & jerks and stringing together sets of toes to bar without needing an extra swing between reps.
Score: time to complete
Tuesday 1.14
Name game: Who’s your all-time favorite athlete?
Warm up: 2 minute bike/row then rounds of 5 burpees, 10 down dog with alt. toe touch, 10 glute bridges
Strength: 3-5 sets of 5 deadlifts
*athlete’s choice to build or stay the same across.
WOD: AMREPs in 7 minutes
bar-facing burpees
How to scale: Do straight-arm burpees and/or step-over the bar.
Objective: Week three of deadlifts is here, with the same instructions as last week: go heavier if you’re feeling it; get in good volume at a moderate load if you’re not. The workout is a twist on Open workout 12.1 — 7 minutes of burpees — this time over a barbell. Experiment with stepping out of your burpee, twisting as you jump, etc., to find the most efficient and sustainable technique for you.
Score: max deadlift & total reps
Wednesday 1.15
Name game: What’s your policy on wearing shoes inside your house?
Warm up: 6 minute EMOM
Odds: row (slow, medium, fast)
Evens: AMRAP 5 scap pull-ups, 5 kip swings, 10 jumping squats
WOD: Every 6 minutes for 5 rounds, each for time
500m row
15 dumbbell thrusters 50/35
15 pull-ups
*In a big class, have some athletes start on a 3-minute stagger.
How to scale: Modify to complete each round in under 5 minutes.
Row: Cap each 500m at 2:30.
DB thrusters: Reduce the weight so that you can complete these in no more than 2-3 sets.
Pull-ups: Do jumping pull-ups or ring rows.
Objective: It’s time for some intervals, and today’s have elements of two notorious lung and grip burning benchmarks in Jackie and Fran. You won’t win this WOD on the row but you can lose it, so aim for a 70-80% effort that leaves you with enough in the tank to move immediately to the thrusters. Get through both those and the pull-ups in 2-3 sets each, being mindful to limit the rest you take between sets. The faster you finish, the more rest you’ll have before the next round.
Score: fastest & slowest rounds (record all 5 in SugarWOD)
Thursday 1.16
Name game: How often do your bathrooms actually get cleaned?
Warm up: coach-led track style
WOD: 4 rounds, 2 minutes per station, for max reps
KB box step ups 20” 24/16
KB front rack carry 24/16 (25’ = 5 reps)
How to scale: Ensure you can move consistently throughout all intervals.
Step-ups: Use lighter kettlebells or a single kettlebell and/or use a lower box.
V-ups: Do tuck-ups or sit-ups.
Carries: Use lighter kettlebells or do a single arm front rack and switch sides at each turnaround. Do not use dumbbells.
Objective: Today’s workout is the same length as yesterday’s, but the similarities end there. Whereas each round yesterday was a sprint to create as much rest as possible, slow and steady will win the race today. Pick a pace for all three skills that allows you to move consistently in each 2-minute interval and in all four rounds of the workout.
Score: total reps
Friday 1.17
Name game: Would you rather always have wet socks or a small rock in your shoe?
Warm up: coach-led barbell
Strength: Every 1:30 for 10 sets
1 power snatch + 1 overhead squat + 1 hang squat snatch
WOD: For time *15 minute cap
squat snatches 75/55
How to scale: Modify to stay on pace to beat the cap.
Snatches: Do power or hang power snatch + overhead squat.
Push-ups: Elevate your hands on a box. If needed reduce the reps (e.g. 36-24-12).
Objective: A new week, a new Olympic lifting complex. This one has all the elements of a squat snatch, broken down into various phases of the lift. As always, technique comes first, but build in weight as long as you’re moving well on all three elements of the complex. The workout has what should be a substantially reduced weight for a full squat snatch paired with some sizeable sets of push-ups. Aim for very quick singles or touch-and-go sets on the snatches and small sets with quick breaks to avoid failure on the push-ups.
Score: max complex & time to complete
Saturday 1.18
Name game: Give us a restaurant recommendation.
Warm up: coach-led funzies
WOD: With a partner, 30 minute AMRAP
1 rope climb
5 box jumps 30/24
10/7 calorie Echo bike
*Alternate full rounds; solo rest 1:1.
How to scale: Aim to keep every round under 90 seconds.
Rope climbs: Climb as high as you’re comfortable or sub 5 hanging knee raises.
Box jumps: Lower the box height to maintain the jump.
Objective: This is a sprint-rest style partner WOD. You’ll be going into the rope climb fresh each round, giving you a chance to challenge yourself on scaling. From there it’s 5 high box jumps and a quick sprint on the bike before you get another rest. Rounds should all be under 90 seconds — meaning a score of at least 20 rounds — but see how close you can come to holding EMOM pace.
Score: rounds & reps
Sunday 1.19
Strength: front squat 20 min. EMOM 3 reps
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