Monday 1.20
Name game: What screen accounts for the majority of your screen time? (Phone, computer, etc.)
Warm up: for 5 minutes, rounds of 2 shuttle runs, 10 down dog w/ alternating toe touch, 2 shuttle runs, 10 glute bridges, 2 shuttle runs, 10 kip swings
Strength: 3-5 sets of 5 deadlifts
*athlete’s choice to build or stay the same across.
WOD: AMREPs in 8 minutes
4 shuttle runs 25’/25’
2, 4, 6, etc.
chest to bar pull-ups
How to scale: Do chin-over-bar pull-ups, jumping C2B/jumping pull-ups, or ring rows. No bands.
Objective: It’s week four of five on our deadlifts, with another chance to build in load from last Tuesday if you’re feeling good and fresh. Bear in mind that there’s a long week yet to come, so focus on moving well rather than completely emptying the tank. The workout is a ladder of chest to bar pull-ups mixed with shuttle runs. Break up the pull-ups early and often to keep your grip fresh, but make sure those breaks are just a quick shakeout and not a prolonged staring contest with the bar.
Score: max deadlift & total C2B
Tuesday 1.21
Name game: What part of your living space would most benefit from an overhaul by a professional organizer?
Warm up: for 4 minutes, 10 pass throughs with a lunge, 10 pvc or empty bar strict press, 5 wall slides
Strength: push press 5×5
*build as you go
WOD: 10 minute AMRAP
10 barbell overhead lunges 95/65
10 push jerks 95/65
How to scale: Reduce the load so that you can do both of these skills unbroken for several rounds. Do front or back-rack lunges if shoulder mobility inhibits safe overhead lunges.
Objective: Some upper body pressing strength work is being added to the weekly mix, starting today with the push press. Aim to build across your working sets toward a five rep max for the day. The workout is asking your tired shoulders to do just a little bit more. Get a good overhead position on the lunges to minimize the extra stabilizing work you’re doing, and don’t turn your push jerks into push presses: use your legs!
Score: max push press load and rounds & reps
Wednesday 1.22
Name game: How many continents have you been to?
Warm up: 3 rounds, :30 per station, box step-ups, inchworms w/ push-up, good mornings
WOD: For time *25 minute cap
devils press 50/35
box jump 24/20
American kettlebell swings 32/24
burpee box jump 24/20
How to scale: Modify to stay on pace to beat the cap. Lower the height of the box to maintain the jump, use lighter dumbbells/kettlebell, and sub straight-arm burpees.
Objective: Today’s workout is back to back couplets, each with a mix of hinging and jumping and each with one relatively slow skill and one quick skill. A pace of around 8 reps per minute beats the cap, but know that you can make up time on the swings and box jumps in comparison to the time-consuming devils presses and burpee box jumps. Finishing is just a matter of good pacing, chipping away consistently and avoiding long breaks.
Score: time to complete
Thursday 1.23
Name game: If you had to go back and repeat one year of school, which would it be?
Warm up: 2 minute row/bike then coach-led barbell
Strength: Every 1:30 for 10 sets
1 power clean + 1 front squat + 1 hang squat clean
WOD: For time *10 minute cap
30 squat cleans 135/95
1000m row
*stagger start by 5 minutes to share rowers or sub 50/40 Echo bike.
How to scale: Reduce the clean load to one you can do for quick singles and complete 30 reps in under 5 minutes. If needed, do a power clean or hang power clean followed by a front squat.
Objective: Today has strong parallels to last Friday, with a clean complex covering various elements of the squat clean followed by a workout with the whole movement at a light to moderate load. The WOD is sprinty: move quickly through the cleans, then use the first 200-250m of the row to let your legs recover but pick up the pace from there and push hard to the finish.
Score: max clean complex & time to complete
Friday 1.24
Name game: What was your last Amazon purchase?
Warm up: 2 minutes bike, 2 minutes jump rope practice, then coach-led skill review
WOD: 2×16 minute EMOM (no rest between)
Minutes 1-8
Odds: 3-5 ring muscle-ups OR attempts/transitions/strict pull-ups + strict dips
Evens: 5-10 strict handstand push-ups OR pike push-ups/heavy z-press
Minutes 9-16
Odds: 60 double unders
Evens: :45 Echo bike for max calories
How to scale: Accumulate as many double unders as you can, sub 100 single unders, or treat the jump rope intervals as practice.
Objective: “Skill work” and “workout” become one and the same today as we practice two higher skill gymnastics movements under increasing fatigue. In the first 8 minutes, that fatigue will be simply from volume; the next time through you’ll add in some cardiovascular fatigue from the bike and jump rope. After that, pick up the pace for one more set of biking and jump rope intervals. Your bike calories are your entire score, so push hard on those intervals.
Note: Your score is Rx as long as you do the prescribed double unders; note other skills done for your records.
Score: total calories
Saturday 1.25
Name game: What celebrity would you want to have as your partner today?
Warm up: coach-led funzies
WOD: For time with a partner *30 minute cap
toes to bar
hang power snatches 95/65
overhead squats 95/65
*One partner works at a time, switching as desired; solo: half reps (25-20-15-10-5).
How to scale: Ensure you can maintain sets of 5-10 reps on each skill.
Toes to bar: Knees to elbow, chest, hips; or sub v-ups or tuck-ups.
Snatches & squats: Reduce the load. If OHS are an issue, sub front squats.
Objective: It’s a simple triplet with descending reps, and you can share the work with a partner however you’d like. Feel free to play to your strengths in how you break it up. Transitions are quick on these skills, so swapping off before fatigue sets in, particularly during the early rounds with a lot of reps, is a good strategy. A pace of 15 reps per minute beats the cap.
Score: time to complete or reps at cap (total is 450)
Sunday 1.26
Strength: deadlift 20 min. EMOM 3 reps
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