Monday 1.27
Name game: What’s the best thing you’ve crossed off your bucket list?
Warm up: 2 minute bike/row then rounds of 10 PVC thrusters, 5 inchworms w/ push-up, 5 rope knee raises
WOD: For time *30 minute cap
thrusters 95/65
bar-facing burpees
*3 rope climbs between each round (6 sets total)
How to scale: Modify around any sticking points so that you’re able to keep moving.
Thrusters: Reduce the load to one you can do for 10+ reps when fresh.
Bar-facing burpees: Do straight-arm burpees and/or step over the bar.
Rope climbs: Reduce the reps to 1-2 per set, do partial climbs, or sub 15 hanging knee raises.
Objective: If this workout looks familiar, it’s because it’s Open 14.5/16.5, in reverse and with some rope climbs added in for good measure. Pace yourself through the early rounds of this one, bearing in mind that the halfway point is at the tail end of the round of 15. When this gets tough, think about ways to recover without stopping: for example, resting briefly with the bar overhead on the thruster or stepping in and out of your burpees rather than jumping.
Score: time to complete
Tuesday 1.28
Name game: After people and pets, what’s the first thing you’d try to save if your house was on fire?
Warm up: 2 minutes jump rope practice then coach-led barbell
Strength: Every 1:15 for 12 sets
snatch pull + hang power snatch + power snatch
WOD: Open 11.1/14.1 (compare to 9/29/22)
10 minute AMRAP
30 double unders
15 power snatches 75/55*
*Note that per Open standards the power snatches are “ground to overhead any way,” so clean & jerks are permitted.
How to scale: Accumulate 15 single-single-doubles or do 60 singles. Reduce the load on the barbell or go from the hang as needed.
Objective: We’ll be tackling Open workout 25.1 exactly one month from today, and today’s workout is the first in a series of weekly Open retests leading up to it. During the Open you’ll be fresh coming into each WOD, but today we’re starting with a quick power snatch complex that gives you a chance to feel some heavier weight before the light load in the workout. Try to keep the full complex touch-and-go for as long as you can during the strength EMOM, and be prepared to cycle sets of 5-10 reps in the WOD.
Score: max complex and rounds & reps
Wednesday 1.29
Name game: How did you end up in your current job?
Warm up: 6 minute EMOM
Odds: row (slow, medium, fast)
Evens: AMRAP: 5 kip swings, 5 scap push-ups, 5 air squats
WOD: 3 rounds for max reps
4 minutes max calorie row
1 minute rest
4 minutes AMRAP Cindy*
1 minute rest
*Cindy = 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 air squats
How to scale: Do ring rows or jumping pull-ups and elevate your hands for the push-ups. If you want to push for Rx movements, reduce all or part of the rep scheme to (e.g. 4-8-12; 3-6-15, 5-5-15) so that you’re able to keep moving.
Objective: Today’s workout is medium-length intervals alternating between monostructural work on the row and rounds of simple bodyweight skills from the benchmark WOD Cindy. Do not game this by sandbagging either the row or Cindy to excel at the other. Instead, go at a hard but sustainable pace for the full 4 minutes every time. All the rest you should be taking is already built in.
Score: calories + Cindy reps (1 Cindy = 30 reps)
Thursday 1.30
Name game: What’s your preferred bagel/cream cheese combination?
Warm up: 2 minute bike/row then rounds of 10 box step-ups, 10 good mornings, 10 glute bridges
Strength: 3-5 sets of 5 deadlifts
*This is our last week of deadlifts. If you’re feeling good, use this opportunity to build to a 5, 3, or 1 rep max for the day.
WOD: 16 round tabata (:20 on, :10 off), alternating
Echo bike calories
Box jumps 24/20
How to scale: Jump to a lower box or do step-ups.
Objective: Today is the last round of heavy deadlifts, and it comes with the option to treat it as you have every other week or to go for a new max for 1, 3, or 5 reps. The workout is short, fast intervals. Work hard on the bike and be careful on the box.
Score: max deadlift & total reps
Friday 1.31
Name game: Would you rather be eight feet tall or three feet tall?
Warm up: for 4 minutes, rounds of 10 band pull-aparts, 10 kip swings, 2 wall walks
Strength: 5×5 bench press
WOD: 3 rounds for time *15 minute cap
75’ handstand walk or 150’ bear crawl
25 toes to bar
How to scale: Reduce the toes to bar reps to 15-20 per round or do knees to elbow, chest, or hips.
Objective: Approach the bench press today in the same way as the push press last Tuesday, by building over the course of your five working sets to a heavy set of 5 for the day. The workout has some high skill gymnastics with the complication of core and lat fatigue from the toes to bar. If your handstand walks are a work in progress, it’s your choice if you keep up the intensity by opting for bear crawls or if you take this workout as an opportunity for skill practice.
Score: max bench weight & time to complete
Saturday 2.1
Name game: What’s your prediction for Groundhog Day?
Warm up: coach-led funzies
WOD: With a partner, 30 minute AMRAP
20 power cleans 155/105
20 front-rack lunges 155/105
20 C2B pull-ups
*1 partner works at a time; switch as desired
How to scale: Pick options you can do for sets of at least 5.
Barbell: Reduce the weight to maintain quick singles or faster on the cleans and sets of at least 4-6 on the lunges.
Chest to bar: Do jumping chest-to-bar, chin-over-bar pull-ups, or challenging ring rows.
Objective: We’re ending the week with a simple partner AMRAP with a moderately heavy barbell and a scaled-up pull-up — a movement you’re likely to see in the Open. The goal today will be to preserve your pace and your grip by switching off with your partner every 5 reps or so, making sure that switch is happening before you start to slow down due to fatigue.
Score: rounds & reps
Sunday 2.2
Strength: 1RM back squat
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