Crossfit Level 3, USAW Level 1, FMS Level II, Movnat Certified Trainer, Opex CCP1 in training, Pain-Free Performance Specialist Certification (PPSC)
Specialty seminars attended:
Ido Portal , MovNat, Pose Running, GMB Fitness, CF Gymnastics, CF Barbell, CF Mobility, CF Endurance, CF Kids, CF Olympic lifting, CF Strongman
Justin grew up watching his father perform old-school fitness routines in their dark, musty basement that served as the family gym. After childhood, Justin fell out of touch with working out and was out of shape. In order to lose weight and feel better about himself, he tried a variety of fitness options. He failed to stick to one discipline until he found CrossFit. The hard work, the stripped-down nature, and the focus on technique… everything about CrossFit reminded Justin of what makes working out special in the first place. Justin has been coaching for over 10 years. While he continues to grow and develop as an educator, his joy for fitness and desire to help others has stayed the same over the years.