Paul Mullin


CrossFit Level 2
CrossFit Specialty Seminars: Aerobic Capacity, Gymnastics
Paul started CrossFit in 2016 in an effort to merge a newly discovered love of Olympic weightlifting with a serious need to improve his cardiovascular endurance. As the story usually goes, he wound up enjoying it far more than he suspected, and was drawn in by the community and friends he made, not to mention becoming stronger and more athletically well-rounded. His analytical nature led him to enjoy frequent deep dives into the strategy and composition of CrossFit workouts and fitness in general, and soon after, he took the Level 1 seminar and began coaching. Now he does his best to use that knowledge to help people enjoy their fitness and improve their own lives. Paul stays active during the winter months with snowboarding, and balances his time in the gym with plenty of leisurely gaming and reading.