Monday 10.24
Name game: What was the last board game you played?
Warm up: DU tabata
Strength: bench press 5-5-5+ (third set is max reps)
WOD: 3 rounds for max reps:
1 minute double unders
1 minute push-ups
1 minute pull-ups
1 minute burpees
1 minute rest
Lifestyle: single unders; box push-ups; jumping pull-ups or ring rows; straight-arm burpees.
Extra credit: 3×1 minute row for max calories. Rest 1 minute between intervals.
Objective: The bench press this week has the same goals as the strict press last week: aim for three heavy sets, and make your max-rep set at least as heavy as your first two. The workout is a lot of upper body work, both pushing and pulling. Relax your shoulders on the double unders, and don’t burn yourself out on the push-ups.
Score: bench press weights & total reps
Tuesday 10.25
Name game: What is the correct way to hang a roll of toilet paper?
Warm up: 2 minute bike/row then rounds of 10 pass throughs with a lunge, 10 Russian KBS, 10 goblet squats
WOD: For time *24 minute cap
100 single arm KB swings 24/16
100 single arm KB thrusters 24/16
100 single arm KB front rack lunges 24/16
*partition the work and change arms as desired. Once the workout starts, your kettlebell cannot touch the ground. If you have to set it down, complete a penalty of 10 jumping lungesters (2 jumping lunges + 1 jumping squat) before continuing.
Lifestyle: 20/12. Remove the jumps on the penalty.
Accessory (optional): 3 rounds
10/10 single leg KB RDL
10/10 single leg glute bridge
10/10 Bulgarian split squat
Objective: Today is all about grip and muscle-fatigue management and picking smart sets. While you can’t set down your kettlebell, you can rest while holding it farmers-style, and you can switch arms as often as needed, though you should try to do roughly equal reps on both sides. Take advantage of this to avoid hitting failure on one side or being forced to drop the kettlebell.
Score: time to complete
Wednesday 10.26
Name game: Would you rather sit around a campfire or in front of a fireplace?
Warm up: For 4 minutes complete rounds of 20 jumping jacks, 10 kip swings, 5 inchworms
WOD: Three 8-minute rounds; rest 3 minutes between (pickup the AMRAP where you left off):
50/35 calorie bike or 1000/800m row
AMRAP in remaining time
2 wall walks (Rx+ 5m handstand walk)
4 bar muscle-ups
6 toes to bar
Lifestyle: partial wall walks, C2B or regular pull-ups, K2E or knee raises
Accessory (optional): 3-5 rounds
:30 handstand hold
30 plank shoulder taps
Objective: There’s been a recurring theme of higher-skill gymnastics under fatigue in recent weeks, and this workout is a continuation of that. Work hard on the buy-in for each round, but don’t redline such that you’re forced to take a long break before starting on the AMRAP.
Score: rounds & reps
Thursday 10.27
Name game: Would you rather lose your eyesight or lose your memories?
Warm up: 2 minute bike/row then 3 rounds of 10 air squats/med ball squats/jumping squats, 10 box step-ups
Strength: pause back squats. 3×8 with a 3-second pause.
WOD: 9 minute ascending AMREP
1, 2, 3 etc.
Box jump 24/20
Medicine ball clean 20/14
Lifestyle: step-ups, 14/10
Objective: We’re increasing the volume on the pause squats but reducing the length of the pause. Try to use the same weight for all three sets. For the workout, do your best to keep moving, but once your legs begin to fatigue make sure you’re ready before you attempt each box jump. Don’t cheat the range of motion on the medicine ball cleans: extend fully, squat below parallel, and stand all the way up with the ball at your chest before lowering it for your next rep.
Score: pause squat weights and rounds & reps
Friday 10.28
Name game: What was your best ever Halloween costume?
Warm up: coach-led barbell
Strength: 10 minute EMOM
1 snatch pull + 1 hang power snatch
WOD: 2 rounds for time *16 minute cap
20 hang power snatches 95/65
200m run
20 push presses 95/65
200m run
Lifestyle: 75/55
Objective: Use the strength portion to build up to a heavy hang snatch, but pick a weight for the workout that is light enough that you can do 20 reps in a row of both the hang power snatch and the push press. The run is effectively the rest, so try to keep a pace that allows some recovery and also allows you to get right to work on the barbell skills. The barbell work should be completed in a maximum of 2-3 sets each round.
Score: max complex weight & time to complete
Saturday 10.29
Name game: How many trick or treaters typically come to your home?
Warm up: coach-led funzies
WOD: with a partner, 5 rounds for max reps:
2 minutes squat cleans 135/95
2 minutes DB burpee box step-ups 50/35, 20″
2 minutes calorie bike
*1 partner works at a time; switch as needed. Both partners must work in every interval.
Lifestyle: 115/75, 40/25
Objective: This workout format provides a lot of options for how you split the work. Have a plan for how you will attack each movement and how you will adjust once fatigue sets in. For both the cleans and the step-ups, the best option may be to alternate single or small sets of reps. For the bike, try to minimize the number of transitions between partners.
Score: total reps
Sunday 10.30
Strength: bench press 8-6-4-4, strict press 8-6-4-4
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