Monday 12.26
Name game: What was the best gift you gave or received this year?
Warm up: for 4 minutes complete rounds of 10 pvc pass-throughs, 10 scap push-ups, 5 inchworms
Strength: superset for 4 rounds
8 barbell floor press
8 barbell bent over rows
*Use the same weight for all 4 sets (use a different weight for each exercise if needed)
WOD: 10 minute AMRAP
4 wall walks
4 DB burpee box step-overs 20” 50/35
Lifestyle: partial wall walks; 40/25, straight-arm burpee, lower box
Objective: The strength work today has two movements that we don’t do often, so make sure you have the technique down before pushing the weight. We’re not looking for an 8-rep max; we’re looking for 4 consistent sets. The workout has small sets of two challenging, complex skills. Don’t rush through the early rounds, and try to keep moving. Aim for 5+ rounds.
Score: load for floor press/rows and rounds & reps
Tuesday 12.27
Name game: What was the most exciting thing you did or had happen to you this year?
Warm up: 2 minute bike/row then complete rounds of 10 pvc front squats (focus on good front rack position), 10 down dog with toe touch, 5 rope knee raises
Movement prep: review rope climbs and establish your front squat weight
WOD: With a partner, four 6-minute rounds for total load; no rest between rounds
8 rope climbs
Front squats (racks allowed)
After the team completes the rope climb buy-in each round, partners take turns accumulating reps of front squats. Weight is the athlete’s choice: the load score will be weight used x total reps (so 100 reps at 95 pounds is a score of 100 x 95 = 9,500).
Lifestyle: partial rope climbs or ground to standing
Accessory (optional): 3 rounds of 10/10 Bulgarian split squat, 10/10 single leg RDL
Objective: Teamwork is key today! Try to make it through the rope climbs in 2-3 minutes each round. Your front squat weight is a matter of personal preference: do you want to do small sets and fewer total reps at a heavy weight, or would you prefer to do 8-12 reps at a time with a lighter barbell? You can also adjust the weight as needed mid-WOD. However you go about it, there is no reason to go to failure. Work out a plan for switching off with your partner throughout the workout.
Score: total load
Wednesday 12.28
Name game: Are you a youngest, oldest, middle, or only child?
Warm up: 2 rounds, :45 per station/:15 transition, bike, row, stiff-legged bear crawl
WOD: 3 minutes on, 2 minutes off, for 6 rounds:
Odd rounds:
15/12 calorie bike
20 toes to bar
Max calorie bike
Even rounds:
15/12 calorie row
20 parallette shoot throughs
Max calorie row
Lifestyle: k2e/knee raises, shoot-throughs on boxes/benches. Reduce buy-in calories to take under 1:00 when fresh.
Extra credit: max time front hold with a 45/25 bumper plate (hold the plate in front of you with arms fully extended)
Objective: Today’s workout consists of six short-duration intervals. Try to maintain an aggressive pace on the bike/row without burning yourself out in the first round. Scale so you have at least :45 to accumulate calories at the end of each round. Don’t sit down during the rest interval — keep moving around to keep your legs fresh.
Score: total calories
Thursday 12.29
Name game: What is one fitness goal you accomplished this year?
Warm up: coach-led barbell
Movement prep: work up to your weight for the WOD and review ring muscle-ups/scaling options
WOD: “The Standard”
For time *25 minute cap
30 clean & jerks 135/95
30 ring muscle ups
30 snatches 135/95
Lifestyle: Use the weight you’d use for Grace/Isabel (drop the weight for the snatches if needed); bar MU or 30 strict pull-ups + 30 strict dips
Objective: This workout was the final event at the 2019 CrossFit Games, and it brings together three benchmarks: Grace, Isabel, and 30 muscle-ups for time. While each of these is a quick sprint on its own, combined into one it will be a longer effort. Pace yourself. Quick singles will serve you well for both barbell WODs, and doing small sets that leave you short of failure will help you get through the muscle-ups efficiently.
Score: time to complete
Friday 12.30
Name game: What are your plans for New Year’s Eve?
Warm up: coach-led track
WOD: “Megan”
For time *8 minute cap
American KB swings 24/16
double unders
Lifestyle: straight-arm burpees, 20/12, 6-4-2/5-3-1 bike
Accessory: 30 seconds on, 15 seconds off, for 20 rounds, alternating between:
v-ups (scale to tuck-ups)
barbell bicep curls
hollow hold
banded tricep push-downs
Objective: Megan is a benchmark sprint with mostly bodyweight movements that should be completed unbroken and without significant breaks. Top times are under 4 minutes. The accessory work is not optional today — it’s a mix of core and strength work that, as always, will be most beneficial if you strive to move well rather than fast.
Score: time to complete
Saturday 12.31
Name game: What is your new year’s resolution?
Warm up: coach-led barbell
WOD: For time *40 minute cap
100 Curtis Ps 95/65
*1 Curtis P is 1 hang squat clean + 1 lunge on each side + 1 push press
Lifestyle: reduce weight
Objective: This workout is a CFN tradition. 100 reps is a lot, so even if the weight feels light to start, don’t burn yourself out by doing big sets early on. Instead, pick a sustainable EMOM scheme: 1 rep every 15 seconds, 3 reps every minute, etc.
Score: time to complete
Sunday 1.1
Strength: TBA
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