Monday 1.30
Name game: Would you rather hike up a mountain or ski down a mountain?
Warm up: 4 rounds, :20 per station, reverse lunges, pvc good mornings, narrow stance air squats
Skill: pistols
10 minute EMOM
Beginner: 8-16 pistol progressions (onto/off of a box, with ring or band support, heel elevated)
Intermediate: 8-16 pistols
Advanced: 8-16 weighted pistols (hold a KB goblet style or in a single-arm front rack)
WOD: 10 rounds for time *16 minute cap
15 deadlifts 135/95
15 push-ups
Rx: If you hit the cap, complete 1 cal bike for every rep missed. Add the time that takes to 16 to get your total time.
Lifestyle: 7 rounds; 95/65, box push-ups. You can also reduce the reps, but find a scale that lets you do at least 10 deadlifts and 10 push-ups per round. To attempt this Rx, you should be able to do 20+ unbroken push-ups.
*Today is about not only scaling for skill, but also for capacity. Plenty of people could Rx this with a longer cap or as an AMRAP, but that’s not the workout. The goal today is more or less continuous movement — all completed in under 16 minutes.
Objective: After some single-leg skill work we have a workout that’s a lot of rounds and reps but is closer to a sprint than a slog. The deadlifts are light, but make sure you don’t sacrifice form for speed. The push-ups should not be a bottleneck, so do small sets with quick breaks if needed. Good times for this workout are under 10 minutes. Scale to finish!
Score: time to complete
Tuesday 1.31
Name game: What’s one U.S. state or city you’ve never visited but would like to?
Warm up: DU tabata
WOD: 25 minute AMRAP
75 double unders
:50 L-sit hold (parallettes or boxes; rings Rx+)
25 parallette shoot throughs
75 double unders
:50 hanging L-sit hold
25 L pull-ups
75 double unders
:50 hollow hold
25 v-ups
*everyone should start on DUs, but core couplets can be completed in any order to share parallettes
Lifestyle: DU practice/attempts or 12/9 calorie bike; banded L pull-ups or strict pull-ups, tuck-ups, tuck holds, shoot throughs on boxes
Accessory (optional): 2-3 rounds of:
1 minute max distance double KB farmers carry
1 minute max distance double KB front rack carry
1 minute rest
Objective: Today is a lot of double unders and a lot of core work. Take frequent quick breaks, especially on the static holds, to avoid hitting failure. The double unders are your chance to recover, so make sure to relax your shoulders and breathe. Scale so you’re able to finish at least 1 full round, but aim for closer to 2.
Score: rounds & reps (1 second = 1 rep; 1 round = 450 reps)
Wednesday 2.1
Name game: We’re 1 month into 2023! How’s that new year’s resolution going?
Warm up: for 4 minutes complete rounds of 20 jumping jacks, 10 pass throughs with a lunge, 10 pvc overhead squats
Strength: overhead squat 5-5-5-3-3-3 (build in weight)
Lifestyle: focus on technique over load and do 6×8
WOD: For time *13 minute cap
100 wall balls 20/14
50 power snatches 115/75
*partition any way
Lifestyle: 14/10, 95/65
Objective: Today’s overhead squats follow the same pattern as the thrusters from two weeks ago, with the same idea of working up to a heavy set of 5 followed by a heavy set of 3. The workout invites you to choose your own adventure — try for sets small enough that you don’t start slowing down, and be quick in your transitions between movements.
Score: OHS weights & time to complete
Thursday 2.2
Name game: Would you rather your house have an indoor pool or a home theater?
Warm up: 6 minute EMOM alternating 1 minute row, 1 minute rounds of 10 kip swings, 10 sit-ups to straddle
Skill: 10 minute EMOM – 10 unbroken toes to bar
Lifestyle: reduce reps or range of motion, or break the 10 reps into 2 sets
WOD: 25 minutes to complete 4 sets of:
500m row
Max rep pull-ups (unbroken)
*max :20 transition from row to rig
**Rest as needed between sets
Lifestyle: banded pull-ups or ring rows; pick something you can do for 10+ reps when fresh
Objective: We have some skill work to work on gymnastics capacity, then an interval workout based on the same theme. Push hard on the rows, and during your rest try to stay on your feet and stretch out your forearms to preserve your grip. The pull-ups will be extra challenging because your lats will already be fatigued from the skill work and the row, but do your best to hold on for sets of at least 10.
Score: total pull-ups and slowest row (record all 4 row times in SugarWOD)
Friday 2.3
Name game: What is the first video game system you remember using?
Warm up: 2 minute bike/row, then 3 rounds of 10 pvc thrusters, 5 inchworms
WOD: Open 14.5/16.5
For time *25 minute cap
Thrusters 95/65 (Masters 55+ 65/45)
Bar-facing burpees
Lifestyle: 65/45 (Scaled Masters 55+ 45/35) *This is CFHQ’s official scaled version. Make additional modifications as needed.
Standards: Both the Rx and scaled versions of this workout require athletes to perform full burpees with a jump over the bar using a two-foot take-off and two-foot landing. The bar used for burpees must be loaded with full-sized plates, except for scaled masters athletes.
Accessory: 3 rounds of 10/10 single arm DB strict press, 10/10 single arm DB floor or bench press
Objective: Welcome to the Intramural Open! To kick it off we’re retesting an Open WOD that was notable for being the first “task priority” (for time) Open WOD and for having no cap — the only way to record a score was to finish. Today you’re limited to 25 minutes, but top times are less than half of that. Take smart breaks in the big sets of thrusters early on, but try to speed up as you hit the 12-9-6-3 rounds.
Score: time to complete
Saturday 2.4
Name game: what is your favorite salad dressing?
Warm up: coach-led funzies
WOD: With a partner, 32 minute AMRAP
12 power cleans 95/65
12 box jump overs 24/20
12/9 calorie bike
*Partners switch every 2 minutes, picking up where the other left off (each partner completes 8 2-minute intervals)
Lifestyle: 75/55, step-overs
Objective: Like last Saturday, we have a series of alternating sprints with our partner. These are on the longer side, but you should still be completing these movements unbroken throughout the workout. Try to complete at least 1 full round in every 2-minute interval.
Score: rounds & reps
Sunday 2.5
Strength: 20 min EMOM push press 5 reps @ odds / push jerk 5 reps @ even
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