Monday 2.6
Name game: What’s the worst haircut you’ve ever had?
Warm up: 3 rounds, :20 per station, of box step-ups/jumps, kip swings, med ball squats, rope knee raises
Movement prep: review skills in WOD
WOD: 25 minute AMRAP
20 box jumps 24/20
10 muscle-ups (athlete’s choice)
20 med ball cleans 20/14
5 rope climbs
Lifestyle: step-ups; reduced rep MUs or 10 challenging pull-ups + 10 challenging dips; med ball 14/10; partial climbs, ground to stand, or 4 hanging knee raises/climb
Objective: This is a longer AMRAP that alternates between lower-skill movements that will tax your lower body, and higher-skill movements focused on your upper body. Base your scaling on a target score of 3+ rounds, or no more than 8 minutes per round. Ideally the box jumps and med ball cleans are taking no more than 60-90 seconds each, while the rope climbs and muscle-ups are not taking more than 2-3 minutes each.
Note that these guidelines will help you hit the intended stimulus for this workout — a high skill, high heart rate metcon. That said, you can also choose to make this a skill day: commit to completing all of the rope climbs/muscle-ups, or using a more challenging modification than usual, even if it takes much longer than the suggested 2-3 minutes, if those skills are weaknesses that you want to focus on today.
Score: rounds & reps
Tuesday 2.7
Name game: What are your goals for the lifts today (or which are you more excited to test)?
Warm up: 3 minute bike/row then coach-led barbell
Movement prep: work up to your opening weight snatch and clean
WOD: In 25 minutes:
5 minutes max calories, bike or row
5 minutes to establish a 1RM snatch
5 minutes rest
5 minutes max calories, other machine
5 minutes to establish a 1RM clean
*Everyone should go in the order written. To share plates/machines in a crowded class, allocate 30 minutes and have some people wait to start until the second 5-minute interval; if needed, add a 10-20 second transition window between intervals so people have time to swap/reset/adjust machines.
Lifestyle: most athletes can do this as prescribed, but if you’re new to lifting you can go from the hang and/or do sets of 3 at lighter weight.
Objective: Don’t sandbag the calories! Today is about moving heavy weights under fatigue. When max lifts have come up in the Open, they’ve immediately followed high intensity workouts. This is preparation for that, not for finding a max under ideal conditions. When you get to the barbell, the strategy is not to rush to make as many attempts as possible. Start at a weight you’re sure you can hit, then base the size of your jumps on how easy or hard that first lift feels. Expect to make 3-5 total lifts in each interval.
Score: total calories and 2 max lifts
Wednesday 2.8
Name game: What is one food you absolutely cannot stand?
Warm up: for 4 minutes complete rounds of 10 scap push-ups, 10 rocking tables, 10 pvc pass throughs
Skill: handstands
WOD: For time with a pair of 50/35 DBs *17 minute cap
12 burpees
20m double DB overhead carry
10 burpees + 2 devils press
20m double DB overhead carry
8 burpees + 4 devils press
20m double DB overhead carry
6 burpees + 6 devils press
20m double DB overhead carry
4 burpees + 8 devils press
20m double DB overhead carry
2 burpees + 10 devils press
20m double DB overhead carry
12 devils press
Lifestyle: straight-arm burpees, 40/25
Accessory (optional): superset for 3 rounds: 20 renegade rows, 1 minute plank hold
Objective: Every round of this WOD is 12 reps every round of burpees and devils presses; the burpees decrease by 2 reps, the devils presses increase by 2 reps each time. This means that the rounds will also get slower as you go, so pace accordingly. In between those sets, you’ll be further taxing your shoulders with an overhead carry. Focus on keeping a tight core and getting a good overhead position — the closer you can keep your arms to your ears, the easier the carries will feel.
Score: time to complete
Thursday 2.9
Name game: Give us a movie recommendation.
Warm up: for 4 minutes complete rounds of 20 single/double unders, 8 squat to hip hinge, 8 jumping air squats
Strength: 5 sets of 1 front squat + 3 back squats
*Use the same weight for all sets and rest 2:00 between sets. There is no rest between the front and back squats other than transition time from front to back rack. Try to use a heavier weight than you used if you were here Jan. 24.
WOD: Three tabatas, no rest between, no racks. Each tabata is eight rounds of :20 work, :10 rest.
front squats 45/35
double unders
back squats 45/35
Lifestyle: DU attempts or bike/row instead. Use a 15# bar or sub air squats if needed.
Accessory (optional): AMREPs in 3 minutes of strict pull-ups or strict C2B pull-ups (use a band if needed)
Objective: This is the last round of this squat scheme, so you should be pushing for a very heavy front squat single to start each of these sets. The WOD goes in the opposite direction — the barbell is as light as possible so you can get in a good rhythm and keep working for all of the tabata intervals.
Score: squat load & total reps for each tabata
Friday 2.10
Name game: Would you rather live on a houseboat or in an RV?
Warm up: for 4 minutes complete rounds of 20 jumping jacks, 10 band pull-aparts, 5 inchworms
Strength: bench press 4×8
WOD: 3 rounds for time *15 minute cap
30 DB snatches 50/35
30 toes to bar
Lifestyle: 40/25, K2E or knee raises
Objective: For today’s strength work, try to use the same weight for all four sets. If you did the 4×10 on Jan. 11, aim for a heavier weight this time. For an athlete proficient at both movements in the workout, it should be a quick one, but break up your T2B early so you’re not reduced to singles by the end. For athletes who struggle with these movements, work through it in small sets with short breaks. Top times for this are under 8 minutes, but the average is 12-13 minutes.
Score: bench weights & time to complete
Saturday 2.11
Name game: What are your plans for the Super Bowl?
Warm up: coach-led funzies
WOD: Partner “Maggie” *35 minute cap
5 rounds for time:
20 handstand push-ups
40 pull-ups
60 pistols
*Rx+ solo
Lifestyle: z-press or pike push-ups; jumping pull-ups or ring rows; pistols to/from a box, heel elevated, or assisted for balance
Objective: “Maggie” is one of CrossFit’s newer “girls,” a more challenging evolution of the classic “Mary.” Today you have the benefit of doing it with a partner if you’d like, so break up the work based on your strengths and switch off before you hit failure or start to slow down.
Score: time to complete
Sunday 2.12
Strength: 20 min EMOM 5 deadlift 3 sec pause below the knee last rep
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