Monday 2.27
Name game: What’s on your ideal hamburger/veggie burger?
Warm up: 3 minute bike/row then coach-led movement review
WOD: 20 minute EMOM
Minute 1: 3 rope climbs (1 climb = 5 reps)
Minute 2: 15 power snatches 75/55
Minute 3: 15 ring push-ups + 15 second plank hold on rings
Minute 4: 15 calorie bike
*to share equipment, have some people start on the rings
Lifestyle: 3 ground-to-stand or 15 knee raises; 65/45; hand-release or box push-ups plus plank on the floor
Objective: You create what little rest you get in this EMOM by moving quickly through the assigned reps in each minute. With that in mind, set a sustainable target of how many reps you can handle for each movement while ideally allowing yourself at least 10-15 seconds of rest. Be aware that more than one movement in this workout will tax your grip as you approach the rope climbs and decide if and how to break the snatches. Remember that a good rep of a ring push-up involves a larger range of motion than a regular push-up: your chest should be touching the ground at the bottom of each rep. If you can’t consistently meet that standard, scale to hand-release push-ups.
Score: total reps (max possible is 375; 1 second = 1 rep on plank)
Tuesday 2.28
Name game: What’s the most unusual sport you’ve tried?
Warm up: coach-led barbell
Strength: Every 1:30 for 15 minutes
1 power clean + 3 front squats
* Build as you go or find a moderate weight and stay there depending on how much you want to tax your legs ahead of 23.3. A squat clean does not count as the first front squat.
WOD: AMREPs in 8 minutes
1, 2, 3 etc.
Hang power cleans 185/125
2, 4, 6 etc.
Box jumps 30/24
Lifestyle: reduce weight for something that is heavy for 3-5 reps; 24/20
Objective: Today is our heavy day for the week. First we’re working on a complex of power cleans off the floor and front squats, where the challenge is to maintain good form — chest and elbows up and full depth — through 30 total reps. For the workout the barbells are staying heavy but we’re going from the hang, which means that quick singles are not a great option. As the sets get bigger, try to hold on for 3-5 reps at a time.
Score: max complex weight & total reps
Wednesday 3.1
Name game: What movements do you predict we’ll see in the Open this week?
Warm up: for 4 minutes complete rounds of :30 row, 10 kip swings, 10 banded strict press
WOD: With a partner, 2 rounds for time *30 minute cap
50 toes to bar
40 calorie row
30 burpees over rower (facing)
50 pull-ups
40 calorie row
30 burpees over rower (facing)
*solo: halve reps & rest 1:1
Lifestyle: step-over burpees, knee raises/K2E, ring rows or jumping pull-ups; 40-30-20 reps
Objective: This week’s partner workout is a race to the finish, and the division of labor is up to you. Try to split the rows so that you’re only transitioning once, but switch as soon as you start to slow on the other skills. To beat the time cap, average at least 16 reps per minute. Scale the reps if that sounds unattainable.
Score: time to complete
Thursday 3.2
Name game: What is your preferred active recovery activity?
Warm up: 3 minutes jump rope practice
Skill: ring work (skin the cats, MU drills, etc.). Use time between sets on the rings to foam roll/stretch.
WOD: 15 minute AMRAP
10 American KBS 32/24
20m bear crawl
40 double unders OR 10 calorie row/8 calorie bike
*Note: double unders almost always appear in the Open, so there’s a good chance they come up in 23.3. If you’re worried about potentially doing them two days in a row, sub either bike or row calories today.
Lifestyle/active recovery: Russian swings 24/16; farmers carry in place of bear crawl, single unders or bike/row
Objective: We’re starting with a chance to work on some more unusual gymnastics skills, then we have another pre-Open AMRAP. Take advantage of the active recovery options if you’re using today to simply move a little before 23.3; otherwise push the KB weight and the pace for a solid 15 minutes of work.
Score: rounds & reps
Friday 3.3
Name game: What is your favorite WOD from this year’s Open?
Warm up: coach-led
WOD: Open 23.3. Good luck and have fun!
Saturday 3.4
Name game: What is your favorite WOD from this year’s Open?
Warm up: coach-led
WOD: Open 23.3. Good luck and have fun!
Sunday 3.5
Strength: 16 min EMOM 3 seated strict press @ odd, 50m heavy farmers carry @ even
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