Monday 3.27
Name game: What was your favorite science class in school?
Warm up: coach-led barbell
Strength: 10-8-6-4-2 hang power clean
*Increase weight after every successful set. Rest 2 minutes between sets.
Lifestyle: 5-5-5-5-5 reps, light to moderate weight.
WOD: “Karen” *12 minute cap
150 wall balls for time 20/14
Lifestyle: 14/10
Objective: The clean work today has the same idea as the snatch work last week: we’re practicing cycling and aiming for unbroken sets. Karen is a benchmark, so make sure you record your time. Have a plan for how to break it up — use the clock to stick to an EMOM scheme, or commit to sets of 10-25 reps with quick breaks. See 9/14/21 in SugarWOD for past results.
Score: hang clean weights & time to complete
Tuesday 3.28
Name game: Which of your family members are you most similar to?
Warm up: for 4 minutes complete rounds of 8 scap pull-ups, 8 kip swings, 8 sit-ups to straddle
Strength/Skill: 10 minute EMOM
Odds: 5-10 strict pull-ups
Evens: 3-5 pull-overs
Lifestyle: banded pull-ups (odds) & ring rows (evens). If you cannot get your chin over the bar with a band, do active hangs from the pull-up bar (odds) and 10-15 ring rows (evens).
WOD: 3 minutes on, 3 minutes off for 3 rounds
30/24 calorie Echo bike
Max rep toes to bar
*If no Echo bikes are available, sub a 500m row or 1000m bike erg
Lifestyle: K2E or knee raises; reduce bike calories to be completed in under 2:30
Objective: The first half of class is an opportunity to continue developing your pulling strength as well as to work on a gymnastics skill that will be new for many of you but includes elements that will help you with pull-ups, bar muscle-ups, and toes to bar. The workout is three quick sprints. While both your bike times and your toes to bar total are scored, your focus should be on making a 90+ percent effort on the bike every round, then holding on as best you can for the toes to bar.
Score: 3 bike interval times & total toes to bar
Wednesday 3.29
Name game: What’s one food you think is gross that most people like?
Warm up: 4 rounds, :20 per station, of jumping jacks, pass throughs with a lunge, and band pull-aparts
WOD: For time *20 minute cap
overhead lunges 115/75
ring dips
Lifestyle: reduce weight; box dips
Accessory (optional): superset for 3-5 rounds
10/10 bulgarian split squats
10/10 single leg weighted step-ups
Objective: Today’s WOD has descending reps of two challenging movements that ask your shoulders to do a lot of stabilizing work. For the lunges, focus on achieving a perfect overhead position. For the dips, make sure the scaling you choose lets you achieve full range of motion on every rep — chest up and shoulders below the elbows.
Score: time to complete
Thursday 3.30
Name game: What’s one family keepsake you have that’s meaningful to you?
Warm up: coach-led track
WOD: 30 minute AMRAP
500m row
400m run
30 burpees
20 pull-ups
*start anywhere to share rowers; sub a 25/20 calorie bike if none are available
Lifestyle: straight-arm burpees, ring rows or banded pull-ups
Accessory/extra credit: 400m farmers carry
Objective: There’s no escaping 30 full minutes of work today, and the focus is on pacing. The goal is to get comfortable with being uncomfortable by finding a pace that is challenging but sustainable. You should be breathing hard the whole time, but not redlining then slowing dramatically. Aim for at least 3 full rounds.
Score: rounds & reps
Friday 3.31
Name game: If you were a ghost, what place would you haunt?
Warm up: for 4 minutes complete rounds of 20 single/double unders, 10 stiff-legged deadlifts, 10 down-dog with toe touch
Strength: deadlift 4×4
WOD: 12 minute AMRAP
12 DB snatches 50/35
36 double unders
Lifestyle: 40/25, :30 DU practice or 9/6 bike
Objective: The focus today is the heavy deadlifts. It’s your choice whether you build across the four sets or stick with the same weight, but make sure you’re staying tight and keeping a flat back before adding weight. The workout has relatively quick rounds for a relatively long time, which means it will be easy to go out too hot. Pace yourself, but pick a dumbbell weight such that you can do all sets of snatches unbroken.
Score: deadlift weights and rounds & reps
Carlos WOD = “Jennifer”
Saturday 4.1
Name game: What’s a movie that made you cry?
Warm up: coach-led funzies
With a partner, AMREPs in 30 minutes
1 rope climb
5 thrusters 135/95
1, 2, 3 etc. bar-facing burpees
*Alternate full rounds. Partner A will do the round of 1 burpee, Partner B will do 2, A will do 3, etc.
Lifestyle: partial rope climb or 5 knee raises; reduce weight to something that is heavy for a set of 5
Objective: The reps keep going up today, but so does your rest time. You will be relatively fresh when you get to the rope climb each round, but that thruster will get heavy. Pick a weight you can do unbroken to start, but stick with it even if you end up needing to break the reps 3-2 or 2-2-1. Settle into a sustainable pace on the bar-facing burpees early so you don’t burn out as the sets get bigger.
Score: rounds & reps
Sunday 4.2
Strength: Powerlifting total: 1 RM – BS/BP/DL
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