Monday 4.10
Name game: What’s a food you’ve never eaten but would like to try?
Warm up: 2 minute bike/row/run then 3 rounds of 20 single or double unders, 8 sit-ups to straddle, 4 rope knee raises
Skill: spend 8-10 minutes practicing jump rope — work on double unders or try crossovers.
*If you don’t have rope climbs, use the time between jump rope sets to practice establishing a good foot lock or getting further up the rope.
WOD: 18 minute AMRAP
1 legless rope climb
30 weighted sit-ups 25/15
2 rope climbs
60 second plank hold (1 second = 1 rep)
Lifestyle: sub 3-5 strict pull-ups for the legless and 5 hanging knee raises for the regular rope climbs, or climb as high as you can without and with legs. Reduce or eliminate the weight on the sit-ups.
Accessory (optional): 3x max rep C2B chin-up
Objective: We’re starting with some jump rope work and a chance to try a skill that’s started appearing in CrossFit programming. If they’re new to you, using a heavier rope can help you get the technique. The workout also revolves around two higher-skill movements: legless and regular rope climbs. Use today to make progress on one or both of those skills.
Score: rounds & reps
Tuesday 4.11
Name game: What’s a nickname you have now or had as a kid?
Warm up: coach-led barbell
Strength: 15 minutes to complete 10-8-6-4-2 power snatch. Try for touch-and-go reps and add weight after each successful set. Rest 2 minutes between sets.
Lifestyle: 5-5-5-5-5 reps at light to moderate weight; go from the hang if needed.
WOD: 10 minute AMRAP
15 overhead squats 115/75
15 box jumps 30/24
Lifestyle: reduce weight to something you can do for 8+ reps in a row; 24/20
Objective: We’re continuing to work on barbell cycling, and we’re adding some complexity and range of motion by taking these reps from the ground. For the workout we’re getting below parallel, then further working the legs with some high box jumps. Your OHS weight should be somewhat challenging, but doable in 2-3 sets every round. No step-ups today — try to jump even if it’s to a much lower height. Aim for at least 4 rounds.
Score: power snatch weights and rounds & reps
Wednesday 4.12
Name game: What’s your technique for getting rid of the hiccups?
Warm up: For 4 minutes complete rounds of :30 row, 10 kip swings, 5 inchworms
WOD: 6 rounds for max reps
1 minute calorie row
1 minute knees to elbow
1 minute handstand walk (10m = 5 reps)
1 minute rest
*start at any station to share equipment
Lifestyle: knee raises, bear crawl
Bonus/accessory WOD: 100 push-ups for time
Lifestyle: box push-ups
Objective: The workout features a combination of movements that will tax your core and shoulders in different ways. Expect the bonus push ups to be more challenging than you think due to the core and shoulder fatigue from the main workout.
Score: total reps & time to complete
Thursday 4.13
Name game: What’s one law you wish you could be exempt from obeying?
Warm up: For 4 minutes complete rounds of 20 jumping jacks, 10 stiff-legged deadlifts, 10 light KBS
Strength: deadlift 5×3
WOD: For time *8 minute cap
Russian kettlebell swings 32/24
C2B pull-ups
Lifestyle: 28/20 (allow those going Rx priority on 32/24 KBs), kipping pull-ups or ring rows
Accessory (optional): 3x 40m/side single arm farmers carry (heavy)
Objective: Heavy deadlifts are the focus today. Try to use heavier weights than you used for the 4×4 deadlift on 3/31. While the kettlebell in the workout is heavier than usual and the pull-up variation is more challenging, the workout should still be a quick one. Aim to do all of the KB swings unbroken and work quickly through the C2B pull-ups, even if that means small sets with short breaks.
Score: deadlift weights & time to complete
Friday 4.14
Name game: What’s the longest book you’ve ever read?
Warm up: 5-6 minutes to complete 400m run, 20 PVC pass throughs with a lunge, 15 PVC thrusters, 10 burpees
WOD: For time *35 minute cap
800m run
40 DB front rack lunges 50/35
400m run
20 DB thrusters 50/35
80 burpees
20 DB thrusters 50/35
400m run
40 DB front rack lunges 50/35
800m run
Lifestyle: 600/300m runs, 40/25 DBs, straight-arm burpees. (Run scale for injury only: 50/36 and 25/18 bike)
Objective: We’re going long with a pyramid-style chipper. Everyone is running today! Unless you’re injured, the best way to scale a run is by reducing the distance. The hard work here is on the dumbbells, so stick to a moderate pace on the runs until the final 800m and simply keep moving on the big set of burpees in the middle.
Score: time to complete
Saturday 4.15
Name game: How long does it take you to get ready for a night out?
Warm up: coach-led barbell
WOD: With a partner, in 30 minutes:
60 calorie row
60 pull-ups
60 power cleans 155/105
50 calorie row
50 pull-ups
50 power cleans 185/125
40 calorie row
40 pull-ups
Max rep power cleans 205/145
Lifestyle: ring rows; reduce cleans to weights that are heavy for 5, 3, and 1 rep(s) at a time
Objective: You get a heavy barbell today, but you have to earn it. Split the work wisely with your partner. Try to minimize transitions on the row, but stick to small sets on the pull-ups to keep your grip fresh. Quick singles on all of the cleans will be the way to go for most people, but the weights you use for the first two rounds should be ones that you can cycle for at least 3-5 reps at a time.
Score: total reps (total is 350 up to max reps set)
Sunday 4.16
Strength: bench press 3×8, 1×5, 2×2, 1×1
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