Monday 7.24
Name game: What’s your favorite kind of music to exercise to?
Warm up: for 4 minutes complete rounds of 20 jumping jacks, 10 reverse lunges, 5 scap pull-ups + 5 kip swings
WOD: “Mary”
20 minute AMRAP
5 handstand push-ups
10 pistols
15 pull-ups
Extra credit: death by calorie row (start at 7/5) or bike (start at 5/3)
Objective: In the family tree of Crossfit benchmarks, Mary is the higher skill sibling to Cindy, which we tested a few months back. Move quickly through the handstand push-ups and pistols and take quick breaks from the start on the pull-ups, aiming to maintain a scheme such as 8-7 or 6-5-4 for the whole workout. The average score for “Mary” is 8+ rounds. Try to be above average today! See 6/23/22 and 6/29/21 in SugarWOD for past results.
Score: rounds & reps
How to scale: Modify the movements so that you can stay on pace to finish at least 7 rounds while still maintaining the 5-10-15 rep scheme.
Handstand push-ups: You should be able to do these unbroken for the entire workout. Substitute a z-press with dumbbells to work on overhead pressing strength or pike push-ups to work on being inverted.
Pistols: This should also be something you can do unbroken. Ideally, scale to some version of a pistol, either to a box or using the rig or a band for assistance with balance. Otherwise, do skater squats or reverse lunges, trying to keep your back leg from touching down on the ground for as long as possible.
Pull-ups: Don’t do kipping pull-ups in this workout unless you can do at least 5 unbroken strict pull-ups, and consider mixing in some banded pull-ups or ring rows unless you can do sets of 8-10 pull-ups at a time. If you can’t yet do unassisted pull-ups, do ring rows today.
Tuesday 7.25
Name game: What’s one technology you used all the time growing up that is now obsolete?
Warm up: 4 rounds, :20 per station, band pull-aparts, band pass throughs, sit-ups to straddle
Strength: pause bench press 5×4
*same weight for all 5 sets; 2 second pause at the chest
WOD: AMREPs in 10 minutes
1, 2, 3, etc.
burpee box jump over 24/20
toes to bar
Objective: Focus on the pause bench press today, and if you did the 5×5 on July 5 aim to use a heavier weight across all 5 sets today. The low-rep rounds of the workout will go quickly, but 10 minutes is a long time, so make sure you’re pacing from the start.
Score: pause bench weights & total reps
How to scale: Choose your desired stimulus for today. If you want 10 minutes of continuous movement, pick modifications you can do for 8-10 unbroken reps. Alternatively, given the fixed time and low reps, you can instead pick the most challenging versions you can do and push yourself to work on skill and capacity rather than maximizing your score.
Burpee Box Jump Over: Do straight-arm burpees and jump over a lower box, or do step-overs if jumping isn’t possible.
Toes to Bar: Get your knees as high as you can, starting with hanging knee raises to just above your hip crease and working up to knees-to-elbow. Since the sets start out very small, today is a good day to try some full toes to bar in the workout if you can do a few but are still building your capacity for the full range of motion skill.
Wednesday 7.26
Name game: What’s the best way to eat potatoes? (Fries, mashed, etc.)
Warm up: for 4 minutes complete rounds of :45 bike/row, 10 squat to hip hinge, 10 good mornings
Strength: deadlift 5×6
WOD: 8 minute AMRAP
12 dumbbell deadlifts 50/35
9 dumbbell hang power cleans 50/35
6 dumbbell front squats 50/35
Objective: Focus today on the heavy deadlifts — 5 sets of 6 reps. The workout is similar to dumbbell DT but with all lower body movements. Grip will be the first to go, so remember to optimize your breaks to minimize extra work — after 11 deadlifts and after 8 cleans. Next up will be your lower back, so keep that in check by using good technique on the cleans and not letting them become DB swing/bicep curls.
Score: deadlift weights and rounds & reps
How to scale: Use lighter dumbbells such that you could complete a full round of this unbroken. You should be able to finish at least 4 full rounds in the 8 minutes. You’re getting strength work from the barbell deadlifts, so this is not the place to overreach on dumbbell weight and need multiple sets to get through each skill.
Thursday 7.27
Name game: At home, are you typically in socks, slippers, shoes, or bare feet?
Warm up: coach-led track
WOD: 3 rounds for time *35 minute cap
400m run
3 rounds of
10 parallette shoot-throughs
10 burpees
400m run
Rest 3 minutes
Objective: This all-bodyweight workout is essentially three intervals, each of which should take roughly 7-10 minutes to complete. Try to keep moving by finding a rhythm on the burpees and shoot-throughs, and push the second 400 as hard as push the first since you’re getting a long rest right after.
Score: time to complete
How to scale: To beat the cap, you need to finish each round in 9:40 or faster, so adjust the difficulty or volume of skills (for example, 200m runs and 3 rounds of 8 reps each) as needed to hit that target.
Run: Reduce the distance to something you can complete in under 2:30 including transition time back to your parallettes. Drop the distance to 300 or 200m, or if you have a watch, simply run as far as you can in 1 minute then turn around and come back.
Shoot Throughs: The higher you elevate your hands, the easier these become, so substitute a pair of boxes or benches for the parallettes.
Burpees: Do straight-arm burpees, and keep in mind that with any type of burpee, you can save some energy by stepping your feet behind you and back up to your hands rather than jumping.
Friday 7.28
Name game: What was the domain of your first ever email address?
Warm up: 2-3 minutes jump rope then coach-led barbell and work up to your EMOM weight
Strength WOD: 10 minute EMOM
5 touch-and-go power snatches
*use the same weight for all 10 sets
Skill WOD: For time *10 minute cap
double unders
strict ring muscle-ups
Objective: The focus today is the strength work, which is practice with barbell cycling on the power snatch with short rest between sets. The workout at the end is a short couplet that combines high skill gymnastics with some quick sets on the jump rope to get your heart rate up.
Score: snatch weights & time to complete
CarlosWOD: “Viola”
How to scale: Modify the snatches to ensure you’re prioritizing technique over load, and challenge yourself with the strict gymnastics.
Power Snatches: Go from the hang if you’re still new to the skill or have trouble getting in a good position from the ground. Likewise, break up the sets of 5 and take the time to set up well for each rep if your form is breaking down going touch-and-go.
Double Unders: Don’t spend more than 5 minutes total on these. Reduce the target reps (e.g. 50-40-30-20-10), do single-single-doubles, or set a time limit for each set and make attempts. If you can’t jump, sub 15-12-9-6-3 bike.
Strict Muscle Ups: Do 10-8-6-4-2 of the most challenging strict pulling movement you can do — chest to rings or bar, chin over bar, banded, or ring rows. Alternatively, do 10-8-6-4-2 muscle-up transitions on low rings. No kipping!
Saturday 7.29
Name game: If you operated a food truck, what would you sell?
Warm up: 6 minute EMOM
Partner A: row
Partner B: AMRAP 10 air squats, 5 inchworms
Then, work up to your clean weight
WOD: With a partner, 30 minute AMRAP
10/7 calorie row
20 air squats
2 squat cleans 185/125
*partners alternate full rounds
Objective: You’re alternating full rounds with your partner today, meaning that you’ll get roughly 1:1 rest. Push the row and the squats, then try to pick up your barbell right away for the cleans.
Score: rounds & reps
How to scale: Adjust the reps and weight so that you can complete each round in 90 seconds or less.
Sunday 7.30
Strength: Part A: Bench Press 6×4 @ 75%-90%
Part B: Strict Press 5×5 @ 75%-85%
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