Monday 8.21
Name game: What’s something that cheers you up when you look at it?
Warm up:
A: 3 minute row
B: 3 minute AMRAP 2 shuttle jogs, 25’ walking lunge with twist, 10 scapular pull-ups
WOD: 5 intervals, 3:00 on, 3:00 off
250m row
50′ DB front rack walking lunge 50/35
Max rep shuttle runs 25’/25′
*During each rest interval: accumulate 10 strict pull-ups
How to scale: Modify so that you’re getting roughly 1 minute to accumulate shuttle runs every round.
Row: Reduce the distance to 200m, or something you can complete in 1 minute or less. Sub 500m bike erg if there aren’t enough rowers for everyone.
Walking lunges: Use lighter dumbbells or do them unloaded. You should be able to complete the 50’ unbroken.
Shuttle runs: If needed, eliminate the touch-down to the ground at the turnaround points.
Pull-ups: Do as many unassisted reps as you can then complete the balance with a band; use a band for all 10; or do 10 challenging ring rows.
Objective: Get your heart rate up, fatigue your leg muscles, then run for it. The rows should be completed at very high intensity. Be efficient getting out of the erg, then pick up your dumbbells right away. The row and the lunge should each take less than a minute, leaving you with 60-90 seconds to accumulate shuttle runs. You have 1:1 rest (minus a few pull-ups), so don’t hold back.
Score: total shuttle runs (out & back = 1 rep)
Tuesday 8.22
Name game: What emoji best represents how you’re feeling today?
Warm up: for 4 minutes, complete rounds of 20 jumping jacks, 10 good mornings, 10 rocking tables; then work up to your deadlift weight
WOD: “Diane” *11 minute cap
For time:
Deadlifts 225/155
Handstand push-ups
How to scale: Most people should treat this as a sprint, picking options you can do for at least 10-12 reps in a row. The exception is if the “Rx” standards are challenging but safely attainable within the cap — if today’s the day you want the challenge of your first “Rx” on this benchmark, go for it.
Deadlifts: Reduce the weight to something you can do for 10-12 reps in a row.
Handstand push-ups: Go to 1-2 ab-mats, or do pike push-ups to practice being inverted or z-press to help build pressing strength. If you can do some HSPU on the wall, start there and scale further once those get too slow. Like the deadlifts, you should be able to do 10-12 reps in a row.
Accessory WOD: 100 v-ups for time
*Every break: :30 plank hold
**Sub tuck-ups or sit-ups or reduce target reps to 50-75 if needed
Objective: Diane is a benchmark workout that pairs a pull (the deadlift) and a push (the handstand push-up). Like many WODs with the 21-15-9 rep scheme, it is a sprint. Try to finish each round in no more than 2-3 sets with minimal breaks. See 8/23/22 for past results — and make sure to log your score and any scaling you use today.
Score: time to complete
Wednesday 8.23
Name game: What’s the weirdest Wikipedia rabbit hole you’ve stumbled down?
Warm up: For 4 minutes complete rounds of 10 air squats/front squats, 10 kip swings, 5 burpees; then work up to your barbell complex weight
WOD: 20 minute AMRAP
1 squat clean + 1 hang squat clean + 1 front squat 185/125
5 bar muscle-ups
7 bar-facing burpees
How to scale: Take a risk — go for a heavier weight or more challenging muscle-up scale than you typically do.
Clean complex: Reduce the weight. The complex is designed to be done unbroken, so avoid creating extra work for yourself by needing to drop the bar between reps. If this timing of the squat clean is a work in progress, this can be simplified to power clean + front squat, hang power clean + front squat, front squat; or to 1 hang power clean + 3 front squats.
Bar muscle-ups:
Advanced: Reduce reps to 2-3 per round, count attempts, or use a band.
Intermediate: 5 C2B pull-ups + 5 ring or matador dips.
Beginner: 5 pull-ups/banded pull-ups/ring rows + 5 box dips.
Bar-facing burpees: Straight-arm burpees, step over the bar.
Objective: Challenge yourself! Today is about relatively heavy weight and high-skill gymnastics. It’s also an AMRAP, so there’s no fixed amount of work to finish and you can afford to take some extra time on harder movements. Push the complex weight, push the skill level on the bar muscle ups, or both. If this is a wheelhouse workout for you, try to keep a quick, consistent pace the whole time.
Score: rounds & reps (complex = 3 reps)
Thursday 8.24
Name game: At trivia night, what category are you best at?
Warm up: 3 rounds, :30 per station, bike, jump rope, sit-up to straddle
Skill (8 minute cap): 4x max reps unbroken toes to bar; rest 1 minute between sets.
How to scale: Pick a variation — knee raises, knees to chest, knees to elbow — that you can do for at least 8-10 reps in a row.
WOD: With a partner, 8 rounds for time *25 minute cap
12/9 calorie Echo bike
50 double unders
9/6 calorie Echo bike
25 double unders
*alternate full rounds; solo: 4 rounds, rest 1:1
How to scale: Modify so that each round takes less than 3 minutes.
Bike: reduce the first set of calories to take under 1 minute, and the second set to take under :45
Double unders: Go for a reduced number of reps, for example 30 then 15, or do 20 then 10 single-single-double. If 2x single unders only if those are a challenging skill for you. Otherwise, sub mountain climbers.
Objective: We’ve focused recently on barbell cycling, but cycling on the pull-up bar is also a useful skill. Today we’re practicing that with toes to bar. Use a strong kip to keep your sets going as long as you can. The workout is four “sprintervals,” with or without a partner, with an emphasis on executing double unders under fatigue. Push the bike, and avoid any intentional breaks on the jump rope.
Score: total toes to bar & time to complete
Friday 8.25
Name game: Would you rather talk like Yoda or breathe like Darth Vader?
Warm up: coach-led barbell
Strength: Every 1:30 for 8 rounds – 3 squat snatches (build as you go)
*reps don’t need to be touch-and-go but they should be quick singles
WOD: AMREPs in 12 minutes
1, 2, 3 etc.
overhead squats 135/95 (no racks)
*100m run after each set
How to scale: Emphasize skill over loading. Reduce the overhead squat weight to something you can do for 6-8 unbroken reps, keeping in mind that the bar will be starting on the floor. Use this as an opportunity to work on overhead squats, even if the weight is very light — practice the range of motion using PVC, an empty bar, or very light weight, and do 2x reps. (If an injury or mobility restrictions make OHS unsafe, sub front squats.)
Objective: So far we’ve worked on cycling through power snatches; today we’re leveling up to squat snatches. Use this EMOM to build to a heavy triple, aiming to complete all 3 reps of each interval in quick succession. For the workout, try to stay unbroken on the overhead squats for as long as possible, and don’t waste time transitioning from squats to runs.
Score: max snatch triple & total reps (each run = 10 reps)
Saturday 8.26
Name game: Which fictional character would you want by your side during a zombie apocalypse?
Warm up: coach-led funzies
WOD: Partner “Gallant”
For time:
1 mile run with med ball 20/14
60 burpee pull-ups
800m run with med ball
30 burpee pull-ups
400m run with med ball
15 burpee pull-ups
*Run together, switch who’s carrying the ball as needed; divide the burpee PU as desired. M/F teams can carry either weight med ball or plan transitions to use two different balls.
**Rx+ solo; note that average times for this are 35-37 minutes, so you may need to work past the end of class to finish.
How to scale: Use a lighter medicine ball and do straight-arm burpees to a target or with a jumping pull-up to a low bar.
Objective: This is a long hero WOD, but today you have the option to speed it up by sharing the work with a partner. Switch often on the runs to reduce shoulder fatigue from carrying the med ball, and alternate sets of 3-8 reps on the burpee pull-ups.
Score: time to complete
Sunday 8.27
Strength: 20 Minute EMOM BS 5 reps @ 70%
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