Monday 8.28
Name game: What’s a book that you started reading but couldn’t finish?
Warm up: for 4 minutes complete rounds of 20 jumping jacks, 10 pass-throughs, 5 wall slides
Strength: push press 3×5
WOD: 3 tabatas, 1 minute rest between
hang power snatch 75/55
push press 75/55 (no racks)
How to scale: Find modifications that let you work with few breaks for every 20 second interval, keeping in mind that the prescribed weight is meant to be extremely light.
Hang power snatch & push press: Reduce the weight. You should be able to move continuously with your chosen weight for the full 20 seconds, at least for the first few rounds.
Burpees: Straight-arm burpees.
Objective: The strength work today uses the same rep scheme we had for the strict press two weeks ago. Your choice is also the same: work up to a challenging weight and use it for all 3 working sets, or work up in small increments from your first working set toward a potential 5 rep max. Whereas these push presses should be heavy, the push presses and hang power snatches in the workout should be very light — such that you can complete quick, unbroken sets for multiple 20-second intervals, keeping in mind that the burpees in the middle may give your grip a break but will keep your heart rate high and add extra shoulder fatigue.
Score: push press weights & total reps
Tuesday 8.29
Name game: If you had to sing karaoke right now, what song would you choose?
Warm up: 2 minute run/bike/row then coach-led barbell
Strength: Every 1:30 for 8 rounds
3 squat cleans (build as you go)
*reps don’t need to be touch-and-go but they should be quick singles
How to scale: Like the squat snatches last week, there are two ways to simplify this, and you can do one or both, depending on your proficiency with the squat clean. First, you can start each rep from the hang, at the top of the knees. Second, you can break the movement into two parts by doing a power clean followed by a front squat.
WOD: 10 minute AMRAP
10 box jumps 30/24
20 alternating pistols
How to scale: Find modifications that let you keep moving for the full 10 minutes.
Box jumps: Ideally, jump to a lower height. Sub step-ups if necessary due to injury. These are higher-than-usual box jumps, so pick a more challenging height than you typically would.
Pistols: Intermediate: go to a box; elevate heel on a plate if needed. Beginner: shrimp/skater squats
Objective: Like the snatches last week, today’s EMOM is a chance to build up to a heavy triple, with the goal of completing each set as quick singles. The WOD pairs a challenging box jump with a challenging single-leg skill, but it’s only 10 minutes long, so settle into a steady pace and keep moving the whole time.
Score: max clean weight and rounds & reps
Wednesday 8.30
Name game: What’s your favorite flavor/variety of tea?
Warm up: 3 minutes each bike and row, then coach-led movement review
WOD 1: In 12 minutes
100/70 calorie Echo bike (10 minute cap)
Max reps rope climbs
WOD 2: In 12 minutes
150/120 calorie row (10 minute cap)
Max reps wall walks
*complete WODs in either order; rest 6 minutes between
How to scale: Aim to have at least 2 minutes to accumulate reps at the end of each interval, and for rope climb/wall walk variations you can do for at least 2-3 reps per minute.
Row/bike: Reduce the calories to be finished in 10 minutes or less, or get as far as you can within 10 minutes.
Rope climbs: Intermediate – partial climbs. Beginner – ground to stand + foot lock or ground to stand + knee raise.
Wall walks: Intermediate – walk hands halfway to wall. Beginner – max time plank hold with feet one step up wall or on the ground.
Objective: Each half of today’s two-part workout starts with a longer monostructural piece. We typically do shorter intervals on these machines, so this is a test of pacing and endurance. Try setting a consistent calorie/minute target and see if you can stick with it the whole way. Work hard on the bike or row, but don’t empty the tank. Take a moment to collect yourself when you finish, then get to work on the gymnastics, again seeking to methodically accumulate reps — one every 15 seconds, 30 seconds, etc. — whatever pace is sustainable for you.
Score: total rope climbs & total wall walks
Thursday 8.31
Name game: What’s a food you loved as a kid but won’t touch now?
Warm up: for 4 minutes complete rounds of 5-5-5-5 monster walks, 10 down dog w/ toe touch, 5/side active lizard stretch
Strength: pause back squat 5×4 (3 seconds at bottom)
WOD: 3 rounds for time *10 minute cap
15 DB thrusters 50/35
15 pogo burpees over DB
*pogo burpee: burpee with two lateral jumps, over the dumbbell and back
How to scale: This is a sprint – adjust so you’re able to keep up a high level of intensity for the full workout.
DB thrusters: Reduce the weight. You should be capable of 15 unbroken reps at the weight you choose.
Pogo burpees: Do straight-arm burpees and step over the dumbbell, or remain in place.
Objective: The focus today is on the pause squats. Aim for a heavier weight than you used for the 5×5 on 8/14 across all 5 sets. The workout is the same amount of reps and same number of rounds as a classic 21-15-9, which means it’s a sprint and should be your quickest workout of the week. Take quick breaks on the thrusters to avoid burning yourself out, but make sure you can finish each round in at most 3 sets. Keep moving on the burpees.
Score: squat weights & time to complete
Friday 9.1
Name game: If people came with a warning tag, what would yours be?
Warm up: 400m run + coach-led kipping/pull-up review
WOD: “Nicole”
20 minute AMREP
400m run
Max rep pull-ups (unbroken; Rx+ strict)
*only attempt this Rx with kipping pull-ups if you can do 8+ unbroken strict pull-ups*
How to scale: Aim for at least 5 rounds of at least 10 reps.
Run: Reduce the distance if 400m will take longer than 2:30.
Pull-ups: Pick a scaling option — banded pull-ups or ring rows — that you can do for at least 10 reps in a row. Today is not the day to throw caution to the wind and go for Rx: If you don’t have 8+ strict pull-ups, don’t try to complete this workout with kipping pull-ups.
Accessory: 8 minute EMOM
Odds: :20 ring support hold + max strict dips
Evens: :30-:45 hollow hold
Objective: “Nicole” is a benchmark that tests pulling endurance and grip strength. You can use the runs to recover, but keep in mind that the faster you run, the more opportunities you’ll have to accumulate additional pull-ups. For most athletes, that will be 5-7 total rounds. See 3/15/22 for past results.
Score: total pull-ups
**No CarlosWOD this week**
Saturday 9.2
Name game: If you could go back in time and pay more attention in one class, what would it be?
Warm up: coach-led funzies
WOD: With a partner, 30 minute AMRAP
120 double unders
90 wall balls 20/14
60 toes to bar
*one partner works at a time; switch as needed
How to scale: Pick options you can do consistently for relatively large sets.
Double unders: Do 2:1 single unders or 1.5:1 single-single-double, or count 1 bike calorie as 5 double unders.
Wall balls: Use a lighter ball and/or aim for a lower target. You should be able to do sets of at least 10-15 reps in a row.
Toes to bar: Do knees to elbow, knees to chest, or hanging knee raises. You should be able to do sets of at least 5-10 reps in a row.
Objective: As long as you’re working one at a time, there are no rules on how you split this with your partner, so work together to find an equitable distribution of work that lets you take advantage of your strengths, minimize your weaknesses, and ensures you both get a good workout.
Sunday 9.3
Strength: 20 minute EMOM bench press 5 reps @ 70%
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