Monday 11.20
Name game: What’s your best idea for a reality TV show?
Warm up: for 4 minutes complete rounds of 10 band pass throughs, 10 band pull-aparts, 5 burpees
Strength: bench press 10-8-6-4-2-1
WOD: 9 minute AMRAP
3 burpee pull-overs
6 reverse burpees
9 v-ups
How to scale: Don’t get bogged down on the uncommon movements.
Burpee pull-overs: Do 6 burpee pull-ups, using a lower pull-up bar if needed, or do 6 burpees + 6 ring rows.
Reverse burpees: Go to a mat to elevate your body relative to your feet, or use your hands to help you stand up.
V-ups: Do tuck-ups or sit-ups.
Objective: Focus on the bench press today, working toward a heavy single as you go through sets of decreasing reps. The workout is a quick AMRAP with a couple of unusual skills, all using your core in similar ways. Aim for at least 4-5 full rounds.
Score: bench press weights and rounds & reps
Tuesday 11.21
Name game: What is your favorite smell?
Warm up: 2 minute bike/row then coach-led barbell
Strength: Every 1:30 for 8 rounds
5 power cleans
*build as you go, technique permitting; stick with touch-and-go as long as you can but switch to quick singles if necessary
WOD: For time *10 minute cap
squat cleans 185/125
wall walks
How to scale: Maintain the stimulus of this couplet as a moderately heavy lift plus a higher skill gymnastics movement while modifying sufficiently that you can finish under the cap.
Squat cleans: Use a weight you can do for singles with minimal rest between reps. If needed, start from the hang and/or do a power clean followed by a front squat.
Wall walks: Climb the wall as high as you’re comfortable and hold for 2 seconds at your top position.
Objective: Analogously to the power snatches last Monday, we’re building to a heavy set of 5 power cleans over the course of 8 sets. As always, technique comes first: don’t move up in weight unless you’re moving well at lighter loads. For the workout aim for a clean weight and wall walk scaling that are heavy but challenging but also consistently doable for you. Beating the cap means averaging at least 3 reps per minute.
Score: 5 RM power clean & time to complete
Wednesday 11.22
Name game: What are you most looking forward to eating tomorrow?
Warm up: for 5 minutes complete rounds of :45 bike, 10 scap pull-ups, :45 row, 10 kip swings
WOD: 4 cycles, 8 minutes each, of:
2 minutes: 15 toes to bar + max calorie row
2 minutes: rest
2 minutes: 15 chest-to-bar pull-ups + max calorie bike
2 minutes: rest
How to scale: Modify so you’re getting at least 1 minute to accumulate calories in each interval, at least for the first 2 rounds.
Toes to bar: Do knees to elbow or knees to chest or hanging knee raises. If your hands are suffering, do candlesticks
Chest to bar: Do regular kipping pull-ups or a mix of jumping chest-to-bar and kipping pull-ups. Use a band only if you can do banded chest to bar. Otherwise, do ring rows.
Objective: Whereas yesterday emphasized barbell cycling, this workout is about cycling on the pull-up bar such that you can complete the buy-in of chest-to-bar or toes-to-bar efficiently each round and maximize your time to accumulate calories. Try to string together sets of at least 5 reps at a time for as long as you can. You’re getting 1:1 rest following the bike or row each round, so push hard once you get on the machine.
Score: total calories
Thursday 11.23
Classes at 8 and 10 a.m. only.
Name game: What’s one thing you’re thankful for?
Warm up: pizza delivery game, then coach-led movement review
WOD: “Whitten”
5 rounds for time
22 American kettlebell swings 32/24
22 box jumps 24/20
400m run
22 burpees
22 wall balls 20/14
How to scale: This is a hero WOD — choose challenging options to the extent you safely can.
American KBS: Use a lighter weight or reduce the range of motion to shoulder height (Russian swings).
Box jumps: Go to a lower box or do step-ups.
Run: Reduce the distance if 400m will take longer than 2:30. Otherwise, sub 500m row or 25/18 calorie bike.
Burpees: Do straight-arm burpees.
Wall balls: Use a lighter ball and/or go to a lower target.
Objective: This is a longer hero WOD with mainly lower body-focused movements. Do small sets with quick breaks on any movements that are weaknesses for you, then try to use the run and movements you’re stronger at to recover. There’s no time cap today, and average times for this are just over 40 minutes, so make sure you’re pacing yourself from the beginning.
Score: time to complete
Friday 11.24
No 6 a.m. class or CarlosWOD today.
Name game: What’s the best Thanksgiving food to eat as a leftover?
Warm up: for 5 minutes complete rounds of 20 single or double unders, 10 pass throughs with a lunge, 5 rope knee raises
Movement prep: review rope climbs and work up to snatch weight
WOD: 20 minute AMRAP
50 double unders
5 squat snatches 135/95
2 rope climbs
How to scale: Decide if you want to take your time and make this a skill day for some or all of these movements, or if you want to pick modifications that let you keep moving and finish a round every 2-3 minutes.
Double unders: Spend no more than 1 minute per round making attempts or accumulating reps. Do 100 single unders if they’re a skill you’re still developing. Otherwise, sub 10/8 calories on the bike.
Squat snatches: Reduce the weight to something you can do for relatively quick singles. If needed, perform a power snatch or hang power snatch plus an overhead squat.
Rope climbs: Do 1 full climb or 2 partial climbs per round, or sub 10 hanging knee raises on the bar or rope.
Objective: Today’s workout is a relatively long triplet with equal parts cardio, weightlifting, and gymnastics. You can treat this as a skill day — for example taking extra time to complete full rope climbs every round or making some double under attempts every round — or you can make this a consistent 20-minute effort by adjusting each movement to take roughly 30-60 seconds and targeting a score of at least 6 full rounds.
Score: rounds & reps
Saturday 11.25
Name game: If all your clothes had to be the same color, which color would you pick?
Warm up: coach-led funzies
WOD: With a partner, 30 minute AMRAP
10 DB front rack lunges 50/35
8 DB push presses 50/35
6 shuttle runs 50’
*alternate full rounds; solo – rest 1:1
How to scale: Reduce the dumbbell weight so that you can do the lunges and push presses unbroken. If the shuttle runs bother your back, disregard the requirement to touch one hand to the ground at each turn-around point.
Objective: While the past two days have been about moving at a steady pace for a longer duration, today is the opposite, with a sprint/rest-style partner workout. You’re alternating full rounds with your partner, which means you’ll get a decent amount of rest once you finish each round. Try to stay unbroken, keeping each round under 90 seconds, for as much of the workout as you can.
Score: rounds & reps
Sunday 11.26
Strength: 1RM Deadlift
Accessories: Heavy Farmer’s Carry
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