Monday 12.4
Name game: Would you rather ski, snowboard, or stay in the lodge where it’s warm?
Warm up: for 4 minutes, rounds of 10 kip swings, 5 rope knee raises, 10 single arm KBS
Skill: rope climbs
Every 1:30 for 8 rounds:
Advanced: 1 L sit rope climb, 1 legless from seated, or 1-2 legless
Intermediate: 2-3 regular climbs
Beginner: 1-2 full/partial climbs or 3-5 foot locks
*Mix and match from the options above to suit your skill level. Make sure to allow yourself 30-45 seconds of rest during each interval.
WOD: For time *15 minute cap
100 kettlebell hang snatches 24/16
100 toes to bar
*partition as desired; divide snatches between right & left arms as desired
How to scale: Pick weights and skills you can do for sets of at least 8-10 reps at a time.
Kettlebell snatches: Use a lighter kettlebell. Substitute single-arm swings if you have shoulder issues or struggle with the technique for the snatch.
Toes to bar: Do knees to elbow, knees to chest, or hanging knee raises. If your hands/shoulders are an issue, sub v-ups or tuck-ups.
Objective: Like last Monday, we’re starting with some skill work — this time focused on all things rope climbs. Use this time to work on your technique or to try some new and more challenging variations. The workout is a simple couplet where you get to dictate your own strategy by deciding how you want to break up the work. Try to keep moving: if you get fatigued on one skill, switch to the other rather than taking a long break. You need to average 13+ reps per minute to beat the cap.
Score: time to complete
Tuesday 12.5
Name game: How many unread emails do you usually have in your inbox?
Warm up: 3 rounds, :30 per station, jump rope, banded pass-throughs, banded strict press
Strength: strict press 5×5
WOD: 10 minute AMRAP
40 double unders
15 DB or KB floor press 50/35 or 24/16
40 double unders
15 push-ups
How to scale: This is a short one. Pick modifications so that you can keep moving the whole time.
Double unders: Spend up to 40 seconds accumulating DUs/attempts or sub 8/6 calorie bike or 80 singles.
Floor press: Use lighter weights. You should be able to complete these in 1-2 sets when fresh.
Push-ups: Elevate your hands on a box or bench. You should be able to complete these in 1-2 sets when fresh.
Objective: Focus on the strict press today, aiming to build in weight across 5 challenging sets of 5. The workout is about pressing in the horizontal rather than vertical plane. Relax your shoulders on the double unders to recover between pressing skills so that you’re able to keep working through them in no more than 2-3 quick sets.
Score: strict press weights and rounds & reps
Wednesday 12.6
Name game: What’s the best excuse you ever had for missing a day of school or work?
Warm up: 2 minute bike/row then, for 4 minutes, rounds of 10 kip swings, 10 air squats, 5 straight-arm burpees
WOD: AMREPs in 12 minutes
5, 10, 15, etc.
DB front squats 50/35
Rest 3 minutes, then AMREPs in 12 minutes:
Pick up where you left off and work backwards toward 5-5-5
(For example, if you finish the round of 20 + 10 pull-ups, do 10 pull-ups, then 20, 15, 10, 5 of burpees, DB squats, pull-ups.) If you finish 5-5-5, your workout ends early.
How to scale: Pick options that you can do for at least 10 reps in a row.
Pull-ups: Use a band or do ring rows.
DB squats: Use lighter DBs or a single DB held goblet style.
Burpees: Do straight-arm burpees.
Objective: Today we have ascending — and descending — reps of a triplet where the goal is to go out hard and do your best to hang on. For the first half of the WOD you’ll be working up in reps, setting a target from which you’ll work back down in the second half. Your maximum score will be twice the reps you achieve in the first half, so it does not pay to hold back there. (See more in-depth tips here.)
Score: total reps
Ascending math: 5s – 15; 10s – 45; 15s – 90; 20s – 150; 25s – 225.
Thursday 12.7
Name game: If you had a workout named for you, what movements would it have?
Warm up: 3 minute bike/row then coach-led barbell
Strength: build past your DT weight in the complex 2 hang power cleans + 1 push jerk
WOD: “DT” *15 minute cap
5 rounds for time:
12 deadlifts 155/105
9 hang power cleans 155/105
6 push jerks 155/105
How to scale: Adjust the weight based on your weakest skill (likely the jerk) so that you can do at least one round of that skill unbroken. The deadlift should be light, the hang clean should be moderate, and the push jerk should be moderate to heavy.
Objective: Today’s hero WOD, DT, tests your grip and barbell cycling skills. Plan your breaks to minimize extra reps — the last deadlift should lead directly into the hang cleans, the last hang clean directly into the jerks. A rep scheme like 11-1, 5-3-1, 6 works well. Scale appropriately to finish each round in under 3 minutes, make a conscious effort to not step away from your barbell when you rest, and focus on moving well on each of the weightlifting movements. See 5/9/22 for past results.
Score: time to complete
Friday 12.8
Name game: You’ve been gifted free travel to anywhere warm — where do you want to go?
Warm up: 3 minute bike/row then rounds of 10 air squats, 10 step ups, 5/5 active lizard stretch
WOD: 5 rounds, 3 minutes each, for max calories
10 back squats (bodyweight)
10 DB box step ups 50/35 20”
Max calorie bike
*Rest 3 minutes between rounds
**Rx+ 1.25x bodyweight
How to scale: Reduce the squat weight and dumbbell weight so that you can do each skill unbroken.
Objective: It’s a race to the bike, but don’t take any shortcuts on the way there. Make sure you’re hitting depth on your squats, standing all the way up at the top, and standing up fully on each box step-up. Aim to have at least 60-90 seconds to accumulate calories each round.
Score: total calories
Saturday 12.9
Name game: If you could go back in time and make a cave painting to confuse everyone in the future, what would you draw?
Warm up: coach-led funzies
WOD: With a partner, 30 minute AMRAP
12 calorie row
8 power snatches 115/75
8 burpee box jump overs 24/20
*alternate movements with your partner.
How to scale: Modify so that each skill can be completed in under 1 minute.
Row: Reduce the calorie target, or simply cap yourself at 45-50 seconds each time you row.
Power snatches: Reduce the weight to something you could do touch-and-go for at least 3-5 reps. Go from the hang if needed.
Burpee box jump overs: Do straight arm burpees and step over or jump over a lower box.
Objective: This is a partner workout that translates into a sprint/rest-style effort for the individual athlete. Strive for a minimum of 10 full rounds as a team — meaning 1 minute or less spent on each skill — but ideally closer to 15 (:40 per skill).
Score: rounds & reps
Sunday 12.10
Part A: Push Press 4×4 – 60% to 70% of 1RM
Part B: Bench Press 4×5 – 60% to 70% of 1RM
*Rest 1:30 – 2:00 between sets
A. Standing DB Overhead Press 3×5
B. Meadows 6 Way Shoulder Raise 3×6
C. Standing Single Arm Overhead Tricep Extension 3×8
D. Empty Barbell Bicep Curls – complete 50 reps in as few sets as possible
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