Monday 1.1
Name game: What’s your new year’s resolution?
Warm up: coach-led
WOD: For time *40 minute cap
100 Curtis Ps 95/65
*1 Curtis P is 1 hang squat clean + 1 front rack lunge each side + 1 push press
Objective: A CFN New Year’s Day tradition returns. This is a long one. Err on the side of too light in picking a weight, and stick with small sets from the start. Plan your pace by trying to stick to an EMOM scheme, completing 3-5 reps every minute.
Score: time to complete
Tuesday 1.2
Name game: When was your last day of work for 2023?
Warm up: 2 minute bike/row then rounds of 10 band pull-aparts, 10 band pass-throughs, 5 push-ups (to bench or from knees if needed)
Strength: bench press 5×5
WOD: 12 minute AMRAP
10 calorie bike or 200m row
10 burpees
10 ring dips
How to scale: Modify so you can move at a consistent pace for the full 12 minutes.
Bike/row: Reduce the calories/meters to finish in under 1 minute every time.
Burpees: Do straight-arm burpees. Each set should take less than 45 seconds.
Ring dips: Use a band, matador bars, or boxes. Make these challenging enough that you cannot do all 10 reps in a row.
Objective: Use the bench press to build to a heavy set of 5 over the course of 5 challenging sets. The workout should be nonstop movement, with the exception of quick breaks on the dips to shake your arms out and ensure you’re hitting the full range of motion on every rep.
Score: bench press weights and rounds & reps
Wednesday 1.3
Name game: What did you or are you going to have for breakfast today?
Warm up: for 3 rounds, :20 per station, jump rope, step-ups, sit-ups to straddle, scap pull-ups
WOD: For time *30 minute cap
100 strict pull-ups
Every 3 minutes, including at 0:00, complete:
35 double unders
12 toes to bar
12 box jumps 24/20
How to scale: Aim to have at least 1 minute to accumulate pull-ups each round.
Double unders: Spend up to :40 making attempts or accumulating single-single-doubles. Sub 70 singles if you’re not proficient with single unders. Otherwise, sub 7/5 calories on the bike.
Toes to bar: Do knees to elbow, knees to chest, or hanging knee raises. You should be able to complete these in 1-2 sets each round.
Box jumps: Jump to a lower box or do step-ups.
Strict pull-ups: Consider dropping the target to 75 total reps. Otherwise, use a band or do a challenging ring row. No kipping! If you’re able to do sets of more than 6-8 reps in a row, try a more difficult scale.
Objective: Strict pulling is the goal today, but you’ve got work to do to get there with some interference along the way. Move efficiently through the buy-in for each interval and stick to small sets on the strict pull-ups.
Score: time to complete (or note reps accumulated at cap)
Thursday 1.4
Name game: What’s one book that has influenced how you see the world?
Warm up: for 4 minutes complete rounds of 2 shuttle runs, 25’ lizard walk, 25’ duck walk
Strength: tempo front squat 3×5 @ 33×1, using the same load for all 3 sets, then 1 max reps set, no tempo, at the same weight
WOD: 8 minute AMRAP
4 shuttle runs (25’/25’)
8 single arm DB thrusters (right) 50/35
4 shuttle runs (25’/25’)
8 single arm DB thrusters (left) 50/35
How to scale: Pick a dumbbell weight such that you can do unbroken sets of thrusters on your weaker side. Sub 8/6 calorie bike if running is not an option due to injury.
Objective: Today’s front squats follow the same scheme as last week’s back squats. Again, work with a friend or set up a phone timer to keep yourself honest on the tempo. The workout is short: Recover by slowing your pace on the shuttle runs, but don’t stop moving and pick up your dumbbell right away.
Score: front squat weights (note max set) and rounds & reps
Friday 1.5
Name game: If you had to eat the same dinner every day for a month, what would it be?
Warm up: coach-led barbell
Strength: 15 minute EMOM
Minutes 1-7: 2 muscle snatches
Minute 8: rest
Minutes 9-15: 2 power snatches
WOD: “Randy”
For time *11 minute cap
75 power snatches 75/55
***DO NOT drop bars from overhead
How to scale: Use a lighter weight and/or go from the hang. You should be able to do sets of at least 10 reps at a time.
Objective: We started the week with a long barbell cycling workout; we’re ending it with a very quick one. These power snatches should be light enough for you to hang on for big sets the whole workout. Top times are under 5 minutes. See 8/9/21 for past results.
Score: max muscle & power snatch doubles and time to complete
Saturday 1.6
Name game: If you couldn’t shop online, where would you go to buy new clothes?
Warm up: coach-led funzies
WOD: For time with a partner *35 minute cap
30 rope climbs
150 handstand push-ups
3000m row
*One partner works while the other rests. Partition as desired: You do not need to do the movements in order or finish all of one before moving on to the next.
**Solo: half reps
How to scale: Pick options that let you keep moving given roughly 1:1 rest.
Handstand push-ups: Use ab-mats or sub pike push-ups or z-press such that you can sustain sets of at least 5-10 reps at a time.
Rope climbs: Climb partway or sub 2-3 ground-to-stand per climb.
Objective: Finding the optimal strategy is key for today’s partner chipper. Decide how you want to break up the work collectively (for example, 10 rounds of 300m row, 15 HSPU, 3 rope climbs) and also how you can play to your strengths to make sure you’re maximizing your output each time it’s your turn.
Score: time to complete
Sunday 1.7
Back Squat: 4 sets of 5 reps – 80% of 1RM
Pause Back Squat: 4 sets of 6 reps – 65% of 1RM
Step-ups: 4 sets of 10 reps per leg (Barbell or DB)
Farmer’s Walk: 4 sets of 1 minute
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