Monday 2.12
Name game: You’re going on a date and they’re paying. What do you want to do?
Warm up: for 4 minutes complete rounds of 20 jumping jacks, 10 pass throughs, 10 kip swings, 5 burpees.
WOD: Four 5-minute AMREPs, alternating between A) and B)
A) 2, 4, 6 etc.
toes to bar
alternating single-arm devils press 50/35
B) 2, 4, 6 etc.
ring dips
*Rest 2 minutes between AMREPs. The second time through each, pick up where you left off
**If needed, swap the order of A & B to have enough rings for everyone.
How to scale: Pick options you can do unbroken through at least the sets of 8 or 10.
Toes to bar: Do knees to elbow, knees to chest, or knee raises. If hanging is an issue, sub candlesticks.
Devils press: Use a lighter dumbbell and/or do straight-arm burpees.
Pull-ups: Do jumping pull-ups or ring rows. Avoid bands due to the small sets and quick transitions.
Ring dips: Use a band or do box or matador dips.
Objective: Today we have a total of four 5-minute intervals where you’ll be working your way up 2 different ladders. AMREP A relies heavily on hinging, with some elements of pulling and pressing. AMREP B is more pulling and pressing. The first time through each, you’ll be doing the smallest sets, so try to stay relatively unbroken while keeping a controlled pace that won’t catch up with you in the second half of the WOD. The second time through you’ll have worked your way up to bigger sets. Take quick breaks before you hit failure but still try to keep moving.
Score: total reps for A & B
Tuesday 2.13
Name game: What’s the worst pick-up line you’ve heard?
Warm up: 2-3 minutes jump rope then coach-led barbell
Strength: 10 minute EMOM
1 squat snatch
*optional: do 2-3 reps in each of the first few minutes to get additional warm up and practice at light loads
WOD: For time *15 minute cap
4 rounds of:
30 double unders
15 thrusters 95/65
Then, 4 rounds of
30 double unders
15 overhead squats 95/65
How to scale: Challenge yourself but ensure you can still get the squatting movements done in no more than 2-3 sets each round.
Double unders: Don’t get held up here. Spend no more than :30 per set accumulating single-single-doubles or attempts; sub 6/5 calorie bike; or do 60 singles.
Thrusters & overhead squats: Reduce the weight to one you can do for at least 10 reps in a row. If mobility makes OHS a challenge, do front squats instead.
Objective: For the first half of today, you’ll be working up to a heavy single on the squat snatch, again with an opportunity to get extra practice at light loads in the first few rounds. The workout has back-to-back couplets of two relatively light squatting movements. The time cap is intentionally tight, so go in with a goal of getting as far as you can without scaling more than you typically would just for the sake of finishing. You need a pace faster than 2 minutes per round to beat the cap.
Score: max squat snatch & time to complete (or rounds & reps at cap)
Wednesday 2.14
Name game: If you were in charge of the candy hearts factory, what message would you have printed on them?
Warm up: for 4 minutes complete rounds of :30 bike, 5 rope knee raises, 5 inchworms with a push-up
WOD: With a partner, 3 rounds for max reps
3 minutes Echo bike calories
3 minutes rope climbs
3 minutes wall walks
*one partner works at a time; switch as desired.
**Solo: rest 1:1
How to scale: Pick options that you can do consistently for 1-3 reps at a time with relatively short rest.
Rope climbs: Go partway up or do 2 ground to stand + knee raise per rep.
Wall walks: Climb up the wall only as far as you’re comfortable.
Objective: It’s a Valentine’s Day partner WOD. Make a plan for sharing the work such that there are no points where you’re both resting. Switch every 30-90 seconds on the bike and alternate every 1-3 reps on the rope climbs and wall walks depending on your relative proficiencies with those skills.
Score: total reps
Thursday 2.15
Name game: What is your preferred way to consume chocolate?
Warm up: for 5 minutes complete rounds of :30 row, 10 step-ups, 5 squat to hip hinge, 5 jumping squats
Strength: back squat 5-5-5-5+
*Same weight all 4 sets. Last set is max reps.
WOD: 10 minute AMRAP
10 calorie row
10 box jumps 24/20
10 goblet lunges 32/24
*start on any movement to share rowers
How to scale: This is a quick one. Pick options you can do unbroken throughout.
Box jumps: Jump to a lower box or do step-ups.
Goblet lunges: Use a lighter kettlebell or dumbbell.
Objective: No pauses today, so try to push for a heavier load across all sets than you’ve used on our other recent back squat days. The workout has relatively small sets over a relatively short time. Aim to complete all movements unbroken and to keep moving the whole 12 minutes – no wasted time on transitions.
Score: squat weights (note max set) and rounds & reps
Friday 2.16
Name game: If your next birthday party had a pinata, what shape would you choose?
Warm up: 3 minute bike/row then coach-led barbell
Strength: 1 rep max clean & jerk
WOD: Open 12.1
AMREPs in 7 minutes:
burpees to 6” target
*Rx standard: chest and thighs touch the ground at the bottom of the burpee; both hands hit a target 6” above max reach at the top
How to scale: Do straight arm burpees and go to a target just above max reach.
Objective: We’ve got two tests today: one of strength and technique in the Olympic lifts, the other of sheer capacity and willingness to push in an infamous past Open workout. If you’re participating in the intramural open, your scores today are your first chance to put scores on the board for your team. For everyone, it’s a good chance to see where your strength and conditioning stand as we head into the Open.
Score: max C&J and total reps
Saturday 2.17
Name game: Would you rather have a pause or a rewind button in your life?
Warm up: coach-led funzies
WOD: “Sean” *35 minute cap
10 rounds for time:
11 chest-to-bar pull-ups
22 front squats 75/55
How to scale: Share the work with a partner or reduce the workload by enforcing a shorter time cap (i.e., make it a 20 minute AMRAP).
Chest to bar: Do banded chest-to-bar, regular pull-ups, or ring rows.
Front squats: Reduce the weight or do air squats. You should be able to do 22 reps in a row at your chosen load.
Objective: We’re welcoming the weekend with a hero WOD. This one has just two movements but a significant volume of each, so make sure you’re adapting it to make it manageable for you, one option being to do it as a partner workout. Try to finish each skill in no more than 2-3 sets each round. If your first round takes longer than 3 minutes, consider scaling down further.
Score: time to complete
Sunday 2.18
Part A: Push Jerk 6×3 – 70% to 80% of 1RM
*Rest 2 minutes between sets
Part B: Bench Press 6×3 – 75% to 85% of 1RM
*Rest 2-3 minutes between sets.
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