Monday 3.11
Name game (gone meta): What is the most interesting ice breaker question you have ever been asked?
Warm up: 3 minute run/bike/row then coach-led barbell & rope climb review
WOD: 21 minute AMRAP
200m run (or 15/12 calorie Echo bike or 18/15 calorie bike erg/row)*
15 power snatches 95/65
3 rope climbs
200m run (or bike/row)
15 power clean & jerks 95/65
3 rope climbs
*Athletes are encouraged to run if possible, but all of the cardio options count as “Rx”; take note, however, that rowing will make this extremely grippy and that there is also biking on Wednesday.
How to scale: Modify with the goal of finishing at least two rounds.
Run/bike/row: Reduce the distance/calories to finish in under 1:15.
Snatches/clean & jerks: These should be light. Pick something you can do for at least 5 reps in row consistently. Use a separate bar/further reduce weight for snatches if needed. To eliminate the snatches entirely replace the snatches with 15 jerks and the clean & jerks with 15 power cleans.
Rope climbs: Drop to 1-2 reps per set, do partial climbs, or sub 5 hanging knee raises per climb.
Objective: We’re starting the week with a slightly longer workout that has a little bit of everything — some cardio, some higher skill pulling work on the ropes, and some light Olympic lifts. Ideally, each component is taking roughly the same amount of time, around 60-90 seconds. Take your grip into account when planning strategy: quick sets of 3-5 reps on the barbell, efficient rope climbs, and some time to shake out your arms while you’re running. The goal is for everyone to finish at least 2 rounds; 90 seconds per skill gets you to that target in 18 minutes.
Score: rounds & reps
Tuesday 3.12
Name game: What’s an unpopular opinion you have about a band or musician?
Warm up: for 4 minutes complete rounds of 20 single or double unders, 10 band pull-aparts, 5 scap push-ups + 5 push-ups (from knees if needed)
Strength: bench press 3×8
*Athlete’s choice to build or use the same weight across. Control your effort as much as you’d like — anything from 3 easy to moderate sets if you’re looking for a lighter day and just want to move to working toward an 8RM if you’re feeling strong and want to push it.
WOD: 3 rounds for time *12 minute cap
75 double unders
10 dumbbell burpee box step-overs 20” 50/35
How to scale: Modify to keep each round under 4 minutes.
Double unders: Spend no more than 1:30 to 2 minutes per round accumulating reps, attempts, or single-single-doubles, or sub 150 singles.
Dumbbell burpee box step-overs: Do a straight-arm burpee, use lighter dumbbells, and step over a lower box.
Objective: Like the back squats last week, it’s up to you how heavy and how hard you want to go on the bench today. The WOD combines a fast movement — double unders — with a slow one — DB burpee box step-overs. For the former, try to stay as unbroken as possible but take calculated breaks if needed to keep your breathing under control. For the latter, slow and steady wins the race. Don’t rush these, but try to get through each set of 10 without setting the dumbbells down.
Score: bench press weights & time to complete
Wednesday 3.13
Name game: According to you, what is the most mind-numbingly dull movie ever made?
Warm up: 6 minute EMOM
A: bike
B: AMRAP 5 air squats, 5 kip swings, 5 scap pull-ups
WOD: With a partner, 25 minute AMRAP
12/9 calorie bike
9 goblet squats 32/24
6 toes to bar
3 chest to bar pull-ups
*alternate full rounds; solo rest 1:1
How to scale: Modify the bike to keep it quick and plan for unbroken sets on the other skills.
Bike: Reduce the calories to be done in under 1 minute.
Goblet squats: Use a lighter kettlebell.
Toes to bar: Sub knees to elbow, knees to chest, or hanging knee raises.
C2B: Do regular pull-ups, jumping pull-ups, or ring rows. Don’t waste time getting in and out of a band.
Accessory (optional): EMOM until 100 sit-ups are complete:
:30 plank
max reps sit-ups
Objective: This is a sprint-rest style partner WOD where unlike previous weeks, the amount of work you do before switching off is pre-defined. Push on the bike and try to stay unbroken on the kettlebell and pull-ups, aiming for rounds to take under 2 minutes each.
Score: rounds & reps
Thursday 3.14
Name game: Happy pi day! What’s your preferred role in a pie-eating contest: baker, contestant, or judge/spectator?
Warm up: for 4 minutes complete rounds of 20 jumping jacks, 10 pass throughs, 10 rocking tables
Skill: headstand/handstand work
WOD: For time *16 minute cap
bear crawl
After each set:
20m double KB farmers carry 24/16
20m double KB front rack carry 24/16
20m double KB overhead carry 24/16
Active recovery: reduce bear crawl distance, 60m farmers carry or lighter KBs
Rx+: 40-30-20-10m handstand walk
Objective: It’s all about positioning today in our last relaxed pre-Open Thursday WOD. The skill work gives you a chance to work on a few different forms of inversions, while the WOD is about moving efficiently through bodyweight crawls and weighted carries by focusing on the position — hips and knees low on the bear crawls and solid overhead and rack positions with the kettlebells.
Score: time to complete
Friday & Saturday 3.15 & 3.16
Name game: Who would you hire (at no cost to you) to provide live commentary for your performance on the WOD today?
Warm up: coach-led
WOD: Open 24.3. Good luck!
Classes will be doing the same workout on both Friday and Saturday. While you are welcome to come both days, doing the same WOD two days in a row will have minimal benefit for most people. Plan to do the Open WOD on one day and use the other as a rest or active recovery day.
CarlosWOD will also be doing 24.3.
Sunday 3.17
Strength: 20 minute EMOM bench press – 3 reps 60% to 75% of 1RM
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