Monday 3.25
Name game: Which superhero’s sidekick would you like to be?
Warm up: for 4 minutes complete rounds of 20 jumping jacks, 10 scap pull-ups, 5 inchworms
Skill/volume: 10 minutes of strict pulling.
Advanced: do 2-3 pullovers or skin-the-cats EMOM
Intermediate: practice the skills above or do 3-5 strict C2B or strict pull-ups EMOM
Beginner: Do 3-5 jumping pull-ups/C2B or ring rows with a slow, controlled negative EMOM; do some rounds as :20-:30 active hang for a break from pulling.
*Only use a band only if you cannot control the negative unassisted.
WOD: 15 minute AMRAP
10 burpee pull-ups
15 American KBS 24/16
20 v-ups
How to scale: Modify so that each skill is taking no longer than roughly 1 minute to complete.
Burpee pull-ups: Use a lower pull-up bar or do 10 burpees/straight-arm burpees + 10 ring rows.
American KBS: Use a lighter kettlebell or do Russian swings.
V-ups: Do tuck-ups or sit-ups.
Objective: The skill work today is all strict pulling, up to and including more uncommon gymnastics elements like the skin-the-cat and the pullover. If you’re still working toward your first strict pull-up, the focus is on developing strength through negatives — the slow descent from the top of the pull-up or ring row. The workout is a medium-long AMRAP with a little more pulling to go with a lot of hinging. Use the movements that are strong for you to recover and try to keep a steady pace on the others.
Score: rounds & reps
Tuesday 3.26
Name game: What actor would you cast to play you in a movie about your life?
Warm up: 400m run then 2 rounds of 10 squat to hinge, 10 pvc pass throughs with a lunge, 10 palms-up pvc OHS
WOD: 4 rounds for time *25 minute cap
400m med ball run 20/14
15 overhead squats 135/95
*No racks
**In case of rain: 600m row or 35/28 calorie bike
Accessory (optional): 3-5 rounds of 10/10 single leg KB RDLs; 10/10 single leg glute bridges
How to scale: Modify to consistently finish rounds in under 6 minutes.
MB runs: Use a lighter or no medicine ball and/or reduce the distance to take less than 3:00 to start.
Overhead squats: Reduce the weight so that you can do sets of at least 5 reps at a time. If OHS aren’t possible, sub front squats and consider using a heavier load. It’s too light if you’re doing all 15 reps unbroken.
Objective: Today’s workout is a twist on the benchmark Nancy, with fewer rounds but added weight on the runs and a heavier overhead squat. Remember on the med ball runs that sometimes a brisk walk is more efficient than a slow jog, especially if it helps you keep your heart rate under control so you can get right to work on the squats. Unless you’re going Rx, these overhead squats should be heavy enough that you need to break them up — try for 9-6, 8-7, 6-5-4, or similar. The time cap gives everyone a shot at finishing, but if these movements are strengths for you aim for faster. Can you go sub-20? Sub-16?
Score: time to complete
Wednesday 3.27
Name game: If you could afford to never work again, would you still keep your current job? If not, what would you do instead?
Warm up: for 4 minutes complete rounds of 5 rope knee raises, 10 band pull parts, 10 band strict press
WOD: 3 rounds, 8 minutes each, for max reps:
2 minutes: 3 rope climbs + max reps dumbbell push press 50/35
2 minutes: rest
2 minutes: 3 rope climbs + max reps dumbbell bench press 50/35
2 minutes: rest
How to scale: Ensure you’re able to get in at least 1 solid set of the dumbbell skill in each interval.
Rope climbs: Reduce the reps so that you finish the climbs with at least :30 to spare, or sub partial climbs or 3-6 ground-to-stand. Use knee raises as a last resort because they will come up again tomorrow.
DB presses: Use lighter DBs, and use different weights if there’s a significant strength differential between the two skills. You should be able to do at least 10 reps in a row when fresh.
Extra credit (optional): 2x500m row or 2×30 calorie bike, resting 2:00 between. These should be 90%+ efforts.
Objective: Lots of pulling, lots of pressing, and a decent amount of grip. Pace the rope climbs enough that you don’t burn out in later rounds, and stop short of failure on the dumbbell skills. Pick a comfortable rep range — maybe sets of 5-10 — and try to do that consistently with short breaks. Use the rest time to stretch out your shoulders and forearms.
Score: total reps (DB push press + DB bench)
Thursday 3.28
Name game: What are your ideal bedtime and wake-up time?
Warm up: coach-led barbell
Strength: 10 minute EMOM
halting clean pull + clean pull + power clean
*halting: pause below the knee and at the top of the knee
WOD: Every 3 minutes for 5 rounds:
50 double unders
15 toes to bar
10 power cleans 115/75
How to scale: Modify the reps and skills to finish each round with at least :30 to spare.
Double unders: Spend 60 seconds or less accumulating attempts/single-single doubles or sub 50-100 single unders.
Toes to bar: Reduce the reps to 10-12 or do knees to elbow, knees to chest, or hanging knee raises.
Power cleans: Reduce the weight to one you can consistently do for 10 touch-and-go reps. Go from the hang if needed.
Objective: Like the snatches last Tuesday, the clean complex today gives you the opportunity to make sure you’re hitting good positions in each phase of your pull. Build in weight over the course of the EMOM provided that you’re moving well. The workout is five quick intervals, each of which should take 1:30 to 2:30 to complete. Try to be consistent from one round to the next and scale enough that you’re not needing to do singles on the toes to bar or power cleans.
Score: clean complex weight & fastest/slowest rounds
Friday 3.29
Name game: Would you rather travel across the Atlantic by rowboat or across the country by bike?
Warm up: 3 minute bike/row, then rounds of 10 air squats, 5/side active lizard stretch, 10 downward dog with alternating toe touch
Strength: 5 sets of 3 front squats + 6 back squats
*Use the same load for all 5 sets. Aim for roughly 80% of your max front squat, or 5-10% pounds heavier than last week. No break between front and back squats except to reposition the bar.
WOD: 6 minute AMRAP
choose your own adventure!
10/8 calorie row
7 burpees over erg (lateral)
8/6 calorie Echo bike
7 burpees over parallette (lateral)
How to scale: Reduce the calories to take under 35 seconds and do burpees/straight-arm burpees over a line or in place (no stepping over).
Objective: It’s the second week of our front & back squat cycle. If you were here last Monday, aim for a heavier load today. The workout is a short burner, and you should be moving at a high intensity the whole time. Aim for a pace around 1 round per minute (or faster!).
Score: squat load and rounds & reps
Saturday 3.30
Name game: If you were going to lose all of your memories, which one would you want to lose last?
Warm up: coach-led funzies
WOD: With a partner, 30 minute AMRAP:
Partner A:
100m KB front rack carry 24/16 (to woods & back)
Then, for every break on the carry: 2 KB box step-overs 20” 24/16
Partner B:
200m run
max reps ring rows
*switch when A finishes the carry & step-overs; step-overs are completed after each carry
**in case of rain: complete the carry inside & sub 15/12 Echo bike for 200m run.
How to scale: Use lighter kettlebells as needed (avoid dumbbells). Everyone is expected to have to do some step-overs. Scaling to do all the carries unbroken is scaling too much! Use a single or lighter KBs/DBs for the step-overs if needed.
Objective: Today is about running faster than your partner can walk, then managing your grip. What counts are the total ring rows you’re able to complete, and you create the time to do that by running fast while your partner completes their kettlebell work. Save your grip and your muscles on the rings rows by doing small sets with short breaks — you’ll need it for the carries!
Score: total ring rows
Sunday 3.31
Happy Easter! 9 a.m. strength class only today. No open gym or 11 a.m. class.
Strength: 20 minute EMOM deadlift – 3 reps 60% to 75% of 1RM
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