Monday 4.1
Name game: It’s April Fools’ Day! Whom do you want to prank – or – what prank do you want to pull?
Warm up: 400m run then coach-led barbell
Strength: 10 minute EMOM
snatch pull + snatch high pull + squat snatch
WOD: For time *15 minute cap
20 muscle-ups (athlete’s choice)
40 power snatches 75/55
800m run (in case of rain: 1k row, 50/35 Echo bike, 2k bike erg)
How to scale: Aim to spend no more than 5 minutes on any one movement.
Muscle-ups: If you’re close to having muscle-ups, make attempts or reduce reps, spending no longer than about 5 minutes. Otherwise, complete 20 reps each of a challenging strict pull-up or ring row and a challenging strict dip.
Power snatches: These should be light. Reduce the load so that you could do sets of 10+ reps at a time. Go from the hang if needed.
Objective: Our strength work today continues to focus on the pull, adding some complexity and finishing with a full squat snatch. Build as you go so long as you’re moving well, and modify as needed by doing a power snatch followed by an overhead squat. The WOD is a medium-short chipper that starts our high-skill and ends with a sprint to the finish. Challenge yourself on the muscle-ups then push the pace on the light power snatches and the run. Your legs and lungs should be feeling it by the end.
Score: max snatch complex & time to complete
Tuesday 4.2
Name game: What major company would you like to be CEO of for a week?
Warm up: coach-led track warm-up, then review & build to power clean load
WOD: “The Chief”
Five 3-minute AMRAPs, resting 1 minute between
3 power cleans 135/95
6 push-ups
9 air squats
*Each round, restart the AMRAP
How to scale: Pick options for each skill that you can do quickly and unbroken, allowing you to maintain a pace of at least 1 round per minute.
Power cleans: These should be light. Pick a load you can do touch-and-go throughout the workout, and go from the hang if needed.
Push-ups: Elevate your hands on a box or bench.
Accessory (optional): 400m farmers carry, as heavy as possible
Objective: We’ve got a benchmark workout today! The Chief is a fun one, and the rounds go by fast. Each round has low reps of three different movement patterns — a pull from the floor, a horizontal press, and a squat — meaning that the effects of interference and muscle fatigue should be limited. Average scores are around 20 total rounds, and everyone should aim to maintain a pace of at least 3 rounds per interval. See 9/23/22 for past results.
Score: rounds & reps (input each round in SugarWOD and let it do the math!)
Wednesday 4.3
Name game: What’s the most dangerous thing you’ve ever done?
Warm up: for 4 minutes complete rounds of 20 jumping jacks, 10 kip swings, 10 box step overs, 5 burpees
WOD: For time *25 minute cap
60 chest-to-bar pull-ups
40 burpee box jump overs 30/24
60 toes to bar
40 devils press 50/35
*partition work as desired; Rx+ straight through
How to scale: Challenge yourself by picking variations you can manage by doing small sets.
C2B: Do jumping C2B, regular pull-ups, jumping pull-ups, or ring rows.
Burpee box jump overs: Do straight-arm burpees and jump over a lower box or step over.
Toes to bar: Do knees to elbow, knees to chest, or hanging knee raises.
Devils press: Use lighter dumbbells and do a straight-arm burpee if needed.
Accessory (optional):
Accumulate 100 DB renegade rows
*every break 10 v-ups
Objective: Choose your own adventure on today’s longer, chipper-style workout. Take advantage of the opportunity to do small sets by picking harder variations of these movements than you might otherwise. How you break it up is your decision: rotating through sets of 4-10 reps of each skill is a good starting point.
Score: time to complete (or reps at cap; total is 200)
Thursday 4.4
Name game: If you still had an annual “spring break,” where would you go?
Warm up: for 5 minutes complete rounds of 20 single or double unders, 10 air squats, 10 lunges, 5-5-5-5 monster walks
Strength: 5 sets of 2 front squats + 4 back squats
*Use the same load for all 5 sets. Aim for roughly 85% of your max front squat, or 5-10% heavier than last week. No break between front and back squats except to reposition the bar.
WOD: tabata for 16 rounds, alternating between
double unders
jumping alternating lunges
*8 minutes total, working :20 on, :10 off
How to scale: Pick movements you can do for 20-second spurts without stopping.
Double unders: Do single-single-double, plate hops, or calories on the bike. Do not do all singles unless you’re still developing that skill.
Jumping lunges: Remove the jumps.
Objective: This is the final week following this front/back squat progression, so make these sets heavy! You’ll see some heavier squats in workouts next week followed by a 1 rep max test the week after. The workout is short, intense intervals of jumping skills. Try to limit your breaks to the rest intervals.
Score: squat weights & total reps
Friday 4.5
Name game: Would you rather have no elbows or no knees?
Warm up: 2 minute run or row, then rounds of 10 pass throughs, 10 rocking tables, 5 dive-bomber push-ups
Strength: push press 5×3
WOD: AMREPs in 11 minutes
2k row or 1 mile run
max reps handstand push-ups in remaining time
How to scale: Spend no more than 10 minutes on the row/run and scale the HSPU to achieve at least 10 reps in the remaining time.
Row/run: Reduce the distance or cap yourself at 10 minutes.
Handstand push-ups: Use 1-2 abmats or do pike push-ups or z-presses. Pick an option you can do for at least 5-10 unbroken reps when fresh.
Objective: Today’s push presses build on the 5×5 we did two weeks ago; like the front squats, we’re building toward a 1 rep max later this month. If you were here on 3/21, aim to start and end your working sets at heavier loads than you did then. The workout tests your ability to press under fatigue — both muscular, from the push presses, and cardiovascular, from the buy-in of rowing or running. Your time on the row/run counts, so don’t sandbag it. Put in an 80-90% effort, take a few seconds to compose yourself, then get started on the handstand push-ups.
Score: push press weights & 2k or mile time + total HSPU
Saturday 4.6
Name game: What was the last TV show you binge watched?
Warm up: coach-led then build to deadlift weight
WOD: With a partner, 3 rounds for time *35 minute cap
Partner A:
10 deadlifts 60% 1RM
20/15 calorie Echo bike
Partner B:
10 deadlifts 60% 1RM
20/15 calorie Echo bike
Partner A:
10 strict pull-ups
20/15 calorie Echo bike
Partner B:
10 strict pull-ups
20/15 calorie Echo bike
*1 round = partner A DLs & bikes, then B DLs & bikes, then A PUs & bikes, then B PUs & bikes
**25/20 cal C2 bike
How to scale: Reduce the calories to take under 2 minutes and sub jumping pull-ups or ring rows as needed for the pull-ups. No kipping. If you’re unsure of your max deadlift, err on the side of too light.
Objective: You’re alternating sprint intervals with a partner today, and the division of labor is set: you’ll both be doing the same work, three sets each of two couplets — deadlifts and bike, and strict pull-ups and bike. Aim to complete the deadlifts and pull-ups in no more than 2-3 sets then don’t hold back on the bike. Keep each of your turns just under 3 minutes to beat the cap.
Score: time to complete (note deadlift load)
Sunday 4.7
Strength: Back Squat w/ 2 sec pause 6×3 – 75% to 85% of 1RM
*Rest 2-3 minutes between sets
Accessory: Power Cleans 4×3
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