Monday 4.22
Name game: Would you rather visit/climb Mt. Everest or Mt. Kilimanjaro?
Warm up: 400m run then rounds of 10 band pass throughs, 10 scap pull-ups, 5 rope knee raises
WOD: 5 rounds for time *30 minute cap
400m run
1 legless rope climb
3 rope climbs
How to scale: Aim to maintain 4-5 minute rounds.
Run: Reduce the distance if you cannot run 400m in under 2:30. In case of injury, sub 24/18 cal Echo bike.
Legless rope climbs: Maintain the upper body pulling emphasis. Go as high as you can legless then use your legs. If you can’t do any legless pulls, sub 5 strict pull-ups/ring rows.
Rope climbs: Do partial climbs or 15 knee raises.
Accessory (optional): 3 rounds for quality
10/10 single leg KB RDL
10/10 Bulgarian split squat
Objective: Today is our long effort for the week. Focus on the rope climbs, challenging yourself to do more or harder variations than you typically do. The runs are there to give your arms and grip time to recover, but don’t sandbag them; if rope climbs are a strength for you, try to push the pace instead.
Score: time to complete
Tuesday 4.23
Name game: In a food fight, what food would be your weapon of choice?
Warm up: for 4 minutes complete rounds of 20 single or double unders, 10 band pull-aparts, 10 rocking tables.
Strength: bench press 5×5
WOD: In 12 minutes, bike or row for max calories
* At 0:00, complete 100 double unders
* At 3:00, complete 75 double unders
* At 6:00, complete 50 double unders
* At 9:00, complete 25 double unders
How to scale: Make sure you have time to bike/row in every interval. Reduce the reps on the double unders (e.g. 80-60-40-20 or 40-30-20-10) or sub plate hops. If you can do 50+ unbroken single unders, they are not a scaling option today.
Objective: We finished our build-up to a one rep max push press last week, and now we’re taking it horizontal. You can build or use a consistent weight across your five working sets today, but make sure that every one of those sets is challenging and heavy. The workout is a monostructural test of accuracy under fatigue: can you avoid tripping and get through those double unders quickly as your legs and lungs get increasingly tired?
Score: bench press weights & total calories (note machine used)
Wednesday 4.24
Name game: What’s your favorite day of the week?
Warm up: for 4 minutes complete rounds of 20 jumping jacks, 10 air squats, 5 inchworms
WOD: “Ellen” *18 minute cap
3 rounds for time:
20 burpees
21 dumbbell snatches 50/35
12 dumbbell thrusters 50/35
*Note that there is no requirement to alternate arms on the snatch. Use 1 dumbbell for the snatch and 2 for the thrusters.
How to scale: Modify so that you’re able to finish under the time cap.
Burpees: sub straight-arm burpees
DB snatches & thrusters: Use lighter dumbbell(s). You should be able to do each skill in 3 sets or fewer.
Accessory: 3-5 rounds for quality
20m double DB overhead carry
20 v-ups
Objective: “Ellen” is one of CrossFit’s newer benchmark “girls,” and this will be the third time through for veteran CFN athletes. For most, this should be a medium duration workout, taking around 10-15 minutes to complete. Be careful: all three of the movements are notorious for jacking up your heart rate, so going out too hot in the first round can be costly. The goal is for everyone to finish today! See 11/23/22 for past results.
Score: time to complete
Thursday 4.25
Name game: What’s a song you’re embarrassed to admit knowing all of the lyrics to?
Warm up: coach-led barbell
Strength: 12 minute EMOM
hang power clean + power clean
WOD: 10 minute AMRAP
3 box jumps 30/24
6 hang power cleans 155/105
9 pull-ups
How to scale: Modify so that you can cycle quickly and mostly unbroken through rounds of this triplet.
Box jumps: Jump to a lower height. Sub step-ups only in case of injury.
Hang cleans: Reduce the weight to one you can do for 6 unbroken reps.
Pull-ups: If you have some capacity for unassisted pull-ups, reduce the reps to 5-6 per round; otherwise, do jumping pull-ups or ring rows.
Objective: Today’s clean complex is the same as the snatch complex we did last week, with the same intention. Technique comes first, but if you’re moving well and feeling good, you’re welcome to build in weight over the course of the EMOM. The workout is a short AMRAP with three movements you should be able to cycle through quickly and largely unbroken. Aim for a pace of faster than 90 seconds per round throughout — that means finishing at least 6 full rounds.
Score: complex weight and rounds & reps
Friday 4.26
Name game: What’s one topic you wish you were more knowledgeable about?
Warm up: coach-led/OHS prep, then 5 minutes to complete 2-3 practice sets building to opening set of 10
Strength WOD: 25 minutes to complete overhead squat 10-5-3-1-1-1-3-5-10
*Beginner/technique focus: 8 sets of 5 at moderate weight or sub front squats
**These are all working sets. That first set of 10 should not be a load you consider warm-up weight.
Accessory WOD: For time *5 minute cap
100 ab mat sit-ups
Objective: There are two goals for the pyramid-style strength workout today: target a daily max as your final single in the sets of 1, and aim to go slightly heavier on your second sets of 3-5-10 than on your first. Note that the goal is not to PR your overhead squat today, but rather to find a heavy single within the context of a series of heavy sets with limited rest. All nine sets count, not just the heaviest one. The workout is a quick core burner. If you’re feeling good, try to go unbroken. If you emptied the tank on the squats, feel free to aim for fewer total reps or treat this as untimed/“for quality” work.
Score: OHS loads & time to complete
Saturday 4.27
Name game: What fictional character would you want to have a long conversation with?
Warm up: coach-led funzies
WOD: In 30 minutes:
Part A: With a partner, 3 rounds for time, one partner working while the other rests:
40 toes to bar
30 handstand push-ups
20 chest-to-bar pull-ups
10 wall walks
Part B: Run for max distance in remaining time, individually
*In case of rain/injury, go for row distance/Echo bike cals on a different machine from what you did on Tuesday
How to scale: Ensure you’re able to get through Part A with time to spare for Part B.
Toes to bar: Do knees to elbow, knees to chest, or hanging knee raises. If your shoulders or hands are suffering, sub v-ups or candlesticks.
Handstand push-ups: Use 1-2 abmats or do pike push-ups or z-presses.
Chest to bar: Try to keep the range of motion with jumping or banded strict chest-to-bar. Otherwise sub jumping pull-ups or ring rows.
Wall walks: Go as far up the wall as you can and hold for 2-3 seconds.
Objective: It’s two WODs in one, first with a partner then on your own. For part A, try to share the work fairly, in sets of 5-10 on the first three skills then 1-3 on the wall walks. On many workouts it’s tempting to take the runs as easy recovery, but that won’t work today: run hard!
Score: time for Part A (team score) and distance run in Part B (individual score)
Sunday 4.28
Strength: 1RM Test Day: Back Squat/Bench Press/Deadlift
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