Monday 5.27
Note: If you can’t make it today, you’ll have a second chance to complete Murph during CarlosWOD on Friday, June 7.
Name game: What food or drink do you crave most after a long workout?
Warm up: coach-led
WOD: “Murph”
For time, with a 20/14 weight vest:
1 mile run
100 pull-ups
200 push-ups
300 air squats
1 mile run
How to scale: 1. Skip the vest; 2. Partition the work as desired (e.g. 20 rounds of Cindy); 3. Modify the pull-ups and push-ups using ring rows, bands, and boxes as needed; 4. Reduce the total volume (e.g. half reps).
Score: time to complete
Tuesday 5.28
Name game: What hurts today?
Warm up: for 4 minutes complete rounds of 20 jumping jacks, 5 inchworms, 2/side unweighted TGU
Skill: jump rope (12 minutes)
*If you’re sore from Murph, use this time to stretch and foam roll, or treat this an alternating EMOM: 1 minute working on a jump rope skill of your choice, 1 minute/side couch stretch, banded lat stretch, chest stretch on wall/rig
WOD: 15 minute AMRAP
5/5 Turkish get-ups 24/16 or 50/35
200m farmers carry 24/16 or 50/35
*Rx+ go heavier
How to scale: Use lighter weights for one or both movements. You should be able to finish 5 TGU in no more than 2 sets. Likewise, you should be able to finish the carries with no more than 1-2 breaks.
Objective: Today is largely a skill day — a chance to do some lower-intensity work as you recover from Murph — but that doesn’t mean it can’t be challenging. Use the jump rope time as you see fit, and focus on moving well over moving fast on the workout.
Score: rounds & reps
Wednesday 5.29
Name game: Would you spend all summer wearing nothing but a bathing suit or always dressed for sub-freezing temperatures?
Warm up: for 5 minutes complete rounds of 150m row, 10 kip swings, 10 squats to hip hinge
WOD: 4 rounds, 1:30 per station, for max reps
calorie row
knees to elbow
medicine ball clean 20/14
How to scale: Modify so that you’re moving for the majority of each interval.
Knees to elbow: Do knees to chest or hanging knee raises. If your hands are beat up from Murph, sub tuck-ups.
Medicine ball cleans: Use a lighter ball.
Accessory (optional): 5x max effort ring support hold; rest as needed between sets
Objective: We have a twist on a typical Fight Gone Bad-style workout with intervals that are 90 seconds rather than the usual 60. For the rows, try for roughly 500m interval pace. We’re doing knees to elbow instead of toes to bar today, but don’t think of that as being “scaled down”; properly done, these are a brutal core exercise. Similarly, med ball cleans sound light but they will have your legs burning. Aim for sets of 8-10 reps at a time with quick breaks on both.
Score: total reps
Thursday 5.30
Name game: Where’s the last place you went out to eat?
Warm up: for 5 minutes complete rounds of 5 burpees, 10 band pass throughs, 10 band strict press
Strength: 1 rep max strict press
WOD: For time *12 minute cap
burpee muscle-ups (ring or bar)
wall walks
*Rx+ 90’-60’-30’ handstand walk
How to scale: Pick two challenging skills given that you need to average only 3 reps per minute to beat the cap.
Burpee muscle-ups: Do burpee chest-to-bar, burpee pull-ups, or burpees followed by ring rows.
Wall walks: Go as far up the wall as you’re comfortable and hold for 2-3 seconds.
Objective: Use the base you’ve established with the sets of 3 and 5 from the past few weeks to work up to a heavy single — or new PR — today. The workout is a quick but higher skill couplet. Challenge yourself and take it one rep at a time.
Score: max strict press & time to complete
Friday 5.31
No CarlosWOD tonight. Rope climb workshop at 6:30 p.m. Sign up in ZenPlanner.
Name game: What’s your current deadlift PR and your goal for today?
Warm up: 2 minute run/bike/row then rounds of 10 good mornings, 5/5 single leg glute bridges, 5/5 active lizard
Strength: 1 rep max deadlift
WOD: For time, working 1 minute on, 1 minute off, until 75 lateral hops are complete *12 minute cap (6 minutes working time)
9/7 calorie Echo bike (12/9 C2 bike/row)
max lateral hops over barbell
How to scale: Reduce the calories to take less than 35 seconds, and reduce the height of the jump by using small change plates, an empty bar, or a line on the floor.
Objective: Our deadlift cycle is coming to an end, and now’s your chance to see where your strength is. The workout is short, intense sprint intervals that will reward those able to push the hardest from the start. Focus on quick transitions from bike to jumps and try to spend all of each minute working.
Score: max deadlift & time to complete
Saturday 6.1
Name game: What is a fear that you’ve overcome?
Warm up: coach-led funzies
WOD: With a partner
AMREPs in 15 minutes
10, 20, 30 etc.
hang power snatch 95/65
bar-facing burpee
Rest 3 minutes, then:
AMREPs in 15 minutes
10, 20, 30 etc.
hang power clean & jerk 95/65
box jump over 24/20
*one partner works at a time; switch as desired
How to scale: Modify so that you’re comfortable doing sets of 5+ reps for all skills for the duration of the WOD.
Barbell skills: Reduce the weight to something you can do for sets of at least 8-10 reps in a row when fresh.
Box jump overs: Jump over a lower box or plate. Sub step-overs only in case of injury.
Bar-facing burpees: Do straight-arm burpees and/or step over.
Objective: This week’s barbell cycling practice is lightweight and being done in the context of a workout. Move quickly and ideally in large sets — going from the hang means quick singles won’t work — but don’t sacrifice good movement: make sure you’re lifting well and extending fully at the top of each rep.
Score: total reps for each AMREP
Sunday 6.2
Strength: Back Squat: 4×5 @ 70% of 1RM; 1×3 @ 75% of 1RM; 2×2 @ 80% of 1RM; 1×1 @ 90% of 1RM
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