Monday 7.22
Name game: If you had to sing karaoke right now, what song would you choose?
Warm up: 2 minute bike/row then rounds of 10 kip swings, 10 good mornings, 5 dive-bomber push-ups
Movement prep: build to your working deadlift weight
WOD: “Zimmerman”
25 minute AMRAP
11 chest-to-bar pull-ups
2 deadlifts 315/205
10 handstand push-ups
How to scale: This is a hero WOD — challenge yourself, but stay safe and don’t let the lure of “Rx” get in the way of you getting a good workout.
Chest to bar: Try to keep the extended range of motion by doing banded or jumping chest to bar. Otherwise, do strict pull-ups or ring rows.
Deadlifts: Find a weight that is heavy for 2 quick singles.
Handstand push-ups: Use 1-2 ab-mats or do z-presses or pike push-ups.
Objective: We’re starting the week with a hero WOD that features a heavy deadlift sandwiched between moderate reps of two higher-skill gymnastics movements. Try to get through the C2B and HSPU in no more than 2-3 sets each round, and pick a deadlift weight that is heavy but that won’t require you to take long breaks before each rep. Average scores for this are around 8 rounds, so keep that target in mind when deciding if and how to scale.
Score: rounds & reps
Tuesday 7.23
Name game: What’s your favorite kind of birthday cake (or alternative celebratory dessert)?
(Happy birthday, Coach Paul!)
Warm up: 2 minute bike/row then coach-led barbell
Strength: 10 minute EMOM: One, 3-position squat clean (high hang, hang, floor)
*build in weight provided you’re moving well
WOD: 3 rounds, 3 minutes each, for max reps
25/20 calorie Echo bike
max reps back squats 135/95 (racks optional)
*rest 3 minutes between rounds
How to scale: Modify so that you’re squatting for at least :45 and with few or no breaks.
Bike: Reduce the calories to be completed in under 2:00.
Back squats: Reduce the weight to one you can do for 15+ reps in a row.
Objective: We’re sticking with the squat variations on the Olympic lifts, this time working from three different starting positions to help emphasize full extension when the bar gets to your hips and a strong pull under the bar to finish the lift. You’ll get some more squatting volume during the workout, which is three quick intervals of biking and back squats. Bike at 80-90%, then try to keep that bar on your back for the remainder of each interval.
Score: max 3-position clean & total back squats
Wednesday 7.24
Name game: Where’s the most inappropriate place you’ve fallen asleep?
Warm up: rowling
WOD: 240 reps for time, working as follows
2:00 row for calories
:30 rest
2:00 burpee pull-ups
:30 rest
*24 minute cap (12 sets of 2:00 on, :30 off)
How to scale: Aim for 200 total reps. Do burpees or straight-arm burpees to a lower pull-up bar or to a target above max reach.
Objective: To finish the Rx workout today you need to average 20 reps in each 2:00 interval, so figure out how to mete out your effort to get there. For example, if you can keep a pace of 8 burpee pull-ups per minute, you’ll need to row at a pace of 12 calories per minute to beat the cap. Burpee pull-ups are not a fast skill, so for most people the answer will be to row a little harder than you want to.
Score: time to complete (excluding rest) or reps at cap
Thursday 7.25
Name game: Would you rather never get sweaty or never get sore?
Warm up: 400m run then coach-led jump rope practice and T2B review
WOD: Every 9 minutes for 4 rounds, each for time
800m run
50 double unders
25 toes to bar
*in case of rain: 50/35 Echo bike; 2K C2 bike; or 1K row
How to scale: Modify so that you’re getting at least 1 minute of rest between rounds.
Run: Reduce the distance if 800m will take longer than 5:00 to complete.
Double unders: Cap each set at 1:00 of attempts or single-single-doubles.
Toes to bar: Reduce the reps to 15-20 each round or do knees to elbow, knees to chest, or hanging knee raises.
Objective: Tuesday’s intervals were short and intense; today’s intervals are on the longer side, ideally around 5-8 minutes each. There’s no time to sandbag the run, but keep your heart rate under control so you’re ready to get right to work on the jump rope. Be smart in attacking the toes to bar: there’s a lot of total volume, and small sets with quick breaks from the start will help you avoid hitting failure later on.
Score: slowest round (record all 4 in SugarWOD)
Friday 7.26
Name game: What sport are you most excited to watch in the Summer Olympics?
Warm up: 2 minute bike/row then rounds of 10 pass throughs with a lunge, 5 front squats, 5 push press, 5 overhead squats
Strength: thruster 5×5
*start your working sets at a moderate weight and build to a heavy 5 for the day
WOD: For time *10 minute cap
30 power snatches 95/65
30 overhead squats 95/65
30 thrusters 95/65
How to scale: Reduce the weight. You should be capable of at least 10 unbroken reps of each skill with the weight you choose. Take the snatches from the hang and sub front squats for the OHS if needed.
Objective: We’ve done front squats and back squats, and now we’re starting a cycle focused on thrusters, targeting a 1 rep max test later in August (and — hint, hint — a likely appearance in the Summer Swolestice). For today’s 5×5 we’ll be building in weight, starting from a moderately challenging load and ending at or near your 5 rep max. The WOD is a sprint chipper with a much lighter barbell. Try to hang on for big sets, particularly on the OHS and thrusters, where there is a bigger cost to dropping the barbell.
Score: thruster load & time to complete
Saturday 7.27
Name game: What outdated slang do you still use?
Warm up: coach-led funzies
WOD: With a partner, AMREPs in 30 minutes
A: 200m run
B: max rep DB box step-overs 20” 50/35
Switch, then
A: 200m run
B: max rep strict pull-ups
Switch, then restart the cycle
*in case of rain, sub 18/14 calorie Echo bike
How to scale: Pick options that will let you keep accumulating reps the entire time your partner is running.
Box step-overs: Use lighter dumbbells and/or use a lower box.
Pull-ups: Use a band or do ring rows. No kipping.
Objective: Grip, legs, and lungs are put to the test in this partner workout. There’s no built in rest here, and the goal is to minimize the amount you take due to accumulating muscle fatigue. Like the toes to bar on Thursday, not going out of the gates too hard on the step-ups and pull-ups will help you avoid spending most of your work intervals resting during the later parts of the workout.
Score: total step-overs + total strict pull-ups
Sunday 7.28
Strength: Deadlift: 8×2 @ 70% to 85% of 1RM
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