Monday 8.26
Name game: If you could broadcast a one-sentence message to the whole world, what would you say?
Warm up: 400m run then 4 minutes of 10 pass throughs with a lunge, 10 PVC overhead squats, 5/5 active lizard stretch
WOD: “Nancy” (compare to 10/11/22)
5 rounds for time *20 minute cap
400m run
15 overhead squats 95/65
How to scale: Modify to beat the cap, keeping each round under 4 minutes. If you’re new to CrossFit and struggle with conditioning, scale to 3 or 4 rounds.
Run: Most athletes should attempt the runs as written, but reduce the distance if you’re needing to walk.
Overhead squats: Reduce the weight to one you can do unbroken for at least 2-3 rounds. If shoulder mobility is an issue, do 16 overhead lunges or sub front squats.
Accessory (optional): 4×8 snatch grip RDL
Objective: “Nancy” is overdue for a return visit, so here she is. This is an easy workout if you run at a comfortable pace and break up the OHS when they start feeling hard, but that is missing the point. To do this right, run faster than you want to and pick up the barbell before you want to, then hang on. This is a benchmark, so make sure to record your score and note if and how you scaled.
Score: time to complete
Tuesday 8.27
Name game: If you had been born the opposite gender, what would your parents have named you?
Warm up: coach-led barbell
Strength: 10 minute EMOM power clean & jerk
Minutes 1-3: 3 reps
Minutes 4-6: 2 reps
Minutes 7-10: 1 rep
WOD: Two 6-minute AMRAPs
3 clean & jerks 135/95
6 bar-facing burpees
9 pull-ups
*Rest 3 minutes between AMRAPs; pick up where you left off
How to scale: Modify so that rounds are not taking significantly longer than 1 minute.
Clean & jerks: Reduce the weight to one you can do touch-and-go or as three very quick singles.
Bar-facing burpees: Do straight-arm burpees and/or step over the bar.
Pull-ups: Do jumping pull-ups or ring rows.
Objective: The strength work today gives you an opportunity to build to a heavy single on the clean & jerk while ensuring you get plenty of warm up and plenty of volume through bigger sets in the early rounds of the EMOM. The WOD is two short AMRAPs with a relatively light clean & jerk plus some small sets of burpees and pull-ups. Try to make it through each interval with minimal rest, and aim to match your score from the first interval on the second.
Score: max C&J and rounds & reps
Wednesday 8.28
Name game: How many phone numbers would you estimate you know by heart?
Warm up: for 5 minutes, rounds of 20 jumping jacks, 10 step-ups, 10 sit-ups to straddle, 5 inchworms with a push-up
WOD: AMREPs in 25 minutes
10, 20, 30 etc.
alternating single arm kettlebell swings 24/16
goblet box step-ups 20” 24/16
How to scale: Modify to not hit a wall in the first few rounds, possibly by starting at a lower rep count and increasing more gradually (e.g. 6, 12, 18 etc.)
Push-ups: Elevate your hands.
Single arm swings: Use a lighter kettlebell or do regular swings.
V-ups: Sub tuck-ups or sit-ups.
Goblet step ups: Use a lighter KB and/or a lower box.
Objective: Today’s ascending-reps style workout is our longest continuous effort of the week. There are four very different movements here, all of which will require careful strategizing to avoid failure as the reps rapidly increase, but none of which will interfere in a major way with the others. Avoid turning this into another sprint/rest workout by pacing carefully and planning out your sets to avoid hitting muscle or grip failure.
Score: total reps
Thursday 8.29
Name game: At the spa are you opting for a massage, a skin treatment, or a mani/pedi?
Warm up: track-style + jump rope review
Skill: jump rope (8-10 minutes). Practice double unders or try for a max set.
WOD: 4 rounds for max reps
90 seconds max calorie Echo bike
90 seconds rest
90 seconds max calorie row
90 seconds rest
*Rx: athletes may not sit/lie down during rest intervals.
Accessory (optional): 4×12 DB bicep curl; 4×12 DB lateral raise
Objective: We’re taking a break from our multimodal days with an all-cardio sprint-fest. Take some time to practice jump rope skills at the start of class, then settle in for some hard efforts on the bike and row. Try for equal effort on both machines. Don’t sandbag one to max out on the other!
Score: bike calories + row calories
Friday 8.30
Name game: Where’s your favorite place to go for a long weekend getaway?
Warm up: for 5 minutes, rounds of 10 stiff leg deadlifts, 10 kip swings, 10 front squats, 10 knee raises
WOD: Each for time *24 minute total cap
At 0:00:
deadlift 185/125
muscle-up (athlete’s choice)
At 12:00:
front squat 185/125 (no racks)
rope climbs
How to scale: Modify to keep each couplet well under 12 minutes, ideally creating at least 3-4 minutes of rest between them.
Deadlift: Reduce the weight to one you can do consistently for sets of 10+ reps at a time.
Muscle-up: Count attempts, reduce the reps to a minimum of 6-4-2, or do 12-8-4 of a challenging pull-up and a challenging dip.
Front squat: Reduce the weight to one you can consistently do for sets of at least 5 reps at a time. If needed, reduce the load from what you used for the deadlift.
Rope climbs: Do partial climbs, reduce the reps to a minimum of 3-2-1, or sub 30-20-10 knee raises.
Objective: We’ve got two quick couplets today that mix a lower body weightlifting skill with some upper body pulling. Aim for both to be in the 5-9 minute range, but note that the 12 minute caps offer some leeway to challenge yourself on loading, gymnastics scaling, or both.
Score: time for each couplet
Saturday 8.31
Name game: How much caffeine do you consume on a typical day?
Warm up: coach-led funzies
WOD: With a partner, 24 rounds for time *30 minute cap
7 hang power snatches 75/55
7 toes to bar
7 burpees to 6” target
*alternate full rounds; solo: 12 rounds, rest 1:1
How to scale: Modify to be able to do all skills unbroken.
Hang power snatches: Reduce the load.
Toes to bar: Do knees to elbow, knees to chest, knee raises, or tuck-ups/v-ups.
Burpees: Do straight-arm burpees and/or aim for a lower target.
Objective: This is a quintessential sprint-rest style partner WOD. When it’s your turn, you should be moving quickly and unbroken through this triplet of weightlifting, gymnastics, and burpees in a similar vein to Tuesday’s workout. Unlike Tuesday, however, you’ll be getting roughly 1:1 rest between rounds. Go hard every time it’s your turn.
Score: time to complete
Sunday 9.1
Strength: Deadlift: 6×4 @ 75% to 85% of 1RM
Deficit Deadlift: 5×3 @ 60% to 75% of 1RM
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