Monday 10.28
Name game: If you were an actor paid to scare people in a haunted house, what would your costume be?
Warm up: For 4 minutes, rounds of 20 jumping jacks, 10 kip swings, 3 inchworms to hollow, 3 inchworms to push-up
WOD: 3 rounds for time *30 minute cap
30 toes to bar
15 burpees to 6” target
10 bar muscle-ups
15 burpees to 6” target
How to scale: Modify to keep each round under 10 minutes.
Toes to bar: Do knees to elbow, knees to chest, or hanging knee raises.
Burpees: Do straight arm burpees and/or go to a lower target. If needed, reduce the reps to 10 each set.
Bar muscle-ups: Do 10 challenging pull-ups or ring rows and 10 challenging ring, matador, or box dips.
Objective: We’re starting the week off with a long, gymnastics-centered workout. The key will be managing grip and shoulder fatigue, so break up the toes to bar and muscle-ups early and be efficient with your burpees: let gravity help you on your way down, and use your hips to help you get back up.
Score: time to complete
Tuesday 10.29
Name game: Would you rather be able to speak telepathically or move objects with your mind?
Warm up: 2 minute row/bike then coach-led barbell
Strength: Every :45 for 12 sets
clean pull + squat clean
WOD: 4 rounds, 2 minutes each, for total calories
15 thrusters 95/65
max calorie row
*rest 2 minutes between rounds
How to scale: Reduce the thruster weight to one you can complete unbroken or in 2 sets each round. You should have at least 1 minute to row every time.
Objective: The clean strength work today has the same goal as last week’s snatch work; again take the opportunity to prioritize good form, but build in weight as long as your technique stays strong. It’s been a while since our friend the thruster made an appearance, but it’s back today for 4 sizable sets that you need to get through quickly in order to maximize your time on the row. You’ve got 1:1 rest, so don’t hold too much back.
Score: max clean complex & total calories
Wednesday 10.30
Name game: What are your Halloween celebration plans?
Warm up: 6 minute EMOM
Odds: bike
Evens: AMRAP 10 banded good mornings, 10 scap pull-ups
Strength/skill: 10 minute EMOM
3-5 reps of a strict pulling skill — ring rows or feet elevated ring rows; strict pull-ups, strict chest-to-bar, or jumping/banded variations
WOD: 16 minute EMOM
Odds: 10/7 calorie bike + max rep DB snatch 50/35
Evens: :20 hanging L-sit*
*L-sit does not need to be unbroken
How to scale: Reduce the calories to complete them in under :35 each round, keeping in mind that this should be a sprint. Use a dumbbell light enough that you can do unbroken snatches for the remainder of the minute. For the L-sits, do a hanging tuck sit or a hollow hold or plank on the ground.
Objective: Today’s strength work — focused on strict pulling — is also your friendly reminder that while such work comes up periodically in class, it’s among the easiest accessories to add in on your own because a little can go a long way. In that spirit, today’s emphasis should be quality and difficulty of movement rather than total volume. The WOD is a series of short sprints with some core work thrown in that will make it hard to recover well between rounds. A minute goes by fast: push the bike, then grab your dumbbell right away.
Score: total DB snatches
Thursday 10.31
Name game: What’s your favorite scary movie?
Warm up: for 4 minutes, rounds of :30 jump rope practice, 10 band pass through & strict press, 1 wall walk/partial wall walk
Strength: strict press 4×8
WOD: 15 minute AMRAP
50 double unders
10 DB floor press 50/35
50’ handstand walk (Rx+) or 100’ bear crawl (Rx)
How to scale: Cap yourself at 1 minute of jump rope work each round, making attempts or accumulating single-single-doubles. Use dumbbells light enough to do the floor presses unbroken.
Objective: We’re continuing the long-term theme of big sets on upper body pressing movements. As before, it’s your choice to build in weight or use the same load for all sets. Keep in mind that these are good days to test your limits; it’s ok to challenge yourself and maybe get only 6-7 reps in the last set or two. The workout mixes jump rope, horizontal pressing, and some variation on a handstand walk. It’s up to you if you make this a skill piece working on the handstand walk, jump rope, or both; or if you get your cardio fix doing quick bear crawls and speedy sets on the jump rope.
Score: max strict press load and rounds & reps
Friday 11.1
Name game: What’s the worst flavor of toothpaste you can imagine?
Warm up: 2 minute bike/row then rounds of 10 step-ups, 10 air squats, 5-5-5-5 monster walks
Strength: 6 sets of back squats
2×4 tempo (33×1)
2×4 pause (3 seconds)
2×4 back squat
*As on 9/30, these should be six challenging working sets. Aim to do your first set of tempo squats at a load heavier than you used on 10/14 and build from there.
WOD: For time *9 minute cap
kettlebell goblet squats 24/16
kettlebell goblet box step-ups 20” 24/16
How to scale: Use a lighter kettlebell. You should be able to do this largely unbroken. If needed, step up to a lower box.
Objective: We’re completing the second round of our squat cycle with a deload of sorts coming next week. Like the squat medley on 9/30, the goal today is to start heavier than your tempo squats from 10/14 then add some weight on each successive set up to a heavy set of 4 regular back squats. The WOD is a quick couplet testing your legs and your grip. It should be quick: try to hang on to the kettlebell for as long as you can.
Score: max back squat load & time to complete
Saturday 11.2
Name game: Do you prefer tennis, badminton, pickleball, or ping pong?
Warm up: coach-led funzies
WOD: With a partner, AMREPs in 30 minutes
Partner A: 200m run
Partner B: max reps hang power snatches 75/55
Switch, then:
Partner A: 200m run
Partner B: max reps pull-ups
Switch, then restart the cycle
*In case of rain, sub 15/12 Echo bike for the run
How to scale: Pick a snatch weight and a pull-up scale you can do for sets of 10+ reps when fresh.
Objective: There’s no built-in rest in today’s partner WOD and plenty of opportunity for tired shoulders and grip. Keep your sets on the hang snatches and pull-ups manageable to avoid becoming overly fatigued early on, and remember to use your legs to help with the snatch and an efficient kip to help with the pull-ups.
Score: total reps (hang snatches + pull-ups)
Sunday 11.3
Strength: push press 4×6; bench press 4×8
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