Monday 11.4
Name game: Would you rather sit through a Harry Potter marathon or Lord of the Rings marathon?
Warm up: 2-3 minutes coach-led jump rope work, then rounds of 10 good mornings, 10 glute bridges, 10 down dog with alternating toe touch
Strength: Every 1:30 for 10 sets
3 snatch-grip deadlifts
*build in weight as you go; aim for touch-and-go all sets
WOD: 10 minute AMRAP
40 double unders
100’ farmers carry as heavy as possible
How to scale: Spend up to 1 minute per round on single-single-doubles or DU attempts.
Objective: We’re taking a step back from the heavy back squats this week, instead working with a moderate load in tomorrow’s WOD, so your heavy fix for the week is a quick detour to a deadlift variant that will test your grip strength and force you to engage muscles in your upper back more than a traditional deadlift. As a bonus, it will also help you build strength in the first and second pulls of the snatch. The workout is a quick AMRAP that continues the grip theme. There’s no prescribed weight for the farmers carries; take the opportunity to challenge yourself!
Score: max snatch grip DL triple and rounds & reps
Tuesday 11.5
Name game: What was the first thing you thought about when you woke up this morning?
Warm up: 2 minute bike/row then rounds of 10 pass throughs; 5-5-5 PVC back squats, front squats, overhead squats; 5 rope knee raises.
WOD: For time *25 minute cap
15 overhead squats 135/95
15 shoulder to overhead 135/95
30 front squats 135/95
15 shoulder to overhead 135/95
45 back squats 135/95
15 shoulder to overhead 135/95
15 rope climbs*
*complete the barbell chipper in order; incorporate the rope climbs as desired
**no racks except for back squats if needed
How to scale: Use a lighter barbell. You should be capable of sets of 10+ on all movements. If overhead squats are a limiter, use a lighter weight for those or do an additional set of front squats instead. For the rope climbs, do partial climbs or complete a total of 75 hanging knee raises.
Objective: It’s a barbell chipper today with some rope climbs mixed in to break up the monotony. It’s up to you how you do that, but some reasonable strategies would be to do 2-3 reps after each movement, or to do 4-5 reps at the start and end of the WOD with 1-2 climbs between barbell skills. The goal on the barbell is to hang on: this should be a weight on the lighter end of moderate that you’re able to move for sets of 8-10 reps throughout the WOD.
Score: time to complete
Wednesday 11.6
Name game: What’s the oldest piece of clothing you own and still wear?
Warm up: 6 minute EMOM
Odds: row
Evens: rounds of 7 kip swings, 7 sit-ups to straddle
WOD: With a partner, AMREPs in 35 minutes
AMREPs in 7 minutes:
12/9 calorie row
AMREPs in 7 minutes:
10 toes to bar
AMREPs in 7 minutes:
12/9 calorie row
AMREPs in 7 minutes:
10 parallette shoot throughs
AMREPs in 7 minutes:
12/9 calorie row
*switch with your partner every 12/9 calories and every 10 T2B/shoot throughs; solo rest 1:1
How to scale: Pick options for the two core skills you can do in 1-2 sets — knees to elbow, knees to chest, or knee raises; and shoot throughs on benches or boxes. Reduce the bike calories to take less than 1 minute.
Objective: We’re mixing things up with a mid-week partner WOD. In this one you’ll be alternating with your partner for fixed reps of two core skills and some calories on the row. This should work out to roughly 1:1 rest, so your turn is a sprint every time, especially on the row.
Score: total reps
Thursday 11.7
Name game: If you were robbing someone and your only goal was to minorly inconvenience them, what would you take?
Warm up: 2 minute run/bike/row then rounds of 10 step-ups, 10 air squats, 10 scap push-ups
WOD: Four 4-minute AMRAPs; rest 2 minutes between*
12 hang cleans 115/75**
12 box jumps 24/20
12 feet-elevated push-ups 24/20
*Pick up where you left off
**Odd intervals: hang power cleans; even intervals: hang squat cleans
How to scale: Modify to keep rounds under 2 minutes.
Cleans: Use a weight you can do unbroken for 12 power cleans. If needed, do all reps as power.
Box jumps: Reduce the height to one you’re comfortable jumping to. Save the step-ups for Saturday!
Feet-elevated push-ups: Do regular push-ups or elevate your hands. Scale to get through these in 1-2 sets — these should not become a sticking point.
Objective: We’re working through an AMRAP triplet in a series of 4-minute intervals. Aim for at least 2-3 rounds in each. These are mostly skills you should be able to cycle through unbroken or in big sets — there’s no grip interference from other skills to limit the hang cleans; and your legs get a break on the elevated push-ups.
Score: rounds & reps
Friday 11.8
Name game: If you had the power to merge two different animals to create the ultimate creature, what would they be?
Warm up: 3 rounds of 10 kip swings, 10 pass throughs, 5 inchworms, then coach-led barbell
Strength: 12 minute EMOM
Min 1-6: 2 muscle snatches
Min 7-12: 1 muscle snatch
WOD: For time *15 minute cap
chest to bar pull-ups
bar-facing burpees
How to scale: Modify to beat the cap, meaning an average of 9+ reps per minute.
Chest to bar: Do jumping chest to bar, regular pull-ups, or challenging ring rows.
Burpees: Do straight-arm burpees and/or step over the bar.
Objective: We’re taking a break from heavier Oly complexes to focus on turnover and bar path — keeping the bar as close to your body as possible — in an EMOM of muscle snatches. You’re still welcome to build in weight as the EMOM progresses. The WOD is a cruel twist on the classic 21-15-9 rep scheme with an extra set of 21 added on at the end. Still, this should be a quick workout. A pace of 9 reps/minute beats the cap, but it’s possible to go significantly faster.
Score: max muscle snatch & time to complete
Saturday 11.9
Name game: What is one way that you’ve performed community service?
Warm up: coach-led
WOD: “Chad”
For time:
1,000 box step ups 20”
*Rx is with a 45/35 pound ruck or weighted pack. Please note that you must supply your own vest or ruck if you intend to do this with weight.
There is no official time cap today. As written, “Chad” takes an average of 60-70 minutes. There are several ways to scale this:
1) Do the workout with less or no added weight.
2) Use a lower box.
3) Reduce the reps (750, 500, 250) or give yourself a time cap.
Objective: “Chad” became a hero WOD after its namesake, former Navy SEAL Chad Wilkinson, died by suicide in 2018. The workout was inspired by Chad himself, who would regularly do 1,000 weighted step-ups alone in his garage as training to summit the highest mountain in South America. Since his death, it has become a rallying point for raising awareness of veteran mental health. The workout is meant to be long, grueling, and solitary, so take this on as both a physical and mental challenge.
Score: time to complete
Sunday 11.10
Strength: back squat 4×8
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