Monday 11.11
Name game: Do you love winning or do you hate losing?
Warm up: 2 minute run/bike/row then rounds of 10 scap pull-ups, 5 dive-bomber push-ups, 5 inchworms
WOD: “G.I. Jane” *20 minute cap
For time: 100 burpee pull-ups
How to scale: Do straight-arm burpees and/or use a lower pull-up bar. If jumping pull-ups aren’t happening, alternate sets of 5-10 burpees and 5-10 ring rows.
Strength/Accessory: 3-5 rounds
12 DB bench press
12/side single arm DB row
Objective: We’re flipping things today: WOD first, a benchmark that is all about forcing yourself to keep moving with the knowledge that you can always do just one more rep. After that we’re moving on to some dumbbell strength work under significant fatigue due to the similar pressing and pulling movement patterns. Be safe, but still try to push the weight.
Score: time to complete
Tuesday 11.12
Name game: If a restaurant were going to name a menu item after you, what would it be?
Warm up: 2 minutes bike/row then coach-led barbell
Strength: 12 minute EMOM
Minutes 1-6: 2 muscle cleans
Minutes 7-12: 1 muscle clean
WOD: 2 rounds, each for time *6 minute cap for first round; 15 minute total cap
50 wall balls 20/14
500m row or 30/24 bike (athlete’s choice; 400m run also ok if it’s light out)
*Rest 3 minutes between rounds
How to scale: Use a lighter ball and/or go to a lower target on the wall balls. If needed, reduce the reps to 35-40 per round. You should be able to finish these in under 3 minutes. Do not scale the row or bike, but cut yourself off if you hit the 6-minute cap for round 1.
Objective: In parallel to our work on muscle snatches last Friday, we’re working on muscle cleans today with a similar objective of working on bar path and strength in your pull. The workout is two sprints, each of which is intended to be finished in under 6 minutes. Aim for big sets of wall balls, then do your best to push the pace on the bike or row even when it hurts.
Score: max muscle clean & time for each round
Wednesday 11.13
Name game: What’s your favorite color for a car?
Warm up: for 4 minutes, rounds of 10 banded good mornings, 10 kip swings, 10 box step-ups
WOD: 5 rounds, 1 minute per station, for max reps
DB or KB deadlift 50/35 or 24/16
box jumps 24/20
toes to bar
How to scale: Modify each skill to maintain a pace of at least 15 reps per minute.
Deadlifts: Use a lighter weight such that you can do sets of at least 10 reps at a time.
V-ups: Do tuck-ups or sit-ups.
Box jumps: Jump to a lower box.
Toes to bar: Do knees to elbow, knees to chest, or hanging knee raises.
Objective: It’s all about the hinge today, with a Fight Gone Bad-style workout with four movements built around opening and closing at the hip. Try to be consistent in how many reps you’re getting at each station each time through.
Score: total reps
Thursday 11.14
Name game: If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?
Warm up: 2 minute bike/row then rounds of 10 air squats, 10 lunges with a twist, 5-5-5-5 monster walks
Strength: tempo back squat
5×3 @ 33×1
*Same load all five sets.
WOD: 7 minute AMRAP
30 jumping alternating lunges
:30 wall sit
How to scale: Remove the jumps from the lunges.
Objective: We’re back for the third round of our squat cycle, this time working through sets of three. As with previous days, try to use a heavier load today than you used for the 5×4 on 10/14. The workout is a quick quad burner. Try to keep moving without letting your technique fall apart on either of these skills.
Score: squat load and rounds & reps
Friday 11.15
Name game: If you could spend one year living in a foreign country, which would it be?
Warm up: 2 minutes jump rope then coach-led
WOD: 10 rounds for time *25 minute cap
30 double unders
1 power snatch 155/105
3 bar muscle-ups
5 handstand push-ups
How to scale: Modify to keep each round under 2:30.
Double unders: Spend no more than 30 seconds per round making attempts or accumulating single-single-doubles; alternatively do 60 single unders.
Power snatch: Pick a relatively heavy single that does not require a long break in order to attempt each round.
Bar muscle-ups: Do 6 reps of a challenging pull-up.
Handstand push-ups: Use 1-2 ab-mats or do pike push-ups or z-presses.
Objective: We’re ending the week with a longer workout on the more advanced end of the spectrum with some higher skill gymnastics and a heavier snatch in the mix. The saving grace today is that the rep counts are very low, so challenge yourself as much as you can while still keeping rest to a minimum and staying on pace to finish under the cap.
Score: time to complete
Saturday 11.16
Name game: What should the next viral internet challenge be?
Warm up: coach-led funzies
WOD: In teams of 3, AMREPs in 30 minutes
Partner A: Echo bike for calories
Partner B:
5 DB hang squat cleans 50/35
10 burpees over DB (lateral)
5 DB hang squat cleans 50/35
Partner C: rest
*Rotate each time B finishes a round
**Team of 2/1 rotates with a ghost partner(s) based on how long B takes.
How to scale: Use lighter dumbbells and do straight-arm burpees/step over the dumbbell such that partner B’s rounds never exceed 90 seconds — ideally taking closer to a minute each.
Objective: Two partners, two times the fun? Today’s team-of-three WOD asks you to push through two stations, first on the bike and then a single round of squats and burpees with the added challenge of tired legs and lungs from the bike. You’re then rewarded with some built-in rest, so work hard all the way to the end of your turn.
Score: total reps (calories + reps by Partner B)
Sunday 11.17
Strength: deadlift 4×6
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