Monday 12.2
Name game: What’s your preferred hot beverage?
Warm up: 4 rounds, :20 per station, band pass throughs, band pull-aparts, scap pull-ups
Strength: bench press 10-8-6-4-2
WOD: AMREPs in 12 minutes
8/8 kettlebell snatch 24/16
max reps strict pull-ups
How to scale: Modify so you’re able to complete at least 1 round every 2 minutes.
KB snatch: Use a kettlebell light enough to do all sets unbroken. Modify to single-arm swings if needed.
Strict pull-ups: Pick something you can do for at least 5 reps consistently. Use a band or do challenging ring rows.
Objective: The focus today is descending reps, ascending weight on the bench press, with a goal of treating this as five heavy sets, not four warm up sets building to a single heavy double. The workout mixes strength/skill and AMRAP/AMREP formats. You should be able to do the snatches unbroken and manage 5+ reps of your chosen pull-up scale throughout. Aim to complete at least 6 rounds.
Score: max bench press load and rounds & reps (rounds = rounds completed; reps = total pull-ups)
Tuesday 12.3
Name game: If you were a teacher, what age group would you want to teach?
Warm up: 2 minute bike/row + rounds of 8 kip swings, 8 box step-overs, 8 pvc thrusters; then coach-led barbell review
WOD: 20 minute AMRAP
4 clusters 155/105
8 box jump overs 30/24
12 toes to bar
How to scale: Modify to keep a pace of 2:00-2:30 per round (8-10 total).
Clusters: Reduce the weight to one you can do for relatively quick singles. If needed, break each rep into power/hang power clean + thruster.
Box jump overs: Use a lower box.
Toes to bar: Do knees to elbow, knees to chest, or hanging knee raises.
Objective: We have a “little bit of everything” AMRAP today drawing on strength and gymnastics movements that target all your major muscle groups. This workout should be similar in stimulus to something like “Mary” or “Nate.” Aim to achieve a similar score, in the 8-12 round range.
Score: rounds & reps
Wednesday 12.4
Name game: What’s a popular food combination you think is gross?
Warm up: :30 on, :10 off for 10 rounds alternating bike and jump rope; then coach-led rope climb review
WOD: Every 2 minutes for 12 rounds (24 minutes total)
Odds: 24/18 calorie Echo bike
Evens: 60 double unders + max reps rope climbs
How to scale: Ensure you get to the rope climbs every round.
Echo bike: Reduce the calories to an amount you can finish in 1:45 or less.
Double unders: Cap yourself at a minute of attempts, practice, or single-single doubles.
Rope climbs: Do partial rope climbs, ground to stand + knee raises, or count 5 hanging knee raises as 1 rep.
Objective: Today’s workout alternates between two very different types of interval: one, all cardio, with a goal of finishing the bike calories with enough time to give yourself at least 15-30 seconds of rest; the other, two movements that require a bit more skill in the double under and rope climb. Aim to have at least a minute to accumulate rope climbs every round.
Score: total rope climbs
Thursday 12.5
Name game: What TV show are you currently watching?
Warm up: coach-led snatch skill work
WOD: “Ingrid” (compare to 6/13/23)
10 rounds for time *10 minute cap
3 snatches 135/95
3 burpees over bar (lateral)
How to scale: Reduce the snatch weight. You should be able to do these touch-and-go or as very quick singles. Do straight-arm burpees and/or step over the bar.
Accessory: 8-10 sets of 1 snatch balance + 3 tempo overhead squats (3 second descent, 3 second hold at bottom)
*This is for quality of movement, NOT for maximum load. For many athletes, PVC or an empty bar will be plenty.
Objective: It’s been almost a year and a half since we last took this new twist on the benchmark Isabel. The snatches can be touch-and-go or quick singles, but because this is a workout of very small sets, the real key is to keep transition time to a minimum. This is a quicker workout, so don’t skimp on the accessory work. Note that it’s not labeled as strength: we’re looking for quality movement today. Keep the load light and work on good overhead positioning, good squat mechanics, and full range of motion.
Score: time to complete
Friday 12.6
Name game: What is the best perk you have ever had at a job?
Warm up: For 4 minutes, rounds of 20 jumping jacks, 10 kip swings, 10 down dog with alternating toe touch
WOD: For time *18 minute cap
30 chest to bar pull-ups
3 rounds of dumbbell DT 50/35
20 chest to bar pull-ups
2 rounds of dumbbell DT 50/35
10 chest to bar pull-ups
1 round of dumbbell DT 50/35
*DT = 12 deadlifts, 9 hang power cleans, 6 shoulder to overhead
How to scale: Modify to beat the cap. A pace of 12-13 reps per minute gets it done.
Chest to bar: Do banded or jumping chest to bar, regular pull-ups, or challenging ring rows. You should be able to do, at minimum, consistent sets of 5 of your chosen scale.
Dumbbell DT: Use lighter dumbbells such that you can, at minimum, complete the shoulder-to-overhead unbroken.
Accessory: 9 minute EMOM (3 rounds) for max distance
1 minute DB farmers carry
1 minute DB overhead carry
1 minute rest
Objective: Today’s workout is a medium duration effort mixing the pulling, hinging, and pressing of chest-to-bar pull-ups and DT, but the most important factor will be how well you’re able to manage your grip. Stick to small sets on the pull-ups, and take breaks on DT that minimize extra work: after the 11th deadlift and 8th hang clean. Everyone should aim to beat the cap today, requiring an average of 12-13 reps each minute. The accessory work continues the grip theme. Don’t skip it!
Score: time to complete
Saturday 12.7
Name game: If you could hang out with any cartoon character, who would you choose?
Warm up: coach-led funzies
WOD: With a partner, 5 rounds for time *35 minute cap
1200m row
20 back squats 185/125
*one partner works at a time; switch as desired
**Rx+ solo option: “Ned” – 7 rounds for time: 1000m row, 11 back squats (bodyweight); note that this is likely to take you past the 35 minute time cap.
How to scale: Reduce the back squat weight to one you can do for 10+ reps. Reduce the row distance if your team cannot average faster than 2:15/500m pace, which would allow 8 total minutes to complete the squats.
Objective: Today’s workout is a partner variation on the hero workout “Ned.” (If you’re feeling ambitious today, doing “Ned” is an Rx+ option). Remember that row transitions take time, so don’t break the rows into pieces shorter than 300-400 meters at a time. Likewise, you should be doing sets of 5-10 on the back squats and spending no more than 60-90 seconds there before getting back on the row.
Score: time to complete
Sunday 12.8
Strength: push press
5 sets @ 70% max reps in 0:45
*rest 1:30 between sets
bench press 5 x 5
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