Full Program February 12 to 18
Monday 2.12 Name game: You’re going on a date and they're paying. What do you want to do? Warm up: for...
Monday 2.12 Name game: You’re going on a date and they're paying. What do you want to do? Warm up: for...
Monday 2.5 Name game: If you could have any view out your office window, what would you choose? Warm up: 2...
The Open starts in exactly one month, and Open prep is in full swing! For the next few weeks,...
Monday 1.22 Name game: How many Opens have you done and are you signing up this year? Warm up: 2...
Monday 1.15 Name game: Who's an actor who played a villain so well you still hate them? Warm up: coach-led...
Monday 1.8 Name game: Why did your parents give you the name they did? Warm up: “Roxanne” burpees then movement...
Monday 1.1 Name game: What’s your new year’s resolution? Warm up: coach-led WOD: For time *40 minute cap 100 Curtis Ps 95/65 *1 Curtis...
Monday 12.25 Merry Christmas! The gym is closed today. Tuesday 12.26 Name game: What's your favorite gift you gave or received this...
Monday 12.18 Name game: What is the current state of holiday decorations at your house/apartment? Warm up: for 4 minutes...
Monday 12.11 Name game: What are you excited about this week? Warm up: 6 minute EMOM Odds: row (slow no straps/moderate no...