Monday 4.3
Name game: When was the last time you took a nap?
Warm up: 400m run then coach-led skill review
WOD: Every 10 minutes for 3 rounds:
400m run
25 pull-ups
25 handstand push-ups
25 power snatches 75/55
Lifestyle: ring rows, pike push-ups or z-press, reduce weight. Reduce the distance/reps as needed such that each movement takes less than 2:00 to complete.
* Everyone runs today! Sub 25/18 bike only in case of injury. No rowing; there’s enough grip and pulling already.
1 min/side pigeon stretch
1 min/side banded lat stretch
1 min/side banded tricep stretch
1 min child’s pose
Objective: Today’s workout consists of three longer intervals where you create your own rest. After each run, you have relatively large sets of gymnastics and light snatches. Try to be consistent in how you attack that work — know your capacity for each skill and pick a rep scheme you can maintain to keep your time for each round under 8 minutes.
Score: time for each round
Tuesday 4.4
Name game: Would you rather be stuck in a broken elevator or on a broken roller coaster?
Warm up: for 4 minutes complete rounds of 20 jumping jacks, 10 squats to hip hinge, 3 reverse burpees
Strength: tempo back squat 5×3 at 33×1
WOD: For time *10 minute cap
90 reverse lunges
60 v-ups
30 reverse burpees
Lifestyle: tuck-ups or sit-ups, elevated reverse burpees
Objective: The focus today is on the heavy back squats. Try to use the same weight for all 5 sets, and stick to the tempo even if it means sticking to a lighter weight. The workout is a short bodyweight chipper. Move quickly, but don’t let your movement get sloppy. Reverse burpees will be more challenging once your core is fatigued, but try to keep going on them.
Score: squat weights & time to complete
Wednesday 4.5
Name game: What was the most memorable thing you did over spring break as a kid?
Warm up: 3 rounds, :20 per station, single or double unders, box step-ups, kip swings, straight-arm burpees
WOD: 8 rounds for total reps:
4 rounds, 3 minutes on, 1 minute off:
100 double unders
Max burpee pull-ups
4 rounds, 3 minutes on, 1 minute off:
25 box jump overs 24/20
Max bar muscle-ups
Lifestyle: DU attempts or reduced reps, burpee to target; lower box or step-overs, ring rows/jumping or banded pull-ups/kipping pull-ups/C2B pull-ups/banded BMU or attempts
Objective: We have 8 total rounds of short intervals today, all of which mix a jumping skill and a pulling skill. As you move from the first 4 rounds to the last 4, the jumps become more demanding and the pulling becomes more advanced: this is your chance to work on executing higher-skill movements under fatigue.
Score: total burpee PU + total bar MU
Thursday 4.6
Name game: What’s the most recent photo on your phone?
Warm up: 3 rounds of rowling (burpee penalty)
Strength: bench press 5×5
WOD: 10 minute AMRAP
15/12 calorie row (12/9 calorie Echo bike)
15 push-ups
Lifestyle: box push-ups
Objective: The strength work is the focus today. Try to use the same weight for all 5 bench press sets. The workout is a straightforward pull/push combination. Murph is coming up next month, so it’s a good time to focus on improving at push-ups and building your capacity with that skill.
Score: bench press weights and rounds & reps
Friday 4.7
Name game: What’s the worst superhero movie you’ve seen?
Warm up: coach-led barbell
WOD: “Incredible Hulk”
20 minute AMRAP
5 deadlifts
5 hang power cleans
5 front squats
5 push presses
5 back squats
*load is athlete’s choice
Lifestyle: do a second set of front squats if you’re not comfortable lowering the bar onto your back.
Objective: This workout offers you a choice. If you’re looking to breathe hard and push your aerobic capacity, choose a light weight and cycle through rounds quickly. If you want a heavy day, slow your pace and choose a challenging weight based on your weakest skill. Either way, 20 minutes is a long time, so pace wisely.
Score: rounds x load (fractional rounds count: 5+15 at 65# would be 5.6 x 65 = 364)
Saturday 4.8
Name game: As a child, what did you think would be awesome about being an adult, but isn’t as awesome as you expected?
Warm up: coach-led funzies
WOD: With a partner, AMREPs in 35 minutes
5 minutes max calorie bike
5 minutes max burpees
5 minutes max toes to bar
5 minutes max calorie bike
5 minutes max chest to bar
5 minutes max burpees
5 minutes max calorie bike
*one partner works at a time; complete a minimum of 5 reps before switching
Lifestyle: straight-arm burpees, K2E or knee raises, kipping pull-ups or ring rows
Objective: Today is 35 minutes of nonstop work between you and your partner. Try to divide the work relatively evenly, but play to your strengths. Strategize beforehand whether you want to switch by feel, after set reps (ideally 5-10), or after a fixed amount of time, for example 20-30 seconds.
Score: total reps
Sunday 4.9
Happy Easter! The gym is closed today.
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