Monday 4.8
Name game: What’s the most out-of-character thing you’ve ever done?
Warm up: for 4 minutes complete rounds of 4 shuttle runs, 50’ walk on toes, 50’ walk on heels, 10 sit-ups to straddle
Skill: jump rope. Make progress on a new skill or one that needs work!
WOD: AMREPs in 15 minutes
4, 8, 12 etc.
toes to bar
alternating dumbbell hang snatch 50/35
*5 shuttle runs 25’/25’ after each round
How to scale: Pick options you can do unbroken through at least the set of 12.
Toes to bar: Do knees to elbow, knees to chest, or hanging knee raises.
DB hang snatch: Use a lighter dumbbell. If you’re still working on the transition from hand to hand, do half reps on one arm then switch to the other.
Accessory (optional): Pick a pull-up accessory.
Objective: Try something new on the skill work today: if you default to single unders, make progress towards double unders; if you’re proficient with doubles, try crossovers or triple unders. Like most ascending-rep WODs, success on the workout will hinge on not going too hard on the small sets at the beginning. Break up the toes to bar and DB snatches before fatigue sets in and keep moving, even if slowly, on the shuttle runs.
Score: total reps (including runs)
Tuesday 4.9
Name game: What were you most likely to get in trouble for as a kid?
Warm up: 400m run then 2 rounds of 10 cossack squats, 10 PVC pass throughs with a lunge, 10 PVC thrusters
Movement prep: Review shoulder-to-overhead options and build up to your working weight.
WOD: 8 rounds for time *25 minute cap
200m run
4 shoulder-to-overhead 185/125
6 front squats 185/125
*racks allowed; in case of rain sub 15/12 Echo bike, 500m bike erg, or 250m row.
**Rx+ 205/145 if Rx weight is less than 70% of your max jerk AND you can do >4 reps unbroken at the Rx+ load.
How to scale: Modify so that you can complete most rounds of jerks and squats unbroken without huge rest breaks.
Jerks & Squats: Reduce the weight to a heavy set of 4 and heavy set of 6, respectively. The shoulder to overhead will be the limiting factor for most; if that limitation is significant, feel free to add weight for the squats.
Objective: Our strength work has focused on squats and overhead pressing the past few weeks; this week we’re applying that strength to a metabolic conditioning piece so that you’re now moving heavy weight with an elevated heart rate. Use the runs to recover but keep them as runs — avoid walking. Hold on to unbroken sets on the two barbell skills for as long as you can.
Score: time to complete
Wednesday 4.10
Name game: If you could travel back in time, what historical event would you undo?
Warm up: rowling
Skill WOD: AMREPs in 6 minutes
strict chin-ups
*After every 10 reps: :30 hollow hold
How to scale: Modify the chin-ups using a band or do rows on a racked barbell using a supinated grip. Scale to a tuck hold or plank hold such that you can consistently do :30 unbroken.
Engine WOD: Every 8 minutes for 3 rounds, each for time
750m row (cap: 3:45)
25 burpees to 6” target
*stagger starts to share rowers
How to scale: Reduce the row distance if you cannot maintain a pace faster than 2:30/500m. Substitute straight-arm burpees, go to a target at max reach, and/or reduce the reps to 15-20 per interval.
Objective: It’s a tale of two workouts. The first is about strength and skill, managing fatigue in your shoulders and core as you work through some strict pulling. The second is about engine, grit, and pacing. Row hard and get into a rhythm on the burpees so that you can make it through all 25 reps without stopping.
Score: total chin-ups & slowest round (record all 3 in SugarWOD)
Thursday 4.11
Name game: What’s your favorite meal to cook for yourself?
Warm up: For 4 minutes complete rounds of :30 bike, 10 box step-ups, 10 snatch grip stiff-legged deadlift
WOD: For time, working 2 minutes on, 2 minutes off *14 minute cap (7 working intervals)
12/9 calorie Echo bike
Then, in the remaining time
power snatch 95/65
box jump 24/20
*complete the bike buy-in every interval; pick up the 21-15-9 where you left off
How to scale: Ensure you have at least a minute to work on the couplet in each interval, and scale the couplet so that it would be a sub-6 minute sprint effort were you doing it on its own.
Bike: Reduce the calories to take less than 1 minute.
Power snatch: Option A: reduce the reps to 18-12-6. Option B: reduce the weight enough that you can manage 21-15-9. Option C: use an empty bar and go from the hang.
Box jump: Preserve the jump by going to a lower height.
Accessory: 3 rounds for quality
:30/side single arm farmers carry (heavy)
:30/side side plank
Objective: Today’s workout is a devious twist on the classic 21-15-9 couplet scheme. You’ll complete the couplet in 2-minute spurts, but each one starts with a sprint on the bike before you can continue making progress on the couplet. You are getting 1:1 rest between intervals, so go hard on the bike, hang on to the barbell, and spend more time jumping on the box than staring at it.
Score: time to complete (excluding rest)
Friday 4.12
Name game: What’s the worst advice you’ve ever followed and regretted?
Warm up: coach-led barbell
Strength: 10 minute EMOM
clean pull + clean high pull + squat clean
WOD: 10 minute AMRAP
5 dumbbell hang squat cleans 50/35
20 walking lunges (unweighted)
How to scale: Reduce the dumbbell weight so that you can do all 5 reps in a row. If needed, do a hang power clean followed by a front squat.
Objective: The strength work today is analogous to the snatch work from last week and again builds in complexity from the clean complex we did on 3/28. The workout is a relatively quick AMRAP that’s all about managing the leg burn. Try to hang on to the dumbbells and keep moving on the lunges even when your legs want you to stop.
Score: max complex weight and rounds & reps
Saturday 4.13
Name game: What object should get thrown at weddings to replace the bouquet/garter toss?
Warm up: coach-led funzies
WOD: Sasha and Matt’s Wedding WOD
“Because life and marriage is hard” – Matt
With a partner, in 30 minutes:
1 mile run (with 20/14 vest)
AMRAP in remaining time:
4 rope climbs
24 handstand push-ups
24 burpee pull-ups
12 burpee box jump overs 24/20
31 goblet squats 24/16
How to scale: This is supposed to be hard. Challenge yourself!
Rope climbs: Do partial climbs, ground to stand plus a knee raise or foot lock, or 5 hanging knee raises per climb.
Handstand push-ups: Use 1-2 abmats or do pike push-ups or z-presses.
Burpee pull-ups: Do straight arm pull-ups and use a low pull-up bar or do equal reps burpees then ring rows.
Burpee box jump overs: Do straight-arm burpees and jump over a lower box or step over.
Goblet squats: Use a lighter kettlebell.
Objective: Enjoy this grueling partner WOD in honor of soon-to-be newlyweds Matt and Sasha. When scaling, try to preserve the prescribed rep counts: 4/24/24 is their wedding date, and 12/31 is the day they got engaged.
Score: rounds & reps
Sunday 4.14
Strength: Bench Press w/ 2 pause 6×3 – 75% to 85% of 1RM
*Rest 2-3 minutes between sets.
Accessory: Bent Over Row 3×8
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