Monday 8.12
Name game: Now that the Olympics are over, what’s a sport you think should either be added or removed for 2028?
Warm up: 1 minute bike, 1 minute pass-throughs with a lunge, 1 minute bike, 1 minute PVC overhead squats, then coach-led barbell
Strength: 10 minute EMOM power snatch + squat snatch
WOD: 10 minute EMOM
Odds: 14/11 calorie Echo bike
Evens: max overhead squats 135/95 (racks discouraged)
How to scale: Aim to spend more time working than resting on the OHS intervals.
Bike: Reduce the calories to have at least 5-10 seconds to spare at the end of the interval.
Overhead squats: Pick a weight you can do for 8+ unbroken reps when fresh. If overhead mobility is an issue, do overhead lunges or back squats.
Objective: Same as with the cleans last week, we’re mixing power and squat variations as we ideally work up in weight over the course of today’s EMOM. Make sure you’re nice and comfortable with that overhead position for the workout, where you’re alternating quick sprints on the bike with max reps of overhead squats at a moderately heavy load. Try to hang on for sets of at least 5 OHS at a time, but don’t waste a ton of energy resting for long stretches with the bar overhead.
Score: max snatch complex & total OHS
Tuesday 8.13
Name game: If you were going to have breakfast for dinner, what would it be?
Warm up: 3 rounds of 100m run, 6 knee raises; then barbell review
WOD: 4 rounds for time *30 minute cap
12 hang power cleans 155/105
4 rope climbs
400m run
Rest 90 seconds
*In case of rain, 500/450m row or 25/18 bike
How to scale: Modify to keep rounds under 6 minutes.
Hang power cleans: Use a weight that lets you finish each round in no more than 2 sets.
Rope climbs: Reduce the reps, do partial climbs, or sub 20 hanging knee raises such that each set is taking less than 2 minutes.
Run: Reduce the distance if you cannot maintain a pace faster than 2:30 per 400m.
Objective: Today is a classic mix of weightlifting, gymnastics, and cardio. Take quick breaks on the cleans to preserve your grip for the rope climbs; watch the clock and be disciplined about the rest you take between rope climbs; then take off right away on your run. There’s a break after that, so make sure it’s a true run — not a jog. Aim to beat the cap with consistent pacing across all four rounds.
Score: time to complete
Wednesday 8.14
Name game: What is most likely to distract you from doing your job?
Warm up: for 5 minutes, rounds of 1 minute row, 6 burpees, 3 inchworms
WOD: 4 rounds, 2 mins each, for max reps:
18/15 calorie row
max wall walks
Immediately into:
4 rounds, 2 mins each, for max reps:
15 burpees over erg (lateral)**
max calorie row
*rest 2 minutes between rounds
**As long as the athlete’s feet are off the floor before time is up, a wall walk completed after the interval ends still counts
**If ergs are being shared, burpees over a parallette are an equivalent option
How to scale: Modify to have at least 40 seconds on each max reps skill.
Row: Reduce the calories to take under 1:15.
Wall walks: Go only as high up the wall as you are comfortable and hold for 2 seconds before coming down.
Burpees: Do straight arm-burpees and step over the erg.
Objective: There are two sets of intervals today: first, with a row buy-in leading to a pressing-based gymnastics skill; then more pressing with a burpee buy-in leading to a row sprint to the finish. In both cases, you should be aiming to finish the buy-ins with at least :45 to spare, then working straight through to the end of the interval. You have a full 2 minutes of rest between rounds, so there’s no excuse to stop early.
Score: total wall walks + total calories
Thursday 8.15
Name game: Would you rather have your own hot tub or your own sauna?
Warm up: for 4 minutes, rounds of 10 step-ups, 10 stiff-leg deadlifts, 5 scap pull-ups, 5 kip swings (on rings if going Rx)
WOD: 15 minute AMRAP
7 box jumps 30/24
5 deadlifts 275/185
3 ring muscle-ups
How to scale: Modify so that rounds are taking no longer than 2 minutes.
Box jumps: Use a lower box.
Deadlifts: Use a weight that is challenging for multiple unbroken sets of 5.
Ring muscle ups: Make attempts, do bar muscle-ups, or do 3 of a very challenging pull-up and 3 of a very challenging dip. These should be skills you mainly do in singles.
Accessory: 15 round tabata, alternating between:
front scale (left)
front scale (right)
hanging L-sit
Objective: Like Tuesday we have some heavier weights, some higher skill gymnastics, and a high box jump to keep your heart rate up there. Today, though, we’re going with quicker rounds in a shorter time domain. Challenge yourself to keep up a pace of 2 minutes per round or faster. Can you get 8+ rounds? 10+ rounds? When the WOD is over, there’s more work to do: an accessory tabata that targets your core and hip flexors. Don’t skip out!
Score: rounds & reps
Friday 8.16
Name game: If you were a supervillain, what kind of chaos/destruction would be your specialty?
Warm up: for 4 minutes, 20 single/double unders, 10 kip swings, 10 pvc thrusters
WOD: For time *27 minute cap
100 double unders
40 toes to bar
40 DB front squats 50/35
100 double unders
30 toes-to-bar
30 DB thrusters 50/35
100 double unders
20 toes-to-bar
20 DB hang clusters 50/35
How to scale: Modify to beat the cap, which means averaging less than 3 minutes per skill.
Double unders: Do 3 minutes of double under practice for each set or accumulate 50-75 single-single-doubles.
Toes to bar: Reduce the reps no lower than 30-20-10 or sub knees to elbow, knees to chest, or hanging knee raises.
DB skills: Use lighter dumbbells. You should be able to do 15+ squats and 10+ thrusters unbroken.
Objective: We’re maxing out our thruster next week; today is a break from barbell thrusters with some dumbbell variations built into a longer chipper with double unders and toes-to-bar in the mix as well. Pace yourself, taking planned quick breaks to keep your heart rate under control and to give your grip a rest.
Score: time to complete
Saturday 8.17
Name game: What’s your preferred time of day to work out?
Warm up: coach-led
WOD: Partner “Hamilton”
3 rounds for time *40 minute cap
1000m row
50 push-ups
1000m run
50 pull-ups
*1 partner works at a time, including on the runs; switch as desired. If going solo, halve the reps.
**Rx+: solo, full reps. Note this is likely to take you significantly past the time cap. Average times are around 50 minutes.
***To share rowers, have some athletes/teams start on run/pull-ups
How to scale: Elevate your hands for the push-ups and sub ring rows for the pull-ups. Consider reducing distances or reps to keep runs and rows under 5:00 and pull-ups/push-ups under 3:00.
Objective: There’s nothing complicated about this hero WOD; it’s simply a lot of work, alternating between medium-length cardio and larger sets of pull-ups and push-ups. Even with a partner and the opportunity to split all the work, thus allowing for faster paces, it will be a significant challenge to beat the cap. That said, you have many choices on how to attack this: with a partner or alone, at the prescribed rep counts or halved or otherwise reduced, and with or without respecting the stated time cap.
Score: time to complete or rounds & reps at cap
Sunday 8.18
Strength: Front Squat:
1×3 @ 60% of 1RM
1×3 @ 70% of 1RM
1×4 @ 80% of 1RM
1×3 @ 90% of 1RM
2×5 @ 85% of 1RM
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