Monday 8.19
Name game: What was/would be your first tattoo?
Warm up: for 4 minutes, rounds of 20 jump rope, 10 band pass throughs, 10 band strict press
strict press 5-4-3-2-1
push press 5-5-5
*start your working sets at a moderate to heavy load for 5 strict presses and try to build in weight across all 8 sets
WOD: 3 tabatas, no rest between
double unders
ring rows
DB or KB floor press
*everyone should start on DUs; swap order on rings and presses if needed to share equipment
Note: There is no prescribed weight for the floor presses. This gets hard fast, and lighter does not mean easier! Pick something that feels very light to start and prioritize max reps, not max weight. You should easily be able to do 15+ reps when fresh.
Objective: Our thruster cycle is coming to an end this week, so we’re returning to some stand-alone overhead pressing strength work. The strict and push presses are the focus today, with a goal of building in weight for each set, starting with a heavy-ish set of 5 on the strict press. The workout is three quick tabatas. The jump rope will get your heart rate up, but muscle fatigue will be the biggest limiter the rest of the way. Make sure that even as you get tired, you’re still hitting the full range of motion.
Score: max press load and total reps (3 scores in SugarWOD)
Tuesday 8.20
Name game: What’s your go-to lunch on a workday?
Warm up: 2 minutes of cardio then coach-led barbell
WOD: 10 minute EMOM for calories & load
Odds: 45 seconds max calorie Echo bike
Evens: 2 squat snatches
Rest 3 minutes, then 10 minute EMOM for calories & load
Odds: 45 seconds max calorie Echo bike
Evens: 2 squat cleans
*Barbell loads are the athlete’s choice. Aim to use the same load for all 5 intervals of each lift.
How to scale: Do power clean/snatch + squat if needed. If technique is your primary limitation, do up to 5 reps at a lighter load each round.
Objective: Today’s workout boils down to 10 heavy reps of the snatch and 10 heavy reps of the clean — with a giant asterisk in the form of 10 45-second bike sprints in between those reps. This is about lifting heavy under fatigue. Pick loads that are challenging, and make sure you’re still setting up well for every rep.
Score: total calories & load (lowest clean weight + lowest snatch weight)
Wednesday 8.21
Name game: What was the last movie you saw and would you recommend it?
Warm up: 400m run then rounds of 10 down dog with alternating toe touch, 5 burpees, 5 DB deadlifts
WOD: For time *24 minute cap
24 devils press 50/35
1200m run
16 devils press 50/35
800m run
8 devils press 50/35
400m run
*In case of rain, men: 1500/1000/500 row or 75/50/25 Echo bike; women: 1350/900/450 row or 60/40/20 Echo bike.
How to scale: Reduce the devils press weight to one you can do for at least 6-8 reps in a row. Reduce the run distance to finish the 1200m in under 8 minutes.
Accessory: 3x100m farmers carry
Objective: It’s a simple couplet of running and devils presses, but of course “simple” almost never means “easy.” Push the pace on the run then be smart about breaking up the devils presses: sets of 2-4 at a time with quick breaks will be faster than exhausting yourself with a big set and needing a long rest. The runs and reps get smaller as you go, to try to pick up the pace as you move through the workout.
Score: time to complete
Thursday 8.22
Name game: At a waterpark, are you headed for the slides, the lazy river, or the exit?
Warm up: for 5 minutes, rounds of 20 jumping jacks, 10 PVC thrusters, 10 kip swings
Strength: 1 rep max thruster
WOD: 8 minute AMRAP
12 goblet lunges 24/16
8 toes to bar
How to scale: Use a kettlebell that allows you to do all lunges unbroken; similarly, sub a knee raise variation that lets you get through 8 reps in no more than 2 sets.
Objective: It’s thruster testing day! Take your time to make sure you’re thoroughly warmed up at lighter loads before going for that heavy single. The WOD is a quick AMRAP. Stay unbroken for as long as you can but watch out for your grip. Can you hold onto EMOM pace or faster?
Score: max thruster and rounds & reps
Friday 8.23
Name game: What tricks do you use to help yourself fall asleep?
Warm up: 6 minute alternating EMOM:
Odds: row (slow, medium, fast)
Evens: AMRAP 25’ walking Samson stretch, 10 scap pull-ups, :10 hollow hold
WOD: Every 3:00 for 30 minutes
Odds: 500m row
Evens: 1 minute active hang + max reps strict pull-ups
How to scale: Reduce the hang time to an amount you can complete in no more than 3 sets. Sub jumping pull-ups or challenging ring rows.
Objective: This summer has been full of “poorly disguised rowing intervals” and today is no exception. These 500m repeats have some accessory work built in between sets. Even with that twist, there is plenty of rest time built in here, so aim for even splits with 90%+ efforts on all five rows.
Score: fastest & slowest rows (record all 5 in SugarWOD) + total pull-ups
Saturday 8.24
Name game: If you could live inside a Disney movie, which would it be?
Warm up: coach-led funzies
WOD: With a partner, 30 minute AMRAP
60 wall balls 20/14
60 deadlifts 225/155
60 handstand push-ups
60 box jumps 24/20
*One partner works at a time; switch as desired
How to scale: Pick modifications you’re capable of doing for sets of 10+.
Wall balls: Use a lighter ball or aim for a lower target.
Deadlifts: Reduce the weight.
Handstand push-ups : Do pike push-ups or z-press.
Box jumps: Jump to a lower box.
Objective: Like Wednesday, this one is relatively simple but it won’t necessarily be easy. There’s a lot of hinging, a lot of overhead pressing, and a little squatting for good measure, so don’t be shocked when the interference kicks in, and have a plan for sharing the load with your partner so that you’re not slowed down too much.
Score: rounds & reps
Sunday 8.25
Strength: Bench Press: 6×4 @ 75% to 85% of 1RM
DB Bench Press: 4×15
Strict Press Empty Barbell: 4×20
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