Monday 8.7
Name game: What’s the longest your hair has ever been?
Warm up: 2 minutes of jump rope then coach-led barbell
Strength: 10 minute EMOM
1 3-position power snatch (high hang, hang, floor; build as you go)
WOD: For time *15 minute cap
75 power snatches 75/55
*30 double unders EMOM, including at 0:00
How to scale: Make sure you’re getting at least half of each minute to accumulate power snatches.
Power Snatches: Reduce the weight to something that you can do for at least 8-10 unbroken reps. Starting from the hang every rep will also make the movement slightly simpler and reduce cycle time.
Double unders: Modify the movement or total reps so that you’re not spending more than 20-30 seconds per minute on these. Go for a reduced number of double unders or sub 40 mountain climbers (L+R = 2)
Objective: The barbell cycling theme continues. For the strength work, you’re practicing the snatch from three different starting points, with the goal of hanging onto the bar for all three reps. The workout is a beat-the-clock twist on the hero WOD “Randy,” which is just 75 power snatches for time. The time cap is generous, requiring that you get only 5 snatches each minute to finish, but remember that even if you take a minute off from snatching, you need to do the DUs every minute for your score to count as “Rx.”
Score: max 3-position snatch & time to complete
Tuesday 8.8
Name game: What culture’s food do you want at an all-you-can-eat buffet?
Warm up: for 4 minutes complete rounds of 20 jumping jacks, 10 front squats, 10 rocking tables, 5 inchworms, then work up to your front squat weight
WOD: For time *25 minute cap
Strict handstand push-ups
Front squats 185/125 (from floor)
Bar-facing burpee
How to scale: Keep the HSPU and front squats challenging but manageable enough that you’re not getting stuck failing multiple reps in a row.
Strict handstand push-ups: If you have handstand push-ups, use up to 2 abmats under your head, or do strict until failure and then mix in some kipping HSPU. Otherwise, pick a more challenging version of your standard scale for handstand push-ups: a pike push-up with your feet on the floor or on a box, or z-presses with heavier-than-usual dumbbells.
Front squat: This is meant to be a relatively heavy load, so pick a weight you can do for at least 5-7 reps at a time, keeping in mind that you need to be able to clean the weight off the floor.
Bar-facing burpees: Do straight-arm burpees and step over the bar or stay in place.
Objective: This is a slight variation on a workout that appeared at the 2014 Crossfit Games regionals. Chip away at the bigger sets of strict handstand push-ups with short, quick sets, and try to minimize the amount of extra work you have to do re-cleaning your front squat bar, then move quickly through the bar-facing burpees.
Score: time to complete
Wednesday 8.9
Name game: What’s the most time you’ve ever gone without doing laundry?
Warm up: rowling, then review muscle-ups
WOD: 6 rounds for max reps
1 minute max calorie row
:30 rest
1 minute max muscle-ups*
:30 rest
1 minute plank hold
:30 rest
*If you’re close to having muscle-ups, count attempts or use a band. Otherwise, do a version of a pull-up (strict, chest to bar/ring, banded, or ring rows) in odd intervals and a dip (rings, matadors, or boxes) in even intervals, counting each rep as 1
Objective: Today is about executing high-skill gymnastics under fatigue — breathing hard and doing additional pulling on the row, and adding core and shoulder fatigue from the plank. Save energy by rowing efficiently and using your legs as much as possible.
Score: total reps (calories + muscle-ups, counting each MU or attempt as 2 reps)
Thursday 8.10
Name game: How many different cars have you owned?
Warm up: 200m run then 3 rounds of 10 squat to hip hinge, 10m lizard walk
Strength: deadlift 10-8-6-4-2
WOD: For time *12 minute cap
100 walking lunges
800m run
100 air squats
How to scale: cap each component at around 4 minutes of work, or aim for a reduced rep scheme — for example, 80-600-80 — from the start.
Objective: The focus today is on the deadlifts, where you’ll build in weight across 5 sets of decreasing reps, ending with a heavy double. The workout is a bodyweight burner that requires you to keep moving. Slow and steady wins the race: settle into a rhythm and avoid taking breaks longer than a couple of seconds.
Score: deadlift weights and time to complete
Friday 8.11
Name game: Would you rather have your thoughts broadcasted out loud or hear everyone else’s thoughts in your head?
Warm up: 2 minute run/bike/row then 3 rounds of 10 kip swings, 10 banded good mornings, 10 banded pass throughs
Movement prep: review hang cleans and push jerks and build to your working weight
WOD: 20 minute AMRAP
5 hang power cleans 155/105
10 toes to bar
5 push jerks 155/105
10 pull-ups
1 minute rest
How to scale: Adjust the weights and skills so that you can do all of them unbroken, at least to start.
Hang cleans & push jerks: reduce the weight to something you can consistently do for 5 reps in a row. If you’re still learning the timing for the push jerk, a push press is a good substitute.
Pull-ups: Do banded pull-ups provided you can get a full range of motion, or sub ring rows.
Toes to bar: Do knee raises or knees to elbow. If your hands are bothering you, sub tuck-ups or v-ups.
Objective: This work/rest-style AMRAP features a moderately heavy barbell mixed with relatively small sets of gymnastics. The “work” part should be quick. Try to stay as unbroken as you can, aiming to keep every round under 2 minutes.
Score: rounds & reps
Saturday 8.12
Name game: What’s your go-to email sign-off (‘thanks,’ ‘best,’ ‘sincerely,’ etc.)?
Warm up: 6 minute EMOM
Partner A: bike
Partner B: AMRAP 8 pass throughs with a lunge, 8 good mornings, 8 PVC overhead squats
WOD: With a partner, AMREPs in 30 minutes
3 minutes max calorie Echo bike
60 medicine ball cleans 20/14
3 minutes max calorie Echo bike
60 overhead squats 95/65
How to scale: Pick med ball and barbell weights you can do for at least 10 reps in a row when fresh. If needed, modify the overhead squat to a lunge or back squat.
Objective: This workout mixes elements of an AMRAP and AMREP, and how you divide the work is up to you. A good strategy to start with is intervals of 45-90 seconds on the bike and sets of 8-15 reps on the two squatting movements.
Score: total reps
Sunday 8.13
Strength: 1RM – Deadlift; 1RM – Strict Press
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