Monday 12.12
Name game: Where do you go when you want some peace and quiet?
Warm up: for 4 minutes complete rounds of 20 jumping jacks, 10 pass-throughs with a lunge, 5 rope knee raises, then coach-led review of split jerks
Strength: 8 minute EMOM
2 split jerks (build in weight, technique permitting)
WOD: 3 rounds, 3 minutes each, for max reps:
15/12 calorie bike
3 rope climbs
Round 1: Max rep strict press 75/55
Round 2: Max rep push press 75/55
Round 3: Max rep push jerk 75/55
*rest 3 minutes between rounds (to share ropes/bikes, some athletes can go during this interval, or if necessary, can rope climb then bike)
Lifestyle: 1 minute bike, reduce reps or height of rope climbs or do 12 knee raises on the rope or bar; use a weight you can do for 10 strict presses in a row
Objective: Today is focused on all things shoulder to overhead. We don’t do split jerks that often, so if it’s a newer skill for you use the EMOM to do sets of 3-5 working on form rather than trying to build to a heavy weight. For the WOD, scale so you have at least 30-45 seconds to accumulate reps of each pressing movement. You have 1:1 rest between rounds, so don’t hold back, and use the break to shake out your arms and let your shoulders recover.
Score: max split jerk double & total presses for each round
Tuesday 12.13
Name game: What is the most memorable holiday gift you’ve received?
Warm up: for 4 minutes complete rounds of 10 reverse lunges, 5/side dynamic lizard stretch, 5 burpees
WOD: AMREPs in 24 minutes:
24-22-20-18-16-14-12 etc.
alternating pistols
alternating DB hang snatches 50/35
pogo burpees over DB (lateral)
*If you finish the round of 2, start working your way back up again
Lifestyle: pistols to or on a box/holding ring or rig/heel elevated (work your weaknesses! avoid skater squats/lunges); 40/25; straight-arm burpees
Accessory (optional): 3-5 rounds of 20 alternating DB bicep curls, 20 band pull-aparts
Objective: Typically we do AMREP-style workouts with an ascending rep scheme, but today we’re flipping the script and working our way down in reps. Pace yourself to start, but try to speed up as the rounds get shorter.
Score: total reps
Wednesday 12.14
Name game: What’s your favorite thing to do on a snow day?
Warm up: 4 rounds, 20 seconds per station, squat to hip hinge, box step-ups, kip swings
WOD: For time *15 minute cap
deadlifts 225/155
box jumps 24/20
toes to bar
Lifestyle: 185/125, step-ups, knee raises
Accessory: 12 minute EMOM
1 minute slow, controlled candlesticks
1 minute arch to hollow rolls
1 minute plank hold
Objective: Today’s triplet has a well known rep scheme and movements that all involve hinging and opening explosively at the hip. In considering how to scale, pick weights and skills you can do for at least 10 reps in a row. This is a short-to-medium duration workout: average times are around 10 minutes.
Score: time to complete (** if you hit the cap, add 1 second per missed rep when logging in SugarWOD. For example, if you are 4 reps short, your score is 15:04)
Thursday 12.15
Name game: Would you rather be able to speak to animals or know every language?
Warm up: DU tabata
WOD 1: For time *12 minute cap
30 pull-ups
200 double unders
30 C2B pull-ups
Lifestyle: pick one easier and one slightly more challenging pull-up scale; reduce reps/spend up to 5 minutes accumulating DUs/75 single-single-double or 40/30 calorie bike
WOD 2: 2x750m row *rest 4 minutes between
Objective: Everything today is a sprint. For the first workout, pick a pull-up variation you can do unbroken or close to it — 2-3 sets — for the start of the WOD, then one you can do in quick sets of at least 3-5 reps for the C2B. Don’t spend more than 5 minutes on the jump rope. The two row intervals in WOD 2 are also a sprint: ideally you are getting more than 1:1 rest, so go hard for both rounds.
Score: time for WOD 1 (** if you hit the cap, add 1 second per missed rep when logging in SugarWOD. For example, if you are 20 reps short, your score is 12:20) and times for WOD 2
Friday 12.16
Name game: What is your biggest pet peeve when driving/in a car?
Warm up: coach-led barbell
Strength: 8 minute EMOM
2 squat cleans (reps do not need to be touch and go)
WOD: For time *20 minute cap
squat cleans 135/95
strict handstand push-ups
Lifestyle: 95/65, kipping HSPU/pike push-ups/z-press
Objective: This workout has a little bit of everything — pulling, squatting, pressing. Try to hang on for touch-and-go squat cleans through the smaller sets, then break them as needed in the later rounds. Stick with small sets from the start on the strict handstand push-ups: it’s hard to recover once you hit failure there.
Score: max squat clean double & time to complete (** if you hit the cap, add 1 second per missed rep when logging in SugarWOD. For example, if you are 6 reps short, your score is 20:06).
Saturday 12.17
Name game: When was the last time you left New Jersey?
Warm up: coach-led barbell
WOD: With a partner, 30 minute AMRAP:
50 power snatches
50/43/35 calorie bike
*For the first round, snatch 75/55 pounds. Every subsequent round, add 20/10 pounds to the bar.
**Don’t be a plate hog! Share a bar with your partner if possible, load it efficiently, and swap out for heavier plates as you go. Please be respectful of the equipment and do not drop bars loaded with single 10- or 15-pound plates from overhead.
Lifestyle: Start with an empty bar and add 10/5 pounds; stop adding weight if needed. If you’re snatching a bar without full-size plates, snatch from just below the knee.
Objective: You can share the work with your partner however you’d like, and divided evenly you’ll both be doing nearly the equivalent of “Isabel” each round at progressively heavier weights. While you may be able to do big sets of touch-and-go snatches early on, be mindful of keeping your heart rate and breathing under control and preserving your grip for the later stages of the workout.
Score: rounds & reps
Sunday 12.18
Strength: Lift off: 1RM: bench press/back squat/deadlift
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