Monday 12.25
Merry Christmas! The gym is closed today.
Tuesday 12.26
Name game: What’s your favorite gift you gave or received this year?
Warm up: 2 minute bike/row then rounds of 10 squat to hip hinge, 5-5-5-5 monster walks
Strength: tempo back squat 3×5 @ 33×1, using the same load for all 3 sets, then 1 max reps set, no tempo, at the same weight
WOD: AMREPs in 9 minutes
3, 6, 9 etc.
wall balls 20/14
toes to bar
How to scale: Pick options you can do unbroken through at least the round of 12.
Wall balls: Use a lighter ball and/or go to a lower target.
Toes to bar: Do knees to elbow, knees to chest, or hanging knee raises.
Objective: Focus on the tempo squats today, working with a partner if needed to keep yourself honest: 3 second descent, 3 second pause at the bottom. Like all ascending rep WODs, the first few rounds of this one will go quickly, but make sure you’re pacing yourself enough to not hit a wall when the sets start to get big.
Score: back squat weights (note max reps set) & total reps
Math: Finished round of 15 – 84 reps; 18 – 120; 21 – 162; 24 – 210.
Wednesday 12.27
Name game: Would you rather have to make all of your own clothes or grow all of your own food?
Warm up: for 4 minutes complete rounds of :30 bike, 10 box step ups, 5 burpees
WOD: 3:00 on, 3:00 off for 5 rounds
calorie bike
AMRAP in remaining time
6 burpees
6 box jumps 24/20
6 burpee box jumps 24/20
*Pick up where you leave off
**Buy-in is 8/6 cals the first round, 12/9 the second, etc.
***During each rest interval: accumulate :45 hanging L-sit (3 minutes total – no L-sit after round 5)
How to scale: Reduce the calories in the later rounds to ensure you finish the bike in time to continue the AMRAP. Sub straight-arm burpees and step-ups or a lower box as needed. For the L-sits, sub a tuck sit and reduce the length of the hold as needed so that it can be completed in 4 or fewer sets each round.
Accessory (optional): 3-5 rounds for quality
10 KB side bends (right)
:30 right side plank
10 KB side bends (left)
:30 left side plank
Objective: Today’s WOD is an AMRAP with a buy-in that becomes increasingly taxing each round. Aim for an 80-90% effort on each bike interval so that you’re finishing quickly but with enough left in the tank to get right to work on the AMRAP. Do your best to recover during the rest intervals, but beware that the hanging L-sits are a doubly cruel monkey wrench in those plans: the need to keep a tight core makes it difficult to take deep breaths, and the strain on your hip flexors will make all of the work-interval movements more challenging.
Score: rounds & reps
Thursday 12.28
Name game: How far from your childhood home do you live now?
Warm up: for 4 minutes complete rounds of 20 jumping jacks, 10 kip swings, 5 inchworms with a push-up; then coach-led barbell review
WOD: For time *30 minute cap
5 rounds of Cindy [5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 air squats]
Isabel [30 snatches 135/95]
5 rounds of Cindy
Grace [30 clean & jerks 135/95]
5 rounds of Cindy
How to scale: Modify so that you can beat the cap. Think of how you would scale each of these benchmarks individually, then consider scaling further to account for the additional fatigue and interference caused by doing them in combination.
Cindy: Do jumping pull-ups or ring rows (no bands today) and elevate your hands for the push-ups. If needed, reduce the rep scheme to 4-8-12 to keep each round of Cindy under 1:20.
Grace & Isabel: Reduce the weight to something you can do for quick singles. If needed, use a different weight for each.
Objective: This is a long one, combining two benchmark barbell workouts and one benchmark bodyweight workout. Pay attention to the clock, and be realistic about how you need to scale to beat the cap. For example, finishing each round of Cindy in 1:20 will leave you with 10 minutes to complete Grace and Isabel. If you think you’ll need more time than that, scale those weights or scale Cindy to make each round faster.
Score: time to complete
Friday 12.29
Name game: What’s currently your biggest pet peeve?
Warm up: for 5 minutes complete rounds of 30 single/double unders, 10 lunges with a twist, 10 good mornings
Strength: deadlift 5-5-3-3-1-1-1
WOD: 8 minute AMRAP
100 double unders
20m double DB front rack walking lunge 50/35
How to scale: Adjust so that breaks are kept to a minimum during this quick AMRAP.
Double unders: Make attempts or accumulate reps/single-single-doubles for up to 90 seconds per round, or sub 18/14 calorie bike. Do 150 single unders if that skill challenges you.
Lunges: Use lighter dumbbells or a single weight held goblet style such that you can complete at least 10 meters unbroken.
Objective: The focus today is on the deadlift, with the opportunity to work up to a heavy single for the day. Like all the deadlifts in this cycle, the goal is to build in weight across each set provided that you’re moving well. Go for a new max if you’re feeling strong, but prioritize moving well over moving the heaviest load at any cost. The workout is short, meaning that you should be in near constant motion. Aim for 3+ rounds.
Score: deadlift weights and rounds & reps
Saturday 12.30
Name game: How have you changed in the last year?
Warm up: coach-led funzies
WOD: In teams of 3, 30 minute AMRAP
Partner A:
30 calorie row or 400m run
Partner B:
6/6 single-arm DB hang clean & jerks 50/35
8 chest-to-bar pull-ups
10 calorie bike
Partner C: rest
*Switch when A finishes the row/run. A picks up where B leaves off
**Rx+ teams of 2 with no rest station (Rx team of 1 or 2 rotates with a ghost partner/s)
How to scale: Modify so that you’re able to finish at least 1-2 rounds of the AMRAP each time you cycle through.
DB C&Js: Use a lighter dumbbell; ideally one that you can do for 6 unbroken reps on your weaker arm.
C2B pull-ups: Sub kipping pull-ups or do a challenging ring row. If using a band or doing jumping pull-ups, aim to get your chest to the bar.
Bike: Reduce the calories if 10 will take you longer than about 1 minute.
Objective: You’re working for two-thirds of the time on this team-of-3 workout, and all of that work counts toward your team’s final score, so keep a solid pace on the row or run and try to keep breaks to a minimum on the AMRAP. The low rep counts mean you should be able to stay largely unbroken on those skills.
Score: total reps (AMRAP + calories; run = 30 reps)
Sunday 12.31
Strength: Part A: Bench Press 6×4 – 75% to 85% of 1RM
*Rest 2-3 minutes between sets
Part B: DB Bench Press 5×5
*Rest 2-3 minutes between sets
A. Close Grip Bench Press 4×8 *Hands just inside shoulder width
B. DB Fly 4×12
C. Coffin Press 4×10
D. Hammer Curl to Overhead Press 4×10
E. Floor Press 4×8
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