Monday 12.5
Name game: What’s your least favorite city you’ve visited?
Warm up: 3 minute bike/row then review the skills in the WOD
WOD: 3 rounds, each for time *36 minute cap
30 pull-ups
30 hang power cleans 95/65
30 lateral burpees over the bar
30 push jerks 95/65
*rest 3 minutes between rounds
Lifestyle: ring rows, 75/55 or something you can do for 15+ reps in a row on both barbell skills, straight-arm burpees and step over; reduce reps to finish each round under 10 minutes
Extra credit: 3 minutes max calorie bike
Objective: This workout consists of three medium-duration intervals with higher reps of a pair of pulling movements and a pair of pressing movements, meaning that there will be some interference as you move from pull-up to hang clean and burpee to push jerk. Don’t try to be a hero and do huge sets in the first round. Each round should be similar in time to a 1-mile run, so pace yourself accordingly. Average under 10 minutes per round to finish under the cap.
Score: time for each round
Tuesday 12.6
Name game: What musician/band do you listen to most often?
Warm up: for 4 minutes complete rounds of 10 squat to hip hinge, 10 lunges, 5-5-5-5 monster walks
Strength: pause back squat 6×5 (3-second pause at bottom)
WOD: 8 minute AMRAP
12 American KBS 24/16
12 goblet squats 24/16
24 jumping alternating lunges
Lifestyle: 20/12, remove the jumps
Accessory (optional): 3-5 rounds, 20m/side single arm farmers carry, single arm overhead carry
Objective: This is the same total volume as our last heavy squat day, but there is one more set and one fewer rep per set. Try to complete at least 4 sets at your max weight for the day. The workout is a short triplet, and rounds should go fast. Try to hang on to the kettlebell for all of the swings and squats, and shoot for 5+ rounds.
Score: pause squat weights and rounds & reps
Wednesday 12.7
Name game: What’s your favorite ab exercise?
Warm up: 4 rounds, 20 seconds per station, of sit-up to straddle, rocking tables, jumping jacks
Strength: bench press 5-3-1-1-1, then max reps at 70% of heaviest 1-rep weight
WOD: 4 rounds, :45 on, :15 off, for max reps:
parallette shoot-throughs
*have some people start on bike and swap order of v-ups/shoot-throughs to share equipment
Lifestyle: tuck ups, shoot-throughs on boxes
Objective: Today the focus is on bench press. First you have a chance to work up to a heavy single and go for a new PR if you’re feeling good, then you get to drop the weight and test your pressing endurance at a relatively high percentage. Like the strict press last week, aim for at least 5 reps in that max effort set. For the workout, push hard on the bike, and move well on the v-ups and shoot-throughs.
Score: bench press weights (note max reps) and total reps
Thursday 12.8
Name game: How old is your car?
Warm up: coach-led barbell
Strength: 8 minute EMOM
2 squat snatches (reps do not need to be touch-and-go)
WOD: “Amanda”
For time *15 minute cap
ring muscle-ups
squat snatches 135/95
Lifestyle: 95/65, bar MUs or 9-7-5 pull-ups and dips
Objective: Use the strength work today to work up to or slightly past your weight for the workout, concentrating on solid technique over maxing out your weight. The workout is a benchmark. Try your best to hit the squat on every snatch rep, even if that means doing a power snatch plus an overhead squat, and pick a challenging scale for the muscle-ups.
Score: max squat snatch double & time to complete
Friday 12.9
Name game: Do you prefer it cold and snowy or hot and sunny outside?
Warm up: coach-led track
Skill: double unders
WOD: 24 minute AMRAP
60m double KB front rack carry 24/16
20 toes to bar
20 calorie row
*start on any movement to share rowers
Lifestyle: 20/12, knee raises
Objective: The skill work today is a chance to work on the skill of double unders without the time pressure of doing them in a WOD. If you’re already proficient with them try triple unders or use the time to stretch out any muscles that are sore from the week. The workout is a long grind. Try to be consistent from round to round, and break the toes to bar early so you don’t burn out later in the AMRAP. Aim for 5 or more rounds.
Score: rounds & reps
Saturday 12.10
Name game: Still water or sparkling water?
Warm up: coach-led funzies
WOD: Partner “McGhee”
30 minute AMRAP of:
5 deadlifts 275/185
13 push-ups
9 box jumps 24/20
*alternate movements with your partner
**Rx+ solo
Lifestyle: find a DL weight that’s a moderately heavy set of 5 you can do unbroken for multiple rounds, box push-ups, step-ups
Objective: McGhee is one of CrossFit’s hero WODs, and you have the option to do it solo if you’d like. Try to find scales that let you complete each of these movements relatively quickly: unbroken or quick singles on the deadlifts, 1-3 sets on the push-ups, and steady box jumps.
Score: rounds & reps
Sunday 12.11
Strength: 12 EMOM BS 2 reps 3 sec pause last rep
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