Monday 2.20
Name game: A genie grants you the ability to have infinite amounts of one item (other than money). What is it?
Warm up: 2 minute row/bike then coach-led barbell and review of pulling skills
WOD: With a partner, AMREPs in 30 minutes:
70 front squats 155/105 (no racks)
70 pull-ups
50 power cleans 155/105
50 chest to bar
30 squat cleans 155/105
30 bar muscle-ups
Max calorie row in remaining time
*One partner works at a time; switch as desired
**Solo: halve the reps
Lifestyle: reduce barbell weight, and pick three progressively more challenging pull-up variations. For example:
Advanced: ring rows, kipping pull-ups, C2B pull-ups
Intermediate: ring rows, jumping pull-ups, kipping pull-ups
Beginner: ring rows, move your feet further forward each time if possible
Objective: We’re starting the week with a long partner WOD that is heavy on the pulling skills. It mixes a moderately heavy barbell that you’re pulling off the floor along with progressively harder pull-up variations, giving you an opportunity to practice doing high-skill gymnastics under fatigue. If you make it through that, there’s more pulling to do, with a max effort row up to the time cap. You’re free to switch with your partner at any time, so make a plan for how you’ll break up each piece of this workout.
Score: total reps (up to the max row is 300)
Tuesday 2.21
Name game: What is the dumbest way you’ve injured yourself?
Warm up: for 4 minutes complete rounds of 20 single/double unders, 10 banded strict press, 10 band pass throughs, 10 band pull-aparts
Strength: strict press 4×8
WOD: 12 minute AMRAP
10 strict handstand push-ups
10 double DB hang clean & jerks 50/35
50 double unders
Lifestyle: kipping hspu, pike push-ups, or z-press; lighter DBs; reduced reps DU/single-single-double/attempts or 10/7 calorie bike
Objective: Yesterday was all pulling; today is all pressing. For the strict press, try to use the same weight for all four sets, and if you did the 4×10 strict press on January 25, aim for a heavier weight today. For the workout, your legs won’t help you on the strict HSPU, but they will on the dumbbells: use that dip and drive to your advantage on the jerks. The double unders are your chance to relax your shoulders and recover.
Score: strict press weights and rounds & reps
Wednesday 2.22
Name game: What is the most ridiculous thing you believed as a child?
Warm up: coach-led barbell
Strength: 10 minute EMOM
1 power snatch + 4 overhead lunges (L+R = 2)
WOD: For time *20 minute cap
Russian KBS 32/24
Weighted box step-over 20″ 32/24 (hold 1 KB)
Lifestyle: reduce weight and/or box height
Objective: We’re adding overhead lunges to our snatch work today, which will help you work on balance and stability overhead while also working your legs, core, and shoulders. The workout calls for some creativity as you decide what will be the most efficient way to carry your single kettlebell and how often to switch arms.
Score: max snatch+lunge weight & time to complete
Thursday 2.23
Name game: Where did you live as a child?
Warm up: coach-led track or pizza game
10 minute AMRAP
10 burpees
20 sit-ups
Rest 3 minutes, then:
10 minute AMRAP
10 calorie bike
20 air squats
*to share bikes have some athletes start on the second AMRAP
Lifestyle/active recovery: straight-arm burpees
Rx+/not doing the Open: burpees to 6″ target, v-ups, jumping squats
1 minute cobra stretch
1 minute child’s pose
1 minute/side pigeon stretch
1 minute/side couch stretch
Objective: Similar to last Thursday, today is just as hard as you make it. If you plan to do 23.2 tomorrow, take it easy and scale down the movements as you see fit. If you’re looking for a harder day, push the pace, especially on the burpees and the bike, and sub in some or all of the “Rx+” options for an extra challenge.
Score: rounds & reps for each AMRAP
Friday 2.24
Name game: How many Crossfit Opens have you participated in?
Warm up: coach-led
WOD: Open 23.2. Good luck and have fun!
Saturday 2.25
Name game: How many Crossfit Opens have you participated in?
Warm up: coach-led
WOD: Open 23.2. Good luck and have fun!
Sunday 2.26
Strength: 16 min EMOM front squat 3 reps 3 sec pause last rep
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