Monday 2.26
Name game: Would you rather never lose anything ever again or find everything you ever lost all in one place?
Warm up: 2-3 rounds/5 minutes of 1 minute bike/row, 15 jumping jacks, 10 pass throughs with a lunge
Strength: split jerk 7×1
*If you have the technique down, build to a heavy single for the day. If you’re still learning the skill, do sets of 3 at light to moderate weight or work on push jerks instead.
WOD: 10 minute AMRAP
8 strict press 75/55
10 front rack barbell lunges 75/55
12/9 calorie Echo bike (15/12 row or bike erg)
*Racks allowed
How to scale: Modify with the goal of completing at least 4 rounds.
Strict press: Reduce the weight to something you can consistently do in 1-2 sets.
Lunges: Use the same weight as your strict press; you should be able to do these unbroken for the full WOD.
Bike/row: Consider reducing the calories if they will take longer than about 1 minute.
Objective: The split jerk doesn’t come up much, so focus on technique over load over the course of today’s strength work. Today’s WOD is a short AMRAP that will likely come down to your ability to manage muscle fatigue on the strict press and to push through the bike despite tired legs from the lunges.
Score: split jerk weights and rounds & reps
Tuesday 2.27
Name game: What are the components of your ideal grilled cheese sandwich?
Warm up: 2 minute bike/row then coach-led movement review
WOD: With a partner, for total reps in 25 minutes:
80 hang power cleans 135/95
80 toes to bar
60 front squats 135/95
60 pull-ups
40 hang squat cleans 135/95
Max rope climbs in remaining time
*solo: half reps, rest 1:1
How to scale: Modify to stay on pace to get to the rope climbs, including by reducing the rep scheme to 70-70-50-50-30. Following the prescribed rep scheme means averaging 13 reps or more per minute.
Barbell skills: Reduce the weight. You should be able to do sets of at least 5-8 reps at a time for all of them. For the hang squat cleans, do hang power clean + front squat if needed.
Toes to bar: Reduce the range of motion to knees to elbow, knees to chest, or hanging knee raises. If hanging is an issue, sub v-ups or tuck-ups.
Pull-ups: Do jumping pull-ups or ring rows.
Rope climbs: Do partial climbs, 2 ground-to-stand, or 4 knee raises on the rope
Objective: It’s a long partner chipper today, alternating between barbell cleans and squats and upper body pulling skills. Make a plan for switching off with your partner every 5-10 reps and try to stick with it. The goal is for all teams to reach the rope climbs, so modify as needed to keep up that pace.
Score: total reps (up to rope climbs is 320)
Wednesday 2.28
Name game: What’s a book you were forced to read for school but ended up enjoying?
Warm up: for 4 minutes complete rounds of 20 single or double unders, 10 box step-ups, 5 inchworms
WOD: 5 rounds for time *30 minute cap
60 double unders
20 burpees
20 box jumps 24/20
20 hand-release push-ups
Accessory (optional): 3-5 rounds
20 plank shoulder taps
:30/side side plank
*Try to finish each round without putting your knees down.
How to scale: Modify so you can maintain a pace of less than 6 minutes per round. If needed, drop the reps to 50-15-15-15.
Double unders: Do 100 singles, 40 single-single-doubles, or 60-75 seconds of attempts/accumulated reps, or sub 12/10 calories on the bike.
Burpees: Do straight-arm burpees.
Box jumps: Jump to a lower height or do step-ups.
Hand-release push-ups: Do regular push-ups to a box or other elevated surface. Keep in mind that there will be some shoulder fatigue from the burpees, so these may feel harder than expected.
Objective: Today’s workout is a single, longer, sustained effort. The movements are relatively simple and quick, but don’t fall into the trap of going out too hot and having your pace fall off a cliff after 1-2 rounds. If your first round takes 4 minutes, your second, third, fourth, and fifth should, too. If you finish early, stretch your chest and calves then get started on the accessory work.
Score: time to complete
Thursday 2.29
Name game: Would you rather scream at full volume whenever you speak, or run at full speed whenever you need to travel by foot?
Warm up: coach-led barbell
Strength: Every 1:30 for 8 rounds: 3 power snatches
Doing the Open tomorrow: pick a light/moderate load and work on form.
Just another Thursday: work toward a heavy 3 for the day.
WOD: 4 rounds, :45 per station, :15 transition
calorie row
overhead squat 45/35
ab-mat sit-ups
*Make this pre-Open active recovery by stopping at a fixed number of reps each interval or controlling your pace to keep your total volume of squats and sit-ups low
Objective: It’s the day before the Open, so pick your approach based on your workout plans for tomorrow and Saturday. If today is just another Thursday, work up to a heavy 3 on the power snatch and work hard for the duration of each 45 second interval on the WOD. If you’re competing tomorrow or need an active recovery day, take advantage of today to focus on technique for the snatch and to simply get some good movement in on the WOD.
Score: max snatch triple & total reps
Friday & Saturday 3.1 & 3.2
Name game: If you had the skill to be a professional athlete in any sport, which would you choose?
Warm up: coach-led
WOD: Open 24.1. Good luck! CrossFit HQ announces the workout on Thursday at 3 p.m. You can watch the live announcement online.
Classes will be doing the same workout on both Friday and Saturday. While you are welcome to come both days, doing the same WOD two days in a row will have minimal benefit for most people. Plan to do the Open WOD on one day and use the other as a rest or active recovery day.
CarlosWOD will also be doing 24.1.
Sunday 3.3
Part A: Bench Press 6×3 – 75% to 85% of 1RM
*Rest 2-3 minutes between sets
Part B: Strict Press 6×3 – 75% to 85% of 1RM
*Rest 2-3 minutes between sets
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