Monday 2.5
Name game: If you could have any view out your office window, what would you choose?
Warm up: 2 minute bike/row then rounds of 10 down dog with alternating toe touch, 10 pass-throughs, 10 box step overs
Skill: spend 8-10 minutes practicing single unders, double unders, triple unders, crossovers, or double under crossovers. Take time between sets to stretch your calves and shoulders.
WOD: For time *16 minute cap
50 burpee box jump overs 24/20
50 single arm DB clean & jerks 50/35
50 handstand push-ups
Accessory (optional): 3 rounds
20 DB bicep curls
10/10 DB bent over row
How to scale: Modify to average a pace of at least 10 reps per minute, keeping in mind that shoulder fatigue will build as the workout progresses.
Burpee box jump overs: Do straight arm burpees and step over or jump over a lower box.
DB C&J: Use a lighter dumbbell. You should be able to do sets of at least 5 at a time on each side.
Handstand push-ups: Use up to 2 ab-mats or sub pike push-ups or z-press.
Objective: Our Open prep skill work continues, this time with a chance to work on any of several jump rope skills. If you’re still working on double unders, focus on them; if your DUs are solid, take your pick of other variations to try. The workout is a medium-duration shoulder-intensive chipper. Don’t discount the fatigue that will accumulate when deciding your strategy and scaling plan.
Score: time to complete
Tuesday 2.6
Name game: What product or service would you be a great spokesperson for in a commercial?
Warm up: for 5 minutes complete rounds of :45 bike, 10 good mornings, 10 glute bridges, 10 lunges with a twist
WOD: 6 rounds, 2:30 each, for max reps
7 deadlifts 185/125
20 jumping alternating lunges
7 deadlifts 185/125
Max calorie Echo bike
*Rest 2:30 between rounds
How to scale: Modify so you’re getting at least 1:30 on the bike each round.
Deadlifts: These should be a relatively light weight for you. Modify so that you can do unbroken sets for most if not all of the workout.
Jumping lunges: Remove the jump.
Objective: We’re sprinting today through buy-ins of relatively light deadlifts and jumping lunges in order to get to the part that counts: a sprint on the Echo bike to end each round. You’re getting 1:1 rest, but you’ve got 6 rounds to get through so still make sure you’re not burning yourself out by going too hard on the bike early on.
Score: total calories
Wednesday 2.7
Name game: If someone wanted to torture you, what song would they leave playing on loop?
Warm up: for 5 minutes complete rounds of :45 row, 10 kip swings, 8/8 single arm KB swings
WOD: 4 rounds for max reps
1 minute pull-ups
1 minute KB hang snatches (right) 24/16
1 minute KB hang snatches (left) 24/16
1 minute rest
3 minutes calorie row
1 minute rest
How to scale: Pick modifications and weights such that you can keep moving for most of each work interval.
Pull-ups: Do jumping pull-ups or ring rows.
KB snatches: Use a lighter weight or sub single-arm swings. Make your weight choice based on your weaker arm.
Objective: Yesterday you fatigued your legs leading into hard efforts on the bike; today you’ll be doing a whole lot of pulling before hopping on the rowing machine to pull some more. Try to minimize time spent resting during the pull-up and kettlebell snatch intervals, then find a consistent but challenging pace for the row intervals.
Score: total reps
Thursday 2.8
Name game: Would you rather go on safari in Africa or see penguins, seals, and whales in Antarctica?
Warm up: 3 minute bike/row then coach-led barbell
WOD: bear complex 7-7-7-7-7
*1 bear complex is 1 power clean + 1 front squat + 1 push press + 1 back squat + 1 back rack push press. All 7 reps must be completed without letting go of the barbell or resting it on the ground; if you drop, restart the set. Aim to build in weight each set.
Accessory (optional): 3×1 minute farmers carry. Today was another grippy barbell cycling workout – if grip was the problem, farmers carries can be part of the solution.
Objective: This is a benchmark workout that’s about strength, grip, and endurance. There’s no time component to this, so allow yourself ample rest between rounds. The goal is to add weight for each successive round and make it through all 5 sets of the complex without any re-dos due to dropping the bar.
Score: bear complex loads
Friday 2.9
Name game: What team are you cheering for in the Super Bowl (or what will you be doing instead of watching)?
Warm up: for 4 minutes complete rounds of 10m stiff-leg bear crawl, 10 band pull-aparts, 10 band pass throughs
Strength: bench press 5×3
*build in weight
WOD: 10 minute AMRAP
10 strict knees to elbow
:15 hanging L-sit
20m bear crawl
Objective: Focus today on the bench press, building across your five working sets to a heavy 3 for the day, or stick with a moderate weight for all sets if you’re looking for more of a recovery-level effort. The goal for workout should be doing these movements well. Make virtuosity the priority.
How to scale: Pick versions of these skills that you can do well.
Strict knees to elbow: Do strict knees to chest or knee raises. If hanging is an issue or your shoulders are feeling it from the week, sub v-ups or tuck-ups
Hanging L-sit: Tuck your knees. If hanging is an issue, sub a hollow body hold. Aim to make it through each set unbroken.
Score: bench press weights and rounds & reps
Saturday 2.10
Name game: What’s your favorite bar food/Super Bowl-watching snack?
Warm up: coach-led funzies
WOD: With a partner, 30 minute AMRAP
10 lateral burpees over bar
5 power snatches 135/95
5 bar muscle-ups
*alternate movements with your partner
How to scale: Modify so that no movement takes longer than about 1 minute to complete.
Burpees over bar: Do straight-arm burpees and/or step over the bar.
Power snatches: Reduce the weight so that you can do these as relatively quick singles. If needed, go from the hang.
Bar muscle-ups: Do 5-10 reps of a challenging pull-up variation (chest to bar, strict, banded, ring row, etc.)
Objective: You’re alternating movements with your partner today, alternating between the humble burpee and some heavier and higher skill weightlifting and gymnastics. Don’t scale so much that you’re sprinting through this — the snatches should be challenging enough to force you to do most or all reps as singles, and your bar muscle-up scale should not be one you’re able to easily do unbroken for all 30 minutes. Scale to achieve a minimum of 10 rounds but strive for 15+.
Score: rounds & reps
Sunday 2.11
Strength: Part A: Deadlift 6×3 – 80% to 90% of 1RM
*Rest 2-3 minutes between sets.
Part B: Back Squat 6×3 -75% to 85% of 1RM
*Rest 2-3 minutes between sets.
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