Monday 1.16
Name game: Would you rather go bald or grow 2x more hair?
Warm up: 3 rounds, :30 per station of row or bike, inchworms, kip swings, box step-ups/jumps
WOD: 4 rounds, 2 minutes per station, for max reps
Station 1: calorie row
Station 2: forearm plank hold (3 seconds = 1 rep)
Station 3: AMREP
8 pull-ups
8 box jump-overs 24/20
Station 4: rest
*stagger start to stay in order and share rowers; for the AMREP, restart each round
Lifestyle: plank hold on hands or hands elevated, jumping or banded pull-ups, step-overs
Accessory (optional): 3 rounds for quality
10 ring rows (as horizontal as possible)
10 strict ring dips (scale with bands/matadors/boxes)
Objective: Today’s workout has Fight Gone Bad-style intervals that are twice the normal length, with 24 total minutes of work compared to the typical 12-16. For the row, this means a pace similar to your 500m interval speed. For the plank, try to minimize breaks, and scale if you’re not able to hold at least :30 at a time. For the final couplet, try to keep moving, as the two movements do not interfere with each other.
Score: total reps
Tuesday 1.17
Name game: What’s one good habit you’re trying to instill this year?
Warm up: coach-led barbell
Strength: Every 90 seconds for 10 rounds
1 power snatch + 1 hang squat snatch + 1 overhead squat
WOD: For time *15 minute cap
30 power snatches 95/65
30 overhead squats 95/65
30 squat snatches 95/65
*every minute on the minute, including at the start: 5 toes to bar
Lifestyle: 75/55, knee raises or K2E
Objective: Today you’ll be rewarded for speed and proficiency with snatch-based movements, since there is extra work to be done for each extra minute spent on the WOD. Use the strength portion to work on technique and build past your weight for the WOD. You should be able to do the 5 toes to bar unbroken every minute, so drop to 3-4 reps or scale to a knee raise if needed to make that happen.
Score: max snatch complex & time to complete
Wednesday 1.18
Name game: What’s your current go-to breakfast?
Warm up: 2 minute bike/row + 2 rounds of 10 good mornings, 10 stiff legged deadlifts; then work up to your deadlift weight
WOD: Every 6 minutes for 5 rounds:
25/18 calorie bike
12 deadlifts 225/155
*3 minute cap per round
**to share bikes, have some athletes start at 3:00 each round
Lifestyle: Use a deadlift weight you can do for 12 unbroken reps and scale the bike calories to an amount you can finish in under 2:15 every round.
Accessory (optional): 3 rounds 20m/side single arm farmers carry, :30/side plank
Objective: Every round of this is a sprint! Scale correctly from the beginning so that you’re able to beat the cap every time. Move quickly, but make sure you’re taking an extra second to set up well for the deadlifts. If the prescribed weight is not light for you, scale down.
Score: fastest & slowest rounds (record all round times in SugarWOD; add 1 second per missed rep)
Thursday 1.19
Name game: Would you rather cuddle a baby panda or baby penguin?
Warm up: for 4 minutes complete rounds of 20 double unders, 10 scap pull-ups, 5 inchworms
Skill: 10 minute pull-up/muscle up EMOM.
*Work on a strict skill in odd minutes and a kipping skill in even minutes. Below are suggestions listed from most basic to most advanced.
Odds: jumping pull-ups with as slow a negative as possible, ring rows/false-grip ring rows, strict or banded strict pull-ups, strict C2B or C2R pull-ups, strict ring muscle-ups
Evens: kip swings, kipping pull-ups, muscle-up transitions on low rings, kip swings on rings or on bar with an extended straight-arm pull, muscle-up attempts, or kipping ring or bar muscle-ups
WOD: Open 21.1
For time *15 minute cap
1 wall walk
10 double unders
3 wall walks
30 double unders
6 wall walks
60 double unders
9 wall walks
90 double unders
15 wall walks
150 double unders
21 wall walks
210 double unders
Lifestyle: scaled wall walks (Open standard), single unders (same reps) *this is CrossFit HQ’s scaled version; make additional modifications as needed
Objective: Today is a chance to work on pulling skills and then retest a recent Open workout. For many of you, this will be your third or fourth time doing 21.1, so think about what you can improve on from previous attempts (see 11/24/21 and/or 3/13/21 in SugarWOD). If this is a new workout for you, try to move quickly through the 1-3-6 rounds then make a plan for quick breaks on the bigger sets of double unders and wall walks to keep moving.
Score: time to complete or reps at the cap
Friday 1.20
Name game: From 1-10, how hot do you like your shower water?
Warm up: 2 minute bike/row then coach-led barbell
Strength: thruster 5-5-5-3-3-3
*Use a rack, try to increase in weight every set
WOD: 9 minute AMRAP:
9 front squats 95/65
9 push presses
9 thrusters
Lifestyle: 75/55
Objective: There’s lots of barbell work today, first tackling heavy thrusters, then stripping down the weight for an AMRAP of more thrusters and their component parts. Despite the WOD being relatively short, knowing how to pace and when to rest is critical because trying to hang on to the barbell for too long is a recipe for quick burnout. Aim for 5+ rounds.
Score: thruster weights and rounds & reps
Saturday 1.21
Name game: Where is your favorite place to shop for clothes?
Warm up: coach-led funzies
WOD: With a partner, 30 minute AMREP
10, 20, 30 etc.
burpee pull-ups
power cleans 185/125
*after each round, one partner rows 24/18 calories, one partner bikes 18/14 calories (simultaneously)
[if there aren’t enough machines for all teams to have one of each, partners can split a 44 cal row or 32 cal bike; weather permitting, a 200m run is also an option]
Lifestyle: straight-arm burpees to lower bar, reduce weight to maintain quick singles
Objective: For most of this workout, a good strategy will be to alternate with your partner every 3-5 reps, but between rounds you’ll both be completing a 60-90 second row or bike sprint. It’s up to each team if each athlete does the same machine every round or if they switch it up, but try not to lose too much time there since those calories don’t count toward your final score.
Score: total reps (burpee PU and cleans only)
Sunday 1.22
Strength: 20 min EMOM seated strict press 5 reps @ odd / 50m heavy farmers carry @ even
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