Monday 1.2
Name game: What is one gymnastics skill you want to improve on in 2023?
Warm up: For 4 minutes complete rounds of 20 jumping jacks, 10 kip swings, 10 rocking tables
WOD: 10 minute AMRAP
15 C2B pull-ups
:30 ring L-sit hold
Rest 3 minutes
10 minute AMRAP
15 knees to elbow
:30 handstand hold (Rx+ 15m handstand walk)
Lifestyle: regular pull-ups; L-sit on parallettes, tuck sit, or hollow hold; knee raises; hold partial wall walk, feet-elevated plank, or plank
Accessory: 3 rounds for quality
10 alternating archer ring rows
5 strict chin-ups
Objective: Both halves of today’s WOD mix gymnastics skills that will challenge your shoulder and core strength and endurance. Make sure you dial in your kip swing during the warm-up in order to move efficiently on the pull-ups and knees to elbows. Take quick breaks early in the workout to avoid hitting failure and needing long breaks in the final minutes.
Score: rounds & reps for each AMRAP (1 second = 1 rep; 1m HSW = 2 reps)
Tuesday 1.3
Name game: What goal or goals do you have for the lifts today?
Warm up: coach-led
WOD: Crossfit Total
40 minutes to establish your 1 rep max:
Back squat
Strict press
Lifestyle: if you’re new to lifting, complete 3 moderate sets of 5 of each skill. You can also follow this rep scheme if you maxed out in strength class last month and don’t want to retest.
Extra credit: 5 minute row or bike for max calories
Objective: We rarely do 1 rep maxes — they are a good test, but gains are made by putting in the reps at sub-maximal loads — but it’s time to see the strength we’ve built in the past 12 months and set a baseline for improvement going forward. Find your 1-rep max for each of the lifts in the order listed above. As always, do warm-up sets of 3-5 reps at lighter weights and make big jumps in weight early on. As you approach your max, start adding weight in smaller increments. Make a maximum of 3 attempts at your 1RM for each lift. Check 10/19/21 in SugarWOD for past results.
Score: max weight for each lift
Wednesday 1.4
Name game: On a scale of 1-10, how good are you at bowling?
Warm up: 4 rounds of rowling; penalty is 5 single or double unders per meter off
WOD: For time *32 minute cap
Double unders
100/80 calorie bike or 2k row
Double unders
Lifestyle: reduced-rep DU or single-single-double or 1:1 single unders.
Accessory: 3 rounds, 20m/side KB waiters walk (upper arm parallel to ground, elbow at 90º, bottoms-up kettlebell)
Objective: The bookends on this workout may look familiar — it’s the benchmark “Annie,” done first as written and then in reverse order. In between there is a solid chunk of cardio work. Good times for Annie on its own are in the 5-7 minute range, so see how close you can come to that in the first third of this workout, then push hard on the bike or row and do your best to hang on for the second Annie portion.
Score: time to complete
Thursday 1.5
Name game: On your birthday do you prefer a big party or a quiet night with family/friends?
Warm up: 4 rounds, 20 seconds per station, of air squats, kip swings, sit-up to straddle
Movement prep: review BMU & TGU and work up to your TGU & thruster weights
WOD: For time *18 minute cap (Happy early birthday, Eddie!)
Thrusters 155/105
Bar muscle-ups
*1/1 Turkish get-ups 32/24 after each round
Lifestyle: Use a thruster that is heavy for 5-6 reps and a KB that is heavy for a single rep; C2B pull-ups. Eliminate the TGUs entirely if you’re uncomfortable with the skill.
Objective: Thrusters and pull-ups are one of the best-known combinations in CrossFit, and this workout puts a heavy, high-skill twist on that couplet. The thrusters should be heavy — if you can do 8+ reps unbroken, it is too light — and similarly, your bar muscle-ups should be scaled to a pull-up variation you cannot do for more than 5-6 reps at a time. We don’t do Turkish get-ups very often, especially under fatigue, so be cautious there and take your time.
Score: time to complete
Friday 1.6
Name game: would you rather have dinner leftovers for breakfast or breakfast food for dinner?
Warm up: coach-led barbell
Strength: 8 minute EMOM – 2 muscle snatches
WOD: Ten 1-minute rounds for max snatches
10 bar-facing burpees (Open standard)
Max power snatches 115/75
*Rest 1 minute between rounds
Lifestyle: straight-arm burpees/reduce reps to finish in under :45, reduce snatch weight to something you can do for 5+ touch-and-go reps when fresh
Objective: Today is all about the snatch. The strength portion is more about technique than heavy weight and will help you develop quick turnover with your elbows. The WOD is a series of 10 sprints. Try to finish the burpees in under 45 seconds every time, and scale to a snatch weight that you’re comfortable doing for moderate sets of touch-and-go reps.
Score: max muscle snatch double & total power snatches
Saturday 1.7
Name game: What was your favorite year in school?
Warm up: coach-led funzies
WOD: With a partner, 30 minute AMREP:
3 minute row for max calories
30 handstand push-ups
30 pull-ups
30 box jumps 30/24
Lifestyle: pike push-ups or z-press, ring rows, 24/20
Objective: The best scores today will come down to the best teamwork. Make a plan with your partner for dividing the work to maximize your total reps by playing to your strengths and minimizing transition time on the rows.
Score: total reps (note rounds completed in comments)
Sunday 1.8
Strength: 20 min EMOM Bench press 5 reps @ odd / 50m heavy farmers carry @ even
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