Monday 1.6
Name game: What was the first social media platform you joined and how old were you when you joined it?
Warm up: 3 rounds, :25 work/:05 transition, jumping jacks, scap pull-ups, step-ups, burpees
WOD: 2 rounds for time *24 minute cap
24 burpee box jump-overs 24/20
24 alternating dumbbell snatches 50/35
24 burpee pull-ups
24 alternating dumbbell snatches 50/35
How to scale: Modify to beat the cap by averaging a pace of 8 reps per minute or faster.
Burpee box jump overs: Do straight-arm burpees and/or jump over a lower box.
Dumbbell snatches: Use a lighter dumbbell. You should be able to do these unbroken or close to it.
Burpee pull-ups: Do burpees to a lower pull-up bar or burpees + ring rows. Sub straight-arm burpees if needed.
Objective: We’re starting and ending this week with longer workouts and higher rep counts. This one can be done sub-20 but the primary goal should be to beat the cap. Avoid the temptation to go out too hot! All three skills are best accomplished by keeping a slow but steady pace that keeps your heart rate under control and lets you minimize breaks.
Score: time to complete
Tuesday 1.7
Name game: What’s your favorite winter outdoor activity?
Warm up: coach-led barbell, then 5 minutes to build to starting load for EMOM
Strength: Every 2:30 for 5 sets
5 power clean & jerks
*Complete 2-3 warmup sets before the EMOM starts. All 5 working sets should be challenging, done as touch-and-go or quick singles such that you’re getting around 2 minutes of rest between sets.
WOD: For time *10 minute cap
front squats 155/105 (no racks)
handstand push-ups
How to scale: Scale both movements to finish the round of 21 in no more than 3 sets each.
Front squats: Reduce the load.
Handstand push-ups: Reduce the reps (e.g. 15-10-5), use 1-2 ab-mats, or do pike push-ups or z-presses.
Objective: The clean & jerk work today is analogous to the snatch work from last Monday. While heavy is the goal, progress comes first: if cycling is a struggle, try for touch-and-go even if that limits the load you can use; if your technique falters at heavier loads, back off the weight and keep the focus on moving well. The workout is a quick couplet. Don’t get bogged down on either skill; scale to keep each movement to 3 sets or fewer every round.
Score: max clean & jerk load and time to complete
Wednesday 1.8
Name game: What kind of race (running, biking, car, horse, etc.) would you most like to compete in?
Warm up: 6 minute EMOM
Odds: bike (slow, medium, fast)
Evens: jump rope practice
WOD: Four 9-minute rounds for total calories
3 minutes: max calorie Echo bike
3 minutes:
50 double unders
50 sit-ups
3 minutes: rest
*Stagger start by 3 minutes to share bikes
How to scale: Spend no more than 1 minute on double under attempts or single-single-double and consider reducing the reps on the sit-ups if you cannot maintain a pace of 25/minute.
Objective: Today’s interval-style workout mixes pure cardio and some “Annie”-inspired intervals as a test of your ability to get work done under fatigue. Do not game it by reducing your effort on the bike to ensure you can complete the Rx reps on the jump rope and sit-ups. Push hard on the bike and trust your fitness and mental fortitude to push through the second interval of each round. You have at least 3 minutes of rest between rounds — more if you finish the sit-ups early — so you’ll be well rested to attack the bike every time.
Score: total calories
Thursday 1.9
Name game: What is your all-time favorite sit-com?
Warm up: 2 minute bike/row then rounds of 10 good morning, 10 glute bridges, 5 inchworms w/ push-up
Strength: 3-5 sets of 5 deadlifts
*athlete’s choice to build or stay the same across.
WOD: 5 rounds, :30 per station, for max reps
strict pull-ups
DB bench press 50/35
How to scale: Pick options that allow you to keep accumulating reps throughout each working interval.
Strict pull-ups: Do jumping pull-ups with a controlled negative or challenging ring rows.
Bench press: Use lighter dumbbells.
Objective: It’s week 2 of deadlift month, with the same rep range and suggested approach as last week. If you were here last Friday and feel good today, aim for slightly heavier loads. The workout is quick intervals that will be almost entirely about managing muscle fatigue. Push for full range of motion even after fatigue sets in.
Score: max deadlift & total reps
Friday 1.10
Name game: Would you rather meet someone on a blind date or on a dating app?
Warm up: 2 minute bike/row then rounds of 10 kip swings, 10 PVC pass throughs with a lunge, 10 med ball thrusters
WOD: 30 minute AMRAP
25 toes to bar
50 wall balls 20/14
Rest 2 minutes
25 toes to bar
50 back rack lunges 95/65
Rest 2 minutes
25 toes to bar
50 thrusters 95/65
Rest 2 minutes*
*Note: If you finish a section with less than 2 minutes remaining, skip the rest and keep going. This is a 30-minute workout for everyone!
How to scale: Modify so that you’re able to finish each couplet in under 6 minutes.
Toes to bar: Do knees to chest, elbows, or hips. If needed, reduce the reps so you can always finish 25 in under 2 minutes. If needed, reduce the reps to 15-20.
Wall balls, lunges, thrusters: Use a lighter ball/weight. You should be able to maintain sets of 10+ on all of these skills. If needed, reduce the reps to 35-40.
Objective: We’re finishing the week with another long one, this time with some built-in rest to encourage a quick pace through each of these couplets. Try to hang on for big sets on the wall balls and barbells, and aim for a 2:1 to 3:1 work:rest ratio, or 4-6 minutes per couplet. All athletes should complete 1+ rounds; finishing 2 would be exceptional.
Score: rounds & reps
Saturday 1.11
Name game: What languages do you speak?
Warm up: coach-led funzies
WOD: With a partner, 30 minute AMRAP
1000m row
60 power snatches 75/55
20 muscle-ups
*One partner works at a time; switch as desired. Solo: half reps.
How to scale: Make sure the snatches are light enough that you can go quickly there, then expend energy challenging yourself on the muscle-ups.
Power snatches: Reduce the weight and go from the hang if needed. You should be able to do sets of 10+ reps.
Muscle-ups: Make attempts, do jumping muscle-ups, or sub 2 challenging pull-ups plus 2 challenging dips for 1 muscle-up.
Objective: Today’s partner WOD has a simple AMRAP format and a lot of pulling. Try to stick to one transition per round on the row, then, as always, swap with your partner before you slow down or your grip wears out on the other two skills.
Score: rounds & reps
Sunday 1.12
Strength: bench press 10 min. EMOM 3 reps; strict press 10 min. EMOM 3 reps
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