Monday 7.10
Name game: Would you rather have a time machine or a teleportation device?
Warm up: jump rope tabata then coach-led review of TGUs
Strength/Skill: Turkish get-ups. Find a heavy single on both sides.
WOD: two 6-minute AMRAPs, resting 2 minutes between
10 v-ups
10 box jumps 30/24
10/10 single arm kettlebell swings 24/16
40 double unders
* restart AMRAP for 2nd interval
Lifestyle: tuck-ups, 24/20 or step-ups, lighter KB, DU attempts
Objective: Turkish get-ups are a compound movement that are great for shoulder stability and core strength. We don’t do them often, so make sure you get the technique down before moving up in weight. The workout is two short AMRAPs with a break between. The goal is consistency: try to get as many rounds the second time through as you do the first.
Score: rounds & reps for each AMRAP
Tuesday 7.11
Name game: Who do you think wins in a fight between Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk?
Warm up: 400m run then coach-led barbell
Strength: 10 minute EMOM
2 squat cleans + 1 split jerk
WOD: For time *18 minute cap
800m run
40 hang dumbbell clusters 50/35
800m run
*In case of rain: 1000m row or 50/35 bike
Lifestyle: 600m run, lighter DBs
Objective: For most people the split jerk will be the limiting factor on the strength work today, so aim for excellent mechanics on the cleans if you’re working at slightly lighter loads than you’re used to, and try to make your two reps touch & go. For the workout, pace the first run so you’re able to get right to work on the dumbbells, then try to move through those in sets of 4-5 reps at a time. Give it all you’ve got on that last 800.
Score: max complex weight & time to complete
Wednesday 7.12
Name game: Do you use an online calendar, paper calendar, or memory to keep track of your schedule?
Warm up: 3 rounds of 1 minute bike/row, 10 kip swings, 5 inchworms
WOD: 10 rounds for time *35 minute cap
250m row or 15/12 bike
5 burpee muscle-ups
Lifestyle: burpee + 2 chest-to-bar/rings or pull-ups
Objective: This is a long one, and, if you row, the pulling there will make the pulling on the muscle-ups more challenging. Don’t go all out on the row/bike – a 70-80% effort is plenty – and get in a rhythm on the burpee MUs (ring or bar is up to you).
Score: time to complete
Thursday 7.13
Name game: What did you do to pass the time when you were bored in school?
Warm up: 2 minute run/bike/row then rounds for 3 minutes of 10 air squats, 5-5-5-5 monster walks, :15/side lizard stretch
Strength: pause front squat 5×3 (3 seconds at the bottom)
*use the same weight for all 5 sets
WOD: 30 Echo bike calories for time (on bike erg, do 1k)
*Stagger start times/run 2 heats to share bikes
Objective: The focus today is on the heavy pause squats. Go for a heavier weight than you did for the 5×4 on June 19, and use the full time allotted to get plenty of rest between sets. The workout is also a benchmark sprint test, made substantially more difficult by going into it with tired legs. This is an all-out effort that should take 1-3 minutes to complete.
Score: front squat weights & bike time
Friday 7.14
Name game: What band or musician do you most strongly associate with your childhood?
Warm up: coach-led barbell and skill review
WOD: “Lane”
5 rounds for max reps
Hang power snatch ¾ body weight
Handstand push-ups
Rest as needed between rounds
Lifestyle: reduce snatch weight & pike push-ups or z-press
Objective: A few months ago we tested Lynne, a benchmark with a similar format of max reps on a push and a pull movement. Lane uses the same theme — a push and pull — with two skills that are more technically demanding. Scale both movements so that you can do at least 10 reps in a row of each when fresh. See 10/7/21 for past results.
Score: total reps
Saturday 7.15
Name game: If there were a law named for you, what would it be about?
Warm up: coach-led funzies
WOD: In teams of 3, 30 minute EMOM
Partner A: AMREP
75 pull-ups
75 back rack lunges 95/65
75 toes to bar
75 back squats 95/65
Partner B: row
Partner C: rest
*Rotate every minute, pick up where partner A leaves off
**Team of 2: 50 reps of each movement
Lifestyle: ring rows, K2E/knee raises, lighter barbell (no racks)
Objective: Everyone gets a 2:1 work:rest ratio for this team workout. You’ll be relatively rested when you get to the bar, so try to keep a good pace as you chip away at those movements. You get a break once you’re done with your row, so try to keep up the intensity there, too. Every calorie counts!
Score: total reps of AMREP + total calories rowed
Sunday 7.16
Strength: Part A: Push Jerk 6×3 @ 60%
Part B: Bench Press 5×8 @ 80%-90%
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