Monday 7.17
Name game: At a waterpark, are you headed for the slides or the lazy river?
Warm up: 3 rounds of :45 bike (faster each round), 8 scap pull-ups, 8 ring rows, :15 child’s pose
WOD: Every 3 minutes for 10 rounds
1 legless rope climb
12/9 calorie Echo bike
*90 second cap per round
How to scale: Each round of this workout is only about a minute long, so intensity should be extremely high. Modify in ways that let you keep that sprint pace going for all 10 rounds.
Legless climbs: 4-6 strict C2B, strict pull-ups, banded pull-ups, or ring rows. Pick the most challenging version of a strict pull-up you can manage. You can also climb the rope as high as you can legless then use your legs to get the rest of the way to the top. This should take around 15-20 seconds to complete.
Bike: Reduce the calories if 12/9 will take longer than about 1 minute. If you need to use the bike erg, the “Rx” calories are 15/12.
Accessory (optional): 3-5 rounds for quality
10 archer ring rows (alternating)
:20 ring support hold
Objective: Each round of this is a quick climb followed by a max effort sprint. You’ll be getting at least 1:1 rest and possibly better than 2:1 rest, so don’t hold back on the bike. Use that rest time to shake out your arms and legs and keep moving — don’t just sit around between rounds.
Score: fastest & slowest rounds (record all 10 times in SugarWOD)
Tuesday 7.18
Name game: What’s your favorite food to have hot off the grill?
Warm up: 2 minutes bike/row then 2-3 rounds of 10 pass throughs with a lunge, 10 pvc OHS, 5 burpees
Strength: snatch balance 7×1
How to scale: The goal here is 7 heavy singles, but if you’re new to these or still working on technique and overhead squat mechanics such that “heavy” isn’t an option, stay light and do sets of 3-5.
WOD: AMREPs in 12 minutes
In 3 minutes:
40 power snatches 75/55
Max reps bar facing burpees
Rest 1:30
In 3 minutes:
40 thrusters 75/55
Max reps bar facing burpees
Rest 1:30
In 3 minutes:
40 overhead squats 75/55
Max reps bar facing burpees
How to scale: The goal for all three intervals in this workout is to make it to the burpees, so adjust the barbell skills so that you can get all 40 reps done in 2:30 or less.
All barbell skills: Reduce the weight, then reduce the reps. This is a prime example of a workout where you may be able to move the Rx weight, but it’s not the appropriate loading for today. You should be able to do at least 15-20 unbroken reps of each skill at the weight you choose. Prioritize getting all 40 reps done each round over pushing the loading, but drop the reps to 25-30 per interval if 40 is still unrealistic. There is built-in rest, so you can adjust loading between intervals if there is a drastic difference in strength between different movements.
Power snatches: Go from the hang.
Overhead squats: Do overhead lunges or back squats if mobility issues make it hard to do a mechanically sound overhead squat.
Bar-facing burpees: To reduce the strain on your shoulders, do a straight-arm burpee. To keep your heart rate down, step over the barbell, or do the burpees in place.
Objective: Our strength work today is focused on snatch technique with 7 heavy singles of the snatch balance. Build in weight if you’re feeling good, but make all 7 working sets challenging. The workout is high-rep, light-weight barbell cycling. Aim to hold on to sets of at least 10-15 reps at a time for the entire WOD. Proper scaling means having time for burpees in every interval.
Score: snatch balance weights & total burpees
Wednesday 7.19
Name game: How long is your drive to the gym?
Warm up: 6 minute EMOM
1 minute bike/row
1 minute AMRAP 20 jump rope skips, 10 kip swings
WOD: AMREPs in 25 minutes
60 double unders
15 C2B pull-ups
1 minute max calorie bike/row
60 double unders
15 toes to bar
1 minute max calorie row/bike
How to scale: Unlike the intervals of the past two days, this is one long effort, so modify in ways that let you avoid needing long breaks or getting hung up on one skill.
Double unders: Spend up to 90 seconds per set accumulating attempts, single-single-doubles, or a reduced number of reps. Do up to 120 single unders if that’s still a skill you’re working on, otherwise sub 60 mountain climbers (L+R=2).
Chest to bar pull-ups: If you can do regular pull-ups, keep the C2B range of motion by adding a band or doing jumping C2B pull-ups. Otherwise, do banded pull-ups or ring rows.
Toes to bar: Do knees to elbow or knee raises. If your hands are tearing, sub v-ups or candlesticks.
Objective: This is the longest continuous effort of the week, so pacing is key. Aim for 3+ rounds, finishing each in 8 minutes or less. Try to maintain a moderate-to-hard pace on the row/bike — don’t burn yourself out, but remember that every calorie counts — and keep each set of DUs + gymnastics under 3 minutes.
Score: total reps
Thursday 7.20
Name game: If you could have any artist from history paint your portrait, who would you pick?
Warm up: 2 minute run/bike/row then coach-led barbell
Movement prep: practice cycling and work up past your weight for the WOD in sets of 4-6
WOD: “Gwen” (15-20 minutes)
For load:
unbroken clean & jerk
*Reps must be touch-and-go; no dropping the bar or regripping on the floor. If you break, restart the set. You must use the same weight for all 3 sets. Rest as needed between sets.
How to scale: Reduce the reps and/or range of motion by aiming for a scheme of 12-9-6 unbroken reps and starting from the hang. Adjust weights between sets if needed to maintain safe technique.
Extra credit: 50 burpees for time
Objective: Like “Lane” last week, there’s no time component to this benchmark workout. Instead, it’s about grip strength, barbell cycling efficiency, and good awareness of your own capacity. Aim for a weight around 65-75% of your 1RM clean & jerk. You can do any style of clean and jerk that you want, but power clean + push jerk will work best for most people. This WOD is not for time. Make sure you’re taking a minimum of 3 minutes rest between sets.
Score: weight used
Friday 7.21
Name game: If you had to participate in a running race, what distance would you choose?
Warm up: 400m run then 2-3 rounds of 5 squat to hip hinge, 5 jumping squats, 5-5-5-5 monster walks
Movement prep: work up to your squat weight
Strength/WOD: In 32 minutes:
4×10 back squats
4x800m run
Alternate squats and runs. Use the same load for all 4 sets. Rest as needed. (In case of rain, sub 1000m row)
How to scale: reduce the distance to 600m if 800m takes you longer than 5 minutes when fresh.
Accessory (optional): 3 sets of 10/10 lateral box step-ups, 10/10 single leg kettlebell RDL
Objective: Today mixes pure weightlifting and pure cardio. The given timeframe means you essentially have 8 minutes to complete each set of back squat + run, so a strategy like 1 minute of squats, 1 minute of rest, 4 minutes of run, 2 minutes of rest is one way to divide the time, but you control your own rest, so you could, for example, take less rest for the first two rounds in order to have longer breaks toward the end of the workout. As always, the goal is consistency: the same weight for all four squat sets, and similar splits for all four 800s.
Score: back squat load & slowest 800m run (record all 4 times in SugarWOD)
Saturday 7.22
Name game: How many unread emails do you usually have in your inbox?
Warm up: 6 minute EMOM
Partner A: row
Partner B: AMRAP 10 scap push-ups, 10 rocking tables, 5 inchworms
WOD: With a partner, 30 minute AMRAP
row 1000m (switch every 250m; partner holds plank)
50 DB bench press 50/35
row 1000m (switch every 250m; partner holds plank)
50 ring push-ups
How to scale: The two pressing skills will interfere with each other, so be prepared to adjust if you get to the point where you’re only getting a couple of reps at a time, especially on the bench.
DB bench: use lighter DBs. You should be able to do at least 10 reps in a row.
Ring push-ups: do regular push-ups or scale the same way you would for regular push-ups by elevating your hands on a bench or box.
Objective: The combination of pulling and pushing movements comes up frequently, but today’s partner WOD features some less common variations on pressing skills that are more challenging than the more familiar versions. The division of labor on the row is fixed, but how you move through the two pressing skills is up to you and your partner. Make sure you’re switching off well before you hit failure.
Score: rounds & reps
Sunday 7.23
Strength: Part A: Deadlift 5×5 @ 80%-90%
Part B: Front Squat 5×4 @ 70%-80%
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