Monday 7.3
Name game: Do you prefer to play team sports or individual sports?
Warm up: 2 minute row/bike then rounds of 5 inchworms, 10 squat to hip hinge, :15/side Samson stretch
WOD: 20 minute EMOM-ish (1 minute to work, :10 transition between stations)
Odds: 20/15 calorie row
Evens: 15 burpees
Lifestyle: Aim to spend 45-55 seconds of each interval working; go to straight-arm burpees if needed to get at least 8 per interval
Accessory: 10 minute EMOM
Odds: 5 strict pull-ups @ 3113 tempo
*Pick the hardest you can do of C2B, chin over bar, jumping, or banded pull-ups, or do a 20-30 second active hang + 5 scapular pull-ups
Evens: 30-45 second hollow hold
Objective: The first part of today is about mental grit, and a willingness to keep pushing yourself even when you want to stop. Try to keep equal intensity on the row and the burpees — don’t ease off on one to maximize reps on the other. The second part is about strength and technique, building strict pull-up capacity and core strength.
Score: total reps (max is 350/300)
Tuesday 7.4
Name game: What was the best fireworks display you’ve ever seen?
Warm up: coach-led
WOD: 1775
60 minute AMRAP
17 power cleans 135/95
75 air squats
200m plate carry
200m run
200m plate carry
200m run
200m barbell carry
Lifestyle: reduce weight (if possible, pick a weight at which you have 1 plate on each side of the barbell)
Objective: This is CFN’s traditional Fourth of July workout. It’s a full hour, so pace yourself: quick singles on the barbell, steady air squats, and a brisk walk with the barbell components and jog without. Remember that in each round, you’ll do THREE carries but only TWO runs.
Score: rounds & reps
Wednesday 7.5
Name game: If you could be immortal, at what age would you choose to stop aging?
Warm up: for 4 minutes complete rounds of 20 single or double unders, 10 band pull-aparts, 10 rocking tables
Strength: pause bench press 5×5
*same weight across; 2 second pause at chest
WOD: For time *11 minute cap
double unders
wall walks
Lifestyle: reduced rep DUs/attempts/S-S-D or 10-6-2-6-10 bike; 3-2-1-2-3/partial wall walks or step up and hold
Objective: The focus today is on the bench, where we’re adding a pause to remove the ability to bounce the bar off your chest and use the stretch reflex to help get the weight up and to help you to develop strength out of that bottom position. The workout is a quick couplet of double unders and wall walks. Do your best to go unbroken as much as possible.
Score: bench press weights & time to complete
Thursday 7.6
Name game: When was the last time you had overnight guests?
Warm up: for 4 minutes complete rounds of 10 pvc pass throughs with a lunge, 10 squat to hip hinge, 5/side lizard stretch with overhead reach
Strength: overhead squat 5-3-3-1-1-1
WOD: 12 minute AMRAP
3 power snatches 115/75
3 squat snatches 115/75
6 overhead lunges 115/75
Rest 30 seconds
Lifestyle: reduce weight
Objective: Like the thrusters last week, this is the culmination of the sets of 5 and 3 overhead squats we’ve done up to this point. If you’re comfortable with the skill, build in weight across all 6 sets, aiming for a 1 rep max attempt in the last set or two. The WOD is all barbell with short spurts of built-in rest. Do your best to hang on to the barbell or stay disciplined about quick singles.
Score: OHS weights and rounds & reps
Friday 7.7
Name game: What’s your favorite card game?
Warm up: for 4 minutes complete rounds of 5 scap pull-ups, 5 knee raises on rope, 5 jumping squats, 10m lizard walk
Skill: rope climbs & lateral jumps
Rope climbs: Practice establishing your foot lock, making progress up the rope, or refining your technique. More experienced athletes should attempt legless or L-sit rope climbs, or try starting from seated.
Lateral jumps: Between climbs, establish a max height lateral jump (over a PVC pipe between 2 boxes/plate stacks). Each successful attempt includes 2 jumps — one to the right and one to the left.
WOD: 5 rounds for max reps
:30 pull-ups
:30 lateral hops (over a parallette)
:30 toes to bar
:30 lateral hops (over a parallette)
:30 rest
Lifestyle: jumping pull-ups or ring rows, K2E or knee raises, jump over a lower barrier (e.g. a dumbbell or a line on the floor)
Objective: Today is primarily a skill day — a chance to make progress on rope climbs, whether that’s getting more comfortable with the foot lock or going legless, and a chance to work on a movement pattern, jumping laterally, that is often overlooked. The workout mixes elements of these 2 skills with quick intervals of gymnastics and jumps. Try to move consistently through each 30-second work window.
Score: lateral jump height and total reps
Saturday 7.8
Name game: If you could eliminate one task from your daily routine, what would it be?
Warm up: 3 rounds (6 minutes):
Partner A: 1 minute bike
Partner B: AMRAP
10 down dog with alternating toe touch, 10 good mornings, 10 pass throughs
WOD: For time with a partner *35 minute cap
300/260/220 calorie bike
100 burpees to 6″ target
100 alternating DB hang power snatches 50/35
100 alternating single arm DB hang clean & jerk 50/35
100 single arm alternating devils press 50/35
*One partner bikes while the other works through the chipper. Switch as desired. Once the bike or chipper is done, one partner works while the other rests to finish the remaining work.
Lifestyle: straight-arm burpees, reduce DB weight
Objective: Make a plan with your partner — you’ll both be working at the same time for most if not all of this workout, but you have full control over the division of labor. A pace of 11-12 reps per minute will get you through the chipper under the cap. Men will need to bike at least 8-9 calories per minute, while women need to keep up 6-7 calories per minute, to finish that portion of the workout.
Score: time to complete (or reps completed at cap)
Sunday 7.9
Strength: TBA
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