Monday 7.31
Name game: What’s an activity your parents made you do as a kid that you hated?
Warm up: for 4 minutes complete rounds of 20 jumping jacks, 10 scap pull-ups, 5 burpees
Skill: 8-10 minutes to practice pullovers & skin the cats / develop the kip swing on the bar or rings / practice active hangs
*practice pull-ups if you want keeping mind that there is more pulling tomorrow with rope climbs
WOD: 4 rounds, each for time *20 minute cap
12 toes to bar
12 devils press 50/35
12 toes to bar
*Rest 2 minutes between rounds
How to scale: Adjust so that you’re able to finish each round in roughly 3 minutes.
Toes to bar: Reduce the reps to 8-10 per set, or reduce the range of motion by doing knees to elbow or hanging knee raises. If hanging is an issue, do v-ups or candlesticks. Each set should take well under a minute to complete.
Devils press: Use lighter dumbbells, and do a straight-arm burpee if needed. You should be able to do 4-6 reps in a row at your chosen weight, and each set of 12 should take less than 2 minutes to complete.
Objective: The skill work today is a chance to have some fun with a few more unusual gymnastics skills. The workout is 4 quick intervals. Try to keep your times for each round consistent. Keep breaks on the toes to bar to a minimum and get into a rhythm on the devils presses to get them done efficiently. To beat the cap, finish each round in 3:30 or less.
Score: fastest & slowest rounds (record all 4 in SugarWOD)
Tuesday 8.1
Name game: What musical instruments can you play?
Warm up: 400m run + 2 rounds of 10 pass throughs with a lunge, 10 squat to hip hinge, 5 rope knee raises, then review barbell skills and work up to your weight
WOD: 25 minute AMRAP
200m run
8 thrusters 135/95
2 rope climbs
200m run
8 overhead squats 135/95
2 rope climbs
*Rx: no racks
How to scale: Choose if your focus today is strength, skill, or conditioning, and adjust accordingly.
Thrusters & Overhead Squats: Reduce the weight to something that is challenging for 8 reps in a row — heavy enough that you might need to break it up after the first round. If cleaning/snatching the bar from the floor is an issue, use a rack. Sub back squats or overhead lunges if overhead squat mobility is an issue.
Rope climbs: Do 1 full climb or 2 partial climbs per set, or do 4 reps of a ground-to-stand rope climb per set. Avoid subbing knee raises if you did them in class yesterday; otherwise do 4 knee raises/climb.
Run: 200m is short enough that everyone should be able to do it as written, but in case of rain or an injury sub a 15/12 calorie bike or 250m row.
Objective: This is a relatively long, heavy, and high skill AMRAP, which presents a choice to be made about how to attack it: if you want more of a strength day, push the weight on the thrusters and OHS and take your time there; likewise, for a skill day, challenge yourself in how you approach the rope climbs. If you simply want to work hard for 25 minutes, scale so that you’re able to keep moving for the whole 25 minutes. If that’s the goal, aim to complete 3 full rounds.
Score: rounds & reps
Wednesday 8.2
Name game: What kinds of cookies and ice cream make your ideal ice cream sandwich?
Warm up: for 4 minutes complete rounds of :30-:45 bike, 20 single/double unders, 5 inchworms with a push-up
WOD: For time, EMOM-style working 1 minute on, 1 minute off *36 minute cap
Part A, until 75 burpees are complete
7/5 calorie Echo bike
Max rep burpees
Then, Part B, until 300 double unders are complete
7/5 calorie Echo bike
Max double unders
*Rest for the remainder of the minute in which you finish your burpees. Start the bike/DUs on your next 1:00 work interval.
How to scale: Try to complete the prescribed bike calories, but modify the target reps or movement on the burpees and double unders to something you can realistically finish within the cap.
Burpees: Go to straight-arm burpees, or aim for a lower total — 50 or 60.
Double unders: Aim for a lower total, or continue until you’ve completed 450 single unders.
Accessory (optional): 3 rounds of 10/10 single leg KB RDLs, 10/10 KB side bends
Objective: There’s no pacing today: you need to get off the bike as quickly as possible each round in order to begin accumulating burpees or double unders. Because you’re getting 1:1 built-in rest, you have 18 minutes of working time. Spending 9 rounds on each movement means a pace of 8-9 burpees per minute and 30-35 double unders per minute to beat the cap.
Score: times for Part A & Part B
Thursday 8.3
Name game: What was the last game you played on your phone?
Warm up: 3 minute bike/row then coach-led barbell and work up to your EMOM weight
Strength WOD: 10 minute EMOM:
5 touch-and-go power cleans
*try to use the same weight for all 10 sets
How to scale: Like the snatches last week, disregard the touch-and-go requirement or reduce the reps each minute if it keeps you from getting a good set-up for every rep. Similarly, go from the hang to reduce the complexity of the lift.
Skill WOD: 10 minute AMRAP
6 strict pull-ups
40m farmers carry as heavy as possible
:20 hanging L-sit
How to scale: The focus is on good movement over speed, so challenge yourself but opt for modifications that are challenging but that you can execute well over ones you can manage with sloppy technique.
Strict pull-ups: Do banded pull-ups as long as you can achieve full range of motion, starting with arms fully extended and finishing with your chin above the bar every time. Jumping pull-ups with a slow negative are also an option, with the same range of motion requirement. Otherwise, do a challenging ring row.
Farmers Carry: There’s no “prescribed” weight for this, so simply pick a pair of kettlebells or dumbbells that is challenging for you to hang onto for the full 40 meters.
Hanging L-sit: Modify to a tuck sit or a mix of straight and bent legs so that you’re able to finish each hold in no more than two sets. If hanging is an issue, an L-sit/tuck sit on boxes or rings is also a scaling option.
Objective: The clean strength work today is the analog to the snatch work we did last Friday. As was the case then, remember that you can adjust your weight if you realize that you’ve chosen poorly after a couple of rounds. Again similar to last Friday, the workout is focused on skill: strict pulling, grip, and core. Aim for quality of movement over speed.
Score: clean weights and rounds & reps
Friday 8.4
Name game: If you were an MMA fighter what would your walk-out song be?
Warm up: 4-5 minute bike/row, then coach-led movement review
WOD: Fight Gone Bad
3 rounds, 1 minute per station, for max reps
Wall balls 20/14
Sumo deadlift high pulls 75/55
Box jumps 24/20
Push press 75/55
Calorie row
How to scale: The goal here is 5 minutes of movement, 1 minute of rest, so ideally, pick modifications you can keep moving on with minimal breaks. That said, this is a benchmark workout, so provided you can perform the Rx skills safely, you can make the choice to disregard the intended stimulus and instead treat it as a test to see exactly how you stack up on the Rx version and what weaknesses you need to address going forward.
Wall balls: Use a lighter ball (14/10) or aim for a lower target. You should be able to do at least 10 reps at a time.
SDLHP: Use lighter weight. This is a movement we don’t do a lot, so if it’s uncomfortable for you or you’re struggling to nail down the technique, switch to a conventional or sumo deadlift.
Box jumps: Use a lower box or do step-ups
Push press: Use lighter weight, and remember that you won’t have a rack, so you need to be able to clean the weight you’re using up to your shoulders. Pick a weight you can do for at least 10-15 reps in a row so you’re not expending a lot of extra energy re-cleaning the bar.
Objective: This is a CrossFit benchmark meant to mimic the stimulus of an MMA fight — five minutes of work, one minute of rest, for three rounds. There have since been many different WODs in this format, but this one is the original. Notice there are two pairs of similar movements: wall balls and push presses with the leg-driven vertical press, and SDLHP and rowing with the same combination of hinging and pulling. The box jumps between those will serve to keep your heart rate high. Average scores for this are around 250 for women and 280 for men; scores in the mid-300s are exceptional.
Score: total reps
Saturday 8.5
Name game: What was your most recent Amazon purchase?
Warm up: coach-led funzies
WOD: With a partner, AMREPs in 30 minutes
Partner A: 400m run
Partner B: max burpee pull-ups
Switch, then,
Partner A: 400m run
Partner B: max dumbbell burpee box step-overs 50/35, 20″
Switch, then start the next round
How to scale: You’ll be working for about 2 minutes at a time between runs, so modify to keep up a steady pace without big rest breaks during those intervals, and use the runs to recover.
Burpee pull-ups: Do a burpee or straight-arm burpee to a pull-up bar low enough for you to perform a jumping pull-up, getting your chin over the bar. If that’s too much, eliminate the pull-up portion and do a burpee to a target above your max reach.
DB burpee box step-overs: Use lighter dumbbells, and again go to a straight-arm burpee if needed. You can also step over a lower box.
Runs: Reduce the distance if 400m will take longer than about 2:30.
Objective: It says partner WOD, but both of you will be working for the full 30 minutes. Try to find a rhythm on the burpee-based skills to keep moving. Slow your pace slightly on the runs to recover, but remember that they count toward your final score, too.
Score: total reps, including runs (400m = 20 reps)
Sunday 8.6
Strength: 1RM – Back Squat; 1RM – Bench Press
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